City of Spirit Lake Regular City Council Meeting 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 25, 2012 City Council Chambers Present: Mayor Andera Councilmembers Balm, Harbst, Bice, Thee and Ihrke MINUTES Motion by Balm seconded by Bice to approve the minutes of the September 11th meeting. Motion carried unanimously. BILLS Motion by Balm seconded by Bice to approve the bill list for the month of September, 2012. Motion carried unanimously. B&K GERDES BARCO BOMGAARS SUPPLY INC CITY:DWAYNE HOSS DAVIS TYPEWRITER CO DAVIS/CINDY DICKINSON CO CONSERV. BOARD DICKINSON CO EMERGENCY MEDICAL DICKINSON CO NEWS FOX INTERNATIONAL, INC. HAWKINS, INC HTM SALES, INC. IA ONE CALL INLAND TRUCK PARTS INT'L MUNICIPAL LAWYERS ASSOC IOWACE - SHEENA DANZER TREAS KAPCO, INC KRACHT/FRED L & C TIRE SERVICE L&D UPHOLSTERY, LLC LARSON DATA COMMUNICATIONS LINSAY/APRIL (INGRAHAM) MARCO MC KIM/MIKE MUESKE ELECTRIC INC. MUNICIPAL SUPPLY INC. NE WISCONSIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE NEIL SLATER OKOBOJI GM TOYOTA PATTEN ROOFING OF IOWA, INC PIXLER ELECTRIC OF SPENCER,INC RDG PLANNING & DESIGN, INC SANDE CONSTRUCTION & SUPPLY SERVOSS/HARVEY SPENCER AUTO PARTS SPIRIT LAKE KIWANIS STAN HOUSTON EQUIPMENT STATE HYGIENCI LAB - ACCT REC T&T MATS TEAM SERVICES, INC TRILEX MARKETING GROUP INC UNIVERSAL, INC LETTER NEW POLICE VEHCLE TRASH RECEPTACLES SUPPLIES WATER DEPOSIT REFUND PAPER MILEAGE, STORM LAKE MTG RECYCLE BRN & WHT GOODS ANNUAL SUPPORT 2013 LEGALS PUBLISHED CLUTCH CHEMICALS PUMP FOR LIFT STATION LOCATES PURGE VALVE MEMBERSHIP 2012-13 CONFERENCE FEE OCT 11&12 SHIPPING, MOBILE VISION WATER DEPOSIT REFUND BRAKE REPAIR & OIL CHG FLAG REPAIR EQUIP REPAIR WATER DEPOSIT REFUND COPIER MAINT CONTRACT WATER DEPOSIT REFUND BULBS & PHOTO EYE 1" METERS & TOUCH PADS TASER RECERT CLEANUP CNTR LAKE WATRWY SERVICE VEHICLE CITY HALL ROOFING REPAIR INSPECT PUMP SERVICES THRU 8/31/12 PAY EST #1 WATER DEPOSIT REFUND PARTS 20.55 TON PAPER RECYCLE CONCRETE SAW TESTING MAT SERVICE TESTING WEB MAINTENANCE CHEMICALS: WEED KILLER Final Totals... 375.00 8,191.30 953.48 50.00 67.00 67.10 1,184.00 3,630.00 396.28 812.92 363.20 2,258.67 86.40 87.67 375.00 35.00 9.26 50.00 597.58 90.00 253.60 50.00 23.76 50.00 1,965.76 444.06 175.00 656.25 55.14 16,742.00 15.00 353.21 70,680.00 50.00 269.66 308.25 5,245.00 174.00 15.50 509.00 243.75 3,801.47 121,760.27 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Motion by Balm seconded by Bice to approve the financial statement for August, 2012. Motion carried unanimously. Revenue for the month of August, 2012 totaled $6,541,140.16. Expenditures are as follows: General fund $140,944.14; Road Use $40,078.32; Trust & Agency $34,455.90; Economic Development $2,417.00; Friends of Library $1,080.02; Debt Service $4,881,327.87; City Hall Facilities Project $2,297.79; Point of Pines II $57,132.24; Memorial Park Renovation $18,165.30; Lake Street Reconstruction 2012 $133,450.05; Water $96,511.62; WTP Pre-ozone Improvement 2011 $15,000.00; Water T&A $550.00; SE Water Main Improvement $2,840.53; Sanitary Sewer $5,685.93; Sanitary Sewer Improvement $9,328.00; Solid Waste $61,976.83; Partial Self-Funding Insurance $7,997.83. POLARIS INDUSTRIES PROJECT PUBLIC HEARING The Mayor announced that this is the time and place to consider an economic development set-a-side grant application on behalf of Polaris Industries for state and local financial assistance. Cara Wessling of the Northwest Iowa Planning and Development Commission, read the Public Participation Plan for the City of Spirit Lake Economic Development Set-Aside Program Project. The plan reads as follows: ‘The need for the Community Development Block Grant Economic Development Set-Aside (CDBG EDSA) application was determined because, although the city has the financial resources to offer an incentive package, without EDSA assistance, the company will not be able to undertake the project and create an estimated total of 79 full-time jobs over a 36 month period. The EDSA request is for a $395,000 forgivable loan on an estimated $24.7 million dollar project. The application will be submitted on or around September 26, 2012. As previously stated, requested CDBG-EDSA assistance is $395,000 with fifty-one percent, or $201,450 of the requested funds, benefitting persons of low to moderate income. The proposed activities center on an expansion of the production area at the City of Spirit Lake, Polaris, Inc. facility which also includes equipment purchase and installation and subsequent job creation within the city. No persons or businesses will be displaced as a result of this project, negating the need to develop plans for assistance.’ Brian Hines, Polaris Plant Manager, explained the grant would assist Polaris in the industry’s plant expansion for the production of the Indian motorcycle. Kathy Evert, President of the Iowa Lakes Corridor Development Corporation, asked for the City’s support of the grant application and thanked the city for its willingness to partner with the project. Following no further oral comments and no written comments, the Mayor officially closed the public hearing. RESOLUTION NO. 2012-104 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF POLARIS INDUSTRIES FOR STATE AND LOCAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Bice introduced and caused to be read Resolution No. 2012-104 and moved for its adoption, which was seconded by Harbst. Aye: Thee, Balm, Harbst, Bice, Ihrke. Resolution duly adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2012-105 RESOLUTION APPROVING TAX ABATEMENT FOR POLARIS INDUSTRIES Thee introduced and caused to be read Resolution No. 2012-105 and moved for its adoption, which was seconded by Balm. Aye: Thee, Balm, Harbst, Bice, Ihrke. Resolution duly adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2012-106 RESOLUTION APPROVING TITLE VI AGREEMENT WITH IOWA DOT Ihrke introduced and caused to be read Resolution No. 2012-106 and moved for its adoption, which was seconded by Thee. Aye: Thee, Balm, Harbst, Bice, Ihrke. Resolution duly adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2012-107 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID FOR SEAL COATING Bice introduced and caused to be read Resolution No. 2012-107 and moved for its adoption, which was seconded by Balm. Aye: Thee, Balm, Harbst, Bice, Ihrke. Resolution duly adopted. CONSIDER CHANGING THE DATE OF THE OCTOBER 23RD COUNCIL MEETING Motion by Thee seconded by Harbst to change the date of the October 23rd council meeting to October 24th at noon. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 7-2012 ORDINANCE REVISING CITY CODE CHAPTER 57 REGARDING THE REGULATION OF KENNELS Bice expressed concern that the revision to the ordinance would have an unintended consequence on other citizens who have hobby kennel permits. Stevens explained there were issues that warranted revising the ordinance; however, Stevens stated he would modify the ordinance to address the Council’s concerns. No action was taken. COMMENTS BY PUBLIC Brian Hines, Plant Manager of Polaris, announced that Polaris Industries hit a milestone today with the one millionth item rolling off the assembly line. Hines stated this achievement is a great testimony to the workforce in Spirit Lake. COMMENTS BY MAYOR, COUNCIL AND STAFF Stevens thanked the Iowa Lakes Corridor and Polaris Industries for their assistance in the Polaris Industries expansion project. Stevens stated Spirit Lake is fortunate to have Polaris Industries within our city and offered them best wishes on their project. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Bice seconded by Ihke to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously ______________________________ Blain Andera, Mayor __________________________ Mark Stevens, City Administrator