IEEE p2030 TF1 Draft Meeting Minutes Tuesday August 10, 2010 2:00pm – 3:00pm EST Attendees Greg Obenchain – EEI Lois Szadia – Target Mike Pehosh – NERCA Cheong Siew- BC Hydro Brian Gaucher- IBM Brian Kramer Don Bowen- ATT Luis Vargas- GIA Mary Reidy- Nationalgrid 1. Introductions Greg welcomed all and introduced the roll call process. Greg reviewed the IEEE Patent Slides process. 2. Old Business Greg noted that he will post information relative to the DOE RPI, along with EEI comments on Cyber Security, as well as the NBR RFI links. In addition, Greg will review and correct the notable links for the open SG Interoperability specifications and post the requirements documents, diagrams, and spreadsheets. OpenSG Smart Grid Networks System Requirements Specifications (SGNSRS) OpenSG SGNSRS Diagrams der=http%3a%2f%2fosgug%2eucaiug%2eorg%2fUtiliComm%2fShared%20Documents %2fInterim%5fRelease%5f4%2fDiagrams&FolderCTID=0x012000D61E6400383B0E4 DA3A3454503972C5A OpenSG SGNSRS Spreadsheet twork%20System%20Requirements%20Specification%20v4.0.xls EPRI Use Case Repository DOE NBP RFI’s (Comments and Reply Comments) - 3. New Business Greg noted a review of the new business action items from the previous call as follows: Jason’s minutes for the previous call noted the progress of documents 232 and 233, as well as review comments relative to the RFI and DOE. P2030 Guideline, Section 6 relative to power systems interoperability needs a clarification of approach. Writing group is currently pulling things out at a high level; draft 3.0 version 6.4 Greg will review with the NREL folks (Connie and Tom) as to the exact format that the Writing Group will use. p2030 Draft 3.0 is currently posted on the private side of mentor Section 4. 0 of Draft 3.0 relative to the liability, broadcast method, synchronicity, and broadcast level. The working group has not yet dealt with the synchronicity and broadcast levels yet. Cheoung volunteered to review the document to incorporate Section 6.4 in present document # 243. Greg noted that the volunteers are planning to work with document # 232 and #233 and mentioned the need to review a detailed discussion on security columns. Cheoung will take 3.0 draft and aspects of communication and place into # 232 and #233 documents. Modifications should be made to current document. Writing Group will pull comments from draft 3.0 document. Further discussions occurred relative to posting comments. The group discussed progress of the writing group where TF1 was believed to need additional representation from the power industry. Cheoung volunteered to take p2030 document and incorporate missing information and make it a part of Draft 3.0. Section 6 does not separate out the distribution system. Much of the content does not provide a lot of insight. Recommendations to highlight areas for inclusion in specific sections. Greg mentioned that the #232 and #233 documents may need to vet the information going forward. Main documents will be the draft 3.0 and possibly an addendum used to fill any voids perceived to be present. For proper vetting, assignments of sections to specific individuals would be recommended. Greg noted the need to develop a “Next Steps/To Do” item list for ease in assisting volunteer members to progress the TF1 to a finalized state. The assignment is to request members to review and accept the working version of the document. Discussion occurred among members as to the level of detail needed in the distribution section. NEXT STEPS: Each individual review the draft 3.0 to determine areas/content where detail is needed relative to the distribution level. Distribute a final version of draft 3.0 to the attendees prior to the meeting so that the attendees can provide timely additions and edits. Suggestion to gather various documents, incorporate into draft 3.0 and post for all volunteers. NEXT TELECONFERENCE: 1. Document #s 232, 233, 295 and 297 should be printed out, reviewed by members and ready for discussion at next meeting. First step will concentrate on # 297 to identify missing information. 2. Document at bottom of minutes will include a caption relative to the documents and their respective content. Example: DNC working documents: 232 = spreadsheet; 233= word document, etc. 3. Greg to include DNC numbers of documents prior to the meeting minutes 4. Next Call: Tuesday August 24, 2010 Agenda a. Develop List of Items that are missing in #297 But that have been included in # 232, 233 and 295. b. Finalize items no later than September 7th for submittal to the writing group