City of Spirit Lake Regular City Council Meeting 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 11, 2012 City Council Chambers Present: Mayor Andera Councilmembers Balm, Harbst, Bice, Thee and Ihrke MINUTES Motion by Bice seconded by Ihrke to approve the minutes of the August 28th meeting. Motion carried unanimously. BILLS Motion by Bice seconded by Ihrke to approve the amended bill list for the month of September, 2012. Motion carried unanimously. AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE INS HAYES/RICK ING LIFE INS & ANNUITY CO SECURE BENEFITS SYSTEMS STRUBBE/TERRY VERIZON WIRELESS WADDELL & REED WALMART COMMUNITY/GEMB HASCHE/JANET IA LAKES ELECTRIC CO-OP MEDIACOM LLC STATE BANK - PARTIAL SELF FUND VERIZON WIRELESS BLACK HILLS ENERGY EMC NATIONAL LIFE IOWA LAKES REGIONAL WATER LOWRY/DALLAS SMITH/JERRY STAPLETON/CLINTON VERIZON WIRELESS WELLMARK WINDSTREAM SMITH/JERRY STAPLETON/CLINTON CITY:RICK HAYES A-ONE WATER SPECIALIST ABDO-SPOTLIGHT-MAGIC WAGON ACS AHLERS & COONEY, PC AMY PAS AUDIO EDITIONS BAKER & TAYLOR, INC. BARCO BARNES DISTRIBUTION BECK ENGINEERING, INC BECK EXCAVATING, INC BOMGAARS SUPPLY INC BRANDON VODRASKA BROCKSHUS/ROGER BRODART COMPANY CAMPUS CLEANERS & LAUNDERERS CARROLL DISTR&CONSTR.SUPPLY CENTER POINT LARGE PRINT CERTIFIED TESTING SERVICE INC CHEMCO, INC CHILD'S WORLD CITIBUSINESS CARD CITY CLERK SUPPLEMENTAL INS 1007.48 BALANCE WATER DEPOSIT REFUND 24.80 ANNUITY 200.00 CAFETERIA PLAN 1726.76 CDL RENEWAL 40.00 CELL PHONE 518.78 ANNUITY 100.00 INK CARTRIDGE 58.94 WINDOW BLIND FOR BUS.OFC 9.51 UTILITIES 838.53 INTERNET 305.80 CLAIMS PD 8-13-12 7,692.83 CELL PHONES 145.19 UTILITIES 406.50 POLICE LIFE PREM SEPT 229.50 PURCHASED SERVICES 52.10 CDL RENEWAL 40.00 REPLACES LOST CK#42948 117.50 REPLACES LOST CK#43073 10.00 CELLULAR PHONE 175.16 HEALTH PREM SEPT 22,716.87 TELEPHONE 492.41 VOID # 42948 117.50VOID # 43073 10.00VOID # 45417 24.80SERVICES 40.25 CHILDRENS BOOKS 132.96 TOTAL SERVICE AGREEMENT 2,571.00 SERVICES ON 2012A RFNDG 12,151.91 SIGN FOR WATERWORKS 533.00 AUDIO BOOKS 468.98 LIBRARY BOOKS 379.11 SIGN STANDS 108.43 PAPER TOWELS 255.87 ELPB AUG ENGINEERING SER 22,707.50 PAY EST #3 132,103.34 FASTNERS 10.65 LIGHT REPAIRS&LABOR 315.00 REIMBR CELL PH TEXT SEPT 10.00 LIBRARY BOOKS 660.78 RUGS & TOWEL SERVICE 45.24 CONCRETE SUPPLIES 405.00 LARGE PRINT BOOKS 163.56 SOIL TESTING 912.75 96 GRAY RECYCLE TUBS 4,728.20 CHILDREN'S BOOKS 69.80 LIBRARY BOOKS 760.64 UTILITIES 1,313.59 CITY OF ORLEANS CITY: ALICIA BANNISTER CITY: DANA SWANSON COHRS CONSTRUCTION, INC. COMPASS POINTE COMPUTER ZONE, INC CTK GROUP CUTTING EDGE SALES & SERVICE D&K REPAIR DAVIS TYPEWRITER CO DEBOOM/MARGARET DICKINSON CO.AIRPORT AUTHORITY DISCOVERY HOUSE EMC (ELECTRICAL MAT'L CO) EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SYSTEM INC FICK'S ACE HARDWARE GALE GROUP GALL'S LLC GARETH STEVENS PUBLISHING GOLDEN HORSE LTD GRAYMONT CAPITAL, INC H & H RECYCLING HACH COMPANY HAWKINS, INC HEFTER/HEATHER HOTSY EQUIPMENT CO. IA DEPT PUBLIC SAFETY IA LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY IMWCA JANITOR'S CLOSET JERGE/DWIGHT KOENING PORTABLE TOILETS LAKES AREA SENIOR CITIZENS LAKES NEWS SHOPPER LAKES PRINTING LIBRARY CORPORATION LIBRARY JOURNALS, LLC MAAHS & OWENS MUNICIPAL PIPE TOOL CO., INC. PARTS CITY PETTY CASH - LIBRARY PRITTS/DIANA REEKERS/CLARK SIMPLEX GRINNELL SMITH/JERRY SPIRIT LAKE COMM. FIRE DEPT. SPIRIT LAKE KIWANIS SPIRIT LAKE READY MIX STEAMWAY TRI-TECH FORENSICS TRITLE/MERLIN U.S. POSTMASTER ULTRA MAX VESSCO, INC XEROX CORPORATION METER SURCHARGE REIMBR WATER DEPOSIT APPLIED WATER DEPOSIT APPLIED WASHED ROCK@WATER PLANT FY 2012/13 SUPPORT CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TRAINING FOR 2 OFCRS REPAIR WEED WHIP LAWN MOWER TIRE REPAIR OFFICE SUPPLIES REFUND OVERPAYMENT AIRPORT SUPPORT AGRM SEP SEPT SUPPORT AGREEMENT REMOTE WIRE PSF ADMN FEE SEPT SUPPLIES LARGE PRINT BOOKS PARTS "PRIORITY START" CHILDRENS BOOKS LIBRARY BOOKS LOAD OF LIME 81.24 T RECYCLING AUG TESTING SUPPLIES CHEMICALS WATER DEPOSIT REFUND FLOAT VALVE IA ON-LINE WARRANTS 5 CHARGING MANUALS WORK COMP INSTALL#3 SUPPLIES REIMBR CELL PH TEXTS SEP SERVICES SPIRIT LAKE DAY SUPPORT AGREEMENT SEPT EMPLOYMENT AD FOLD & INSERT UTIL.BILLS LIBRARY BAR CODES LIBRARY BOOK REVIEW TOOL LEGAL SERVICES AUG FINAL PAY EST#2 2011 PARTS & SUPPLIES POSTAGE FOR BOOKS SUMMER READING PRIZES CLEANING CITY HALL AUG SPRINKLER SYSTEM MAINT COMPUTER REPAIR 1ST HALF SUPPORT FY 13 19.58 TON PAPER RECYCLE CONCRETE FOR CURB&ST RPR CLEAN CARPET@CITY HALL SPECIMEN COLLECTION KITS CUSTODIAL SERVICES PREPAY POSTAGE PERMIT#18 AMMO PARTS COPIER MAINT CONTRACT Final Totals... 4,111.38 50.00 40.44 154.83 3,600.00 207.99 550.00 46.94 24.67 54.47 0.17 500.00 1,000.00 241.81 304.50 101.91 245.18 109.00 63.77 13.86 4,077.01 7,980.00 369.88 4,231.21 50.00 36.57 1,200.00 411.56 8,794.00 147.85 10.00 260.00 416.50 30.75 103.44 250.00 21.00 1,251.25 7,973.33 615.48 100.97 31.00 675.00 340.00 204.99 43,604.66 293.70 3,997.50 125.00 198.10 360.00 500.00 287.00 434.01 232.52 318,639.12 LIQUOR LICENSE Motion by Bice seconded by Ihrke to approve a Class E liquor license for Pronto, Class C liquor license for McKeens, and a Class B wine permit for Custom Wines. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION OF CHECK BY SPIRIT LAKE NOON KIWANIS FOR MEMORIAL PARK SPLASH PAD Teresa Beck of the Spirit Lake Noon Kiwanis presented Mayor Andera with a mock check for $160,000 (representing cash and in-kind donations) for the Memorial Park splash pad. The Mayor and Council thanked Beck and members of the Kiwanis Club for raising the money for the splash pad. DISCUSSION OF PUMP HOUSE JOINT IMPROVEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ORLEANS Motion by Ihrke, seconded by Balm, to allow the City of Orleans to attach an Orleans city sign to the south side of the Pump House, and ask the City of Orleans to lower the arrow sign situated within the barricade. Motion carried unanimously. Stevens stated the City of Orleans is getting quotes on the cost for a new decorative barricade. Stevens will continue discussion with the City of Orleans about the barricade. RESOLUTION NO. 2012-101 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR THE EAST LAKE INDUSTRIAL PARK Ihrke introduced and caused to be read Resolution No. 2012-101, adding verbiage to waive sidewalk requirements, and moved for its adoption, which was seconded by Thee. Aye: Thee, Balm, Harbst, Bice, Ihrke. Resolution duly adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2012-102 RESOLUTION APPROVING INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE EAST LAKE INDUSTRIAL PARK Balm introduced and caused to be read Resolution No. 2012-102 and moved for its adoption, which was seconded by Thee. Aye: Thee, Balm, Harbst, Bice, Ihrke. Resolution duly adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2012-103 RESOLUTION APPROVING CITY STREET FINANCIAL REPORT Bice introduced and caused to be read Resolution No. 2012-103 and moved for its adoption, which was seconded by Balm. Aye: Thee, Balm, Harbst, Bice, Ihrke. Resolution duly adopted. DISCUSSION OF SPEED LIMITS ON HIGHWAYS 9 & 71 Balm reported the Public Safety Committee reviewed the request to reduce the speed limit on North Hill Avenue. It is the recommendation of the Public Safety Committee to not reduce the speed limit on North Hill Avenue. The Council agreed to leave the speed limit at 35 mph on North Hill Avenue. The Council also discussed increasing the speed limit from 25 mph to 35 mph on Highway 9 & 71 through downtown. Stevens stated staff will contact the Iowa DOT to request changing the speed limit on Highway 9 & 71 through downtown and bring back their decision at the next meeting. DISCUSSION OF POLICE DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS Dohlman discussed the Council’s option to move forward with the $80,000 improvements to the Police Department building for the sake of improved public access and operational efficiencies; however, Dohlman was hesitant to recommend more extensive remodeling of the building until a closer examination of the existing structure, mechanical, and electrical conditions of the building. The Council agreed that a study may help by providing useful information and directed Dohlman to contact SEH for a report of their findings of the condition of the building and report back at the next meeting. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON AN ORDINANCE REVISING CHAPTER 57 KENNEL LICENSE Stevens presented a proposed revision to City Code Chapter 57, Kennel License which includes additional requirements and restrictions to the existing ordinance. City Attorney Maahs recommended a change to the definition of hobby kennel. ORDINANCE NO. 7-2012 ORDINANCE REVISING CITY CODE CHAPTER 57 REGARDING THE REGULATION OF KENNELS FIRST CONSIDERATION Motion by Harbst, seconded by Bice to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 7-2012 with the change to the definition of hobby kennel. Motion carried unanimously. COMMENTS BY MAYOR, COUNCIL AND STAFF Balm asked Engineer Beck for an update of the Lake Street Reconstruction Project. Beck reported on the status of the project, and discussed challenges he is experiencing with the utility lines; however, Beck explained the utility companies have been most accommodating by relocating the utility lines to keep the project moving along. Members of the Council encouraged Beck to complete the last two blocks at one time to hasten the project. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Bice seconded by Ihke to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously ______________________________ Blain Andera, Mayor __________________________ Mark Stevens, City Administrator