GPO 07-2015

Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
July: 2015
Compiled by
Satpreet Kaur
(Set up by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India)
1112 Arunachal Building, 19 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001
Tel.:+91-11-41563287, 41514673
E-mail : Web-site :
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
(Construction/Turnkey/Consultancy) : list of projects
(i) Fairs/Exhibitions
(ii) Business Delegations
(iii) Symposia/ Conferences/Training
Social Infrastructure
News Clippings
Market/Country news
A. World Region / markets
(a) Asia
(b) Africa
(c) Middle East
(d) Others
12.0 Financial Assistance
(MDA & MAI Schemes)
B. India news
i. MDA Scheme
ii. MAI Scheme
iii. Screening Committee- Guidelines
The news items and information published herein have been collected from various sources, which are considered to be reliable . While
every care has been taken for authenticity of the material published, PROJECT EPC accepts no responsibility for authenticity or accuracy
of such items
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Dead Line
Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project (NaMSIP)
Request For Technical And Financial Proposals For The
Upgrade And Development Of Tema Shipyard
12 August
26 August
Tender for the Rehabilitation of Various Canals and excavation
of Silting Basins
31 July2015
Flood and Riverbank Erosion Risk Management Investment
Program - Project 1, Bangladesh
27 July2015
Construction of Community Sanitation Facilities, Port Vila,
28 July2015
VIE(SF), Secondary Cities Development Project in Quang Nam
Province (Tam Ky), Ha Tinh Province (Ha Tinh), and Dak Lak
Province (Buon Ma Thuot)
04 August
23 August
25 August
Construction of Kangundo Road(Tala)-Kenol, Kenol-Kangundo
Rehabilitationof Kenol-Machakos Town-Katumani Link Road
19 August
Procurement of Works Council for Technical and Vocational
Education and Training (COTVET), Republic of Ghana
12 August
Construction of Zamyn-Uud Logistics Center
12 August
South Africa
28 July 2015
Middle East
Prequalification for Construction
Collection Network (Zones B & C)
LOT B3.2 : Belgrade Bypass, Construction of II phase of
Sector 3, Bridge no. 8 over Sava River near Ostruznica
Construction of the Masa Ngwedi 765kV and 400kV
Transmission Lines
Plant Design, Supply, Erection and Commissioning Of 110
KV Transmission Lines and 110kv/30kV Substation & 30kV
MV Lines Rulindo – Byumba – Gatuna and Byumba–
23 July2015
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Power
System Expansion Project
31 July 2015
17 July2015
Consultancy Services
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
The construction industry in the Gulf region is in a phase of growth, encouraged by factors such as
favorable macroeconomics, higher government allocation towards the construction sector, positive
demographics and rising tourism activities.
The Gulf region is aiming to attract higher investments into its construction sector by hosting global
events and showcasing itself as a preferred tourist and investor destination. The GCC governments’
challenge to diversify their economies from oil and gas and their consistent focus on infrastructure
development across sectors has kept the construction industry in focus.
Optimistic forecasts for the UAE’s construction sector for the next few years is based on an economic
recovery, its safe haven status, a liberal investment climate, relatively advanced real estate regulatory
framework as well as a buoyant infrastructure project pipeline as part of the country’s strategic Vision
In Saudi Arabia, efforts to boost religious tourism have translated into higher budget allocations towards
the hospitality, retail and infrastructure sectors.
The outlook for Qatar’s residential, hospitality and infrastructure construction markets appears optimistic
due to healthy population growth, mega events and the economy picking up pace.
The construction industry in Oman is expected to remain robust driven by a significant increase in
infrastructure projects planned by the government, tourism projects, an undersupplied residential market
as well as the construction of commercial space.
In Kuwait, the construction industry is set to thrive driven by the infrastructure sector, new projects from
the private sector to address the need for affordable housing and an increase in demand for commercial
Developing its infrastructure and reducing its affordable housing shortage remains the principal focus of
the government of Bahrain in the coming years.
Though the GCC construction industry is growing, it is not devoid of challenges. The dip in oil prices may
push GCC nations to restrict state spending, hampering the growth of the construction industry, which is
materially dependent on government funding.
The opportunities available in the construction industry could be affected due to lower investments from
the private sector and plunging disposable income levels. Further, lower tourist inflow from oil-dependent
nations may hamper the growth of the construction industry.
Simultaneous rapid expansion of the GCC construction markets could result in a shortage of raw
materials used in the sector, particularly cement. In addition, tough regulations on imports coupled with
logistical challenges have led to the increase of raw material prices in the GCC.
Despite various challenges and a change in trends, the momentum is strong for the GCC construction
sector. A favorable macroeconomic environment, a growing tourism sector and government support will
ensure that the construction sector will continue to play a critical role in transforming the GCC’s
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project (NaMSIP)
Project ID No.
Project Name:
Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project (NaMSIP)
Construction of Juja & Thika Sewerage System (trunk sewer system and
reticulation and a waste water treatment plant)
Funding agency:
International Development Association
Last date of bid submission
12 August 2015
Price of bidding document:
KES 1,000 (Kenya Shillings One Thousand)
Address for submission of
The Principal Secretary
Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development
Am Bank House, 20th Floor, University Way
P.O. Box 30130-00100
Telephone: +254-20-317224/317235, Fax No: +254-20-317226
Email: or
The Republic of Kenya has received financing from the International Development Association toward the
cost of the Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project (NaMSIP), and intends to apply part of the
proceeds toward payments under the contract for Construction of Juja & Thika Sewerage System (trunk
sewer system and reticulation and a waste water treatment plant).
Development) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Construction of Juja & Thika Sewerage
System (trunk sewer system and reticulation and a wastewater treatment plant)
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban
Development ( and inspect the bidding documents during office hours (i.e.
0800to 1700 hours) at the address given below
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
A pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, 8th July2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the address
below.25th Floor, Room 2520, Nairobi, Kenya and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of KES 1,000
(Kenya Shillings One Thousand). The payment shall be made by cash or bank cheque.
Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before Wednesday, 12th August 2015 at 12:00 noon.
Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the
presence of the bidders' designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address
below on Wednesday, 12th August 2015 at 12:05 p.m.
All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of KES 70,000,000 (Kenya Shillings Seventy million) or
equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency.
The address (es) referred to above is (are):
The Principal Secretary
Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development
Am Bank House, 20th Floor, University Way
P.O. Box 30130-00100
Telephone: +254-20-317224/317235, Fax No: +254-20-317226
Email: or
Request For Technical And Financial Proposals For The Upgrade And
Development Of Tema Shipyard
Project Name:
Request for Technical and Financial Proposals for the Upgrade
and Development of Tema Shipyard
Last date of bid submission
26 August 2015
Price of bidding document:
US dollars ($10,000.00)
Address for submission of
The Chief Director,
Ministry of Transport,
Accra, Ghana.
The Government of Ghana (GoG) is the sole shareholder of the PSC Tema Shipyard Company Ltd a
private limited liability company established under the laws of Ghana (“the Company”). The Company is
mainly engaged in shipyard, drydock and related activities and owns various assets together constituting
the shipyard (‘the Shipyard”).
The GoG considers the Shipyard as a Strategic National Asset and seeks to rehabilitate and upgrade it
into a modern well equipped Shipyard to:
attract relevant business to the Shipyard;
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
ensure that this strategic asset contributes significantly to the economy of Ghana; and
carry out its mandate of its authorised business under the laws of Ghana.
In particular, the GoG envisions that the Shipyard if properly equipped can engage in the business of:
ship repairs and refitting;
ship building;
(iii) steel and aluminium fabrication; and
(iv) metal and general engineering services
In view of the GoG’s efforts to continuously promote private sector led economic growth, the GoG hereby
invites prospective investors to help realize the significant potential of the Shipyard. In particular, the
GoG wishes to partner with a Strategic Investor (SI) (through a joint venture special purpose company
(“SPV”) under a Public Private Partnership arrangement to develop, upgrade and operate the
Shipyard. The GoG envisages that in addition to attaining the above, the Shipyard should take advantage
of the economic opportunities in the oil and gas industry and promote local content and improve Ghana’s
competitiveness in West Africa’s offshore oil and gas industry. The GoG also expects that:
the SI, through the SPV will transform the Shipyard both physically and operationally into a
modern, well equipped facility in order to make it the first choice for ship owners using the west
coast of Africa.
the Shipyard will be operated on a commercial basis and be accessible to all local and
international organizations seeking to do business with the Shipyard.
Bid Documents
Interested eligible bidders may obtain copies of the Bid Documents from:
The Chief Director,
Ministry of Transport,
Accra, Ghana.
The Bid Documents will be available from Monday, June 22, 2015.
Cost of Bid Documents:
a. Companies wholly owned by Ghanaians - thirty thousand Ghana Cedis (GHS30,000.00) and
b. Companies partially or wholly owned by Foreigners - ten thousand US dollars ($10,000.00) or its
equivalent in Ghana Cedis at the prevailing exchange rate.
Interested Bidders are to note that there will be a two (2) day pre-bid conference on July 22, 2015 and
July 23, 2015. Interested Bidders who purchase Bid Documents should ensure they have fully read the
Bid Documents and submit their comments and questions if any, to the Chief Director, Ministry of
Transport prior to the Bid Conference or at the Bid Conference.
Bid Data Room
A Bid data room will also be available at the Shipyard from Monday, June 29, 2015 for those who have
purchased the Bid Documents.
All completed bids must be submitted not later than 10:00 hours GMT on August 26, 2015.
Issued by: The Ministry of Transport on behalf of the Government of Ghana.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Tender for the Rehabilitation of Various Canals and excavation of
Silting Basins
Project ID No.
Project Name:
Tender for the Rehabilitation of Various Canals and excavation of Silting
Basins, Zambia
Rehabilitation of priority traditional canals in the Barotse Sub-basin
Funding agency:
World Bank
Last date of bid submission
31 July 2015
Invitation for Bids
Tender for the Rehabilitation of Various Canals and excavation of Silting Basins
The Government of the Republic of Zambia has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost
of the Pilot Project for Climate Resilience and intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments under
the contracts for the rehabilitation of priority traditional canals in the Barotse Sub-basin.
The Ministryof Transport, Works, Supply and Communication in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance,
Interim Climate Change Secretariat(ICCS) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the
Rehabilitation and Excavation of Silting Basins for the following canals;
Lot Number
Location (District)
Lubitamei Canal
Namitome Canal
Musiamo Canal
For locally registered Contractors who wish to bid for the proposed works, they must be
registered with National Council for Construction (NCC) in category C or R from Grades 1 & 2or
its equivalent. Those not registered, be they local or international should meet the
registration requirements as a condition for contract award. Firms not registered with NCC are
eligible to bid.
Bidders are allowed to bid for one or more lots and or in any combination. Evaluation and
contract award, taking into account the bidders qualification and capacityto execute the contract will be
carried out on individual lot basis. Bidders may be awarded one or more lots. Bidders wishing to offer
discounts in case they are awarded more than one lot will beallowed to do so, provided those discounts
are included in the Letter of Bid
The scope of works shall include excavation of canals and silting basins, canal bank
construction of canal crossings and water control structures.
specified in the World
Bank'sGuidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Consulting Services
under IBRD Loans and IDA
Borrowers(January, 2011 Edition)the site visit, a pre-bid
& Grants by World
meeting will be held in the
Minister's Conference room to clarify all issues that bidders may raise. Thetiming of the pre-bid meeting
shall be determined during the site visit.
2: Lubitamei Canal(
K300,000.00) Lot3: Namitome Canal
4: MusiamoCanal
(K120,000) must be deposited in the tender box at the Ministry of Transport, Works, Supply
andCommunication on or before Friday, 24th July, 2015 at 10:30 hours. ELECTRONIC BIDDING WILL
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the Procurement Manager, Interim
Climate Change Secretariat, Ministry of Finance, email: and copie
to and inspect the bidding documents during office hours from 08:00 to
13:00 hours and from 14:00 to 17:00 hours local time at the address given below.
A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested eligible bidders upon the
submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a non refundable fee of One
Thousand Kwacha (K1000.00) or in a freely convertible currency in cash or bank certified cheque.
A Site Visit will be held between 1st -3rd July, 2015 and bidders are requested to meet at the Provincial
Minister's Conference room,in Mongu, Western Province at 09:00 hours local time
Following t he site visit, a pre-bid meeting will be held in the Provincial Minister's Conference room
to clarify all issues that bidders may raise. Thetiming of the pre-bid meeting shall be determined during
the site visit.
2: Lubitamei Canal(
K300,000.00) Lot3: Namitome Canal
4: MusiamoCanal
(K120,000) must be deposited in the tender box at the Ministry of Transport, Works, Supply
andCommunication on or before Friday, 24th July, 2015 at 10:30 hours.ELECTRONIC BIDDING WILL NOT
The closing date for thereceipt of bids is Friday, 31st
2015 at 10:30 hours local time. Bids shall be
opened immediatelythereafter in the Conference Room of the Ministry of Transport, Works, Supply and
Communications Lusaka, in the presence of biddersand/or their representatives who shall choose to
The addresses referred to above are:
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Tender Box positioned at the Ministry of Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Procurement
and Supplies Unit Situated between Government and Fairley Roads, opposite the Buildings
P.O Box50140,
Tel: +260 1251726
Attention Head, Procurement and Supplies
Telefax :+260251099
Flood and Riverbank Erosion Risk Management Investment Program Project 1, Bangladesh
Project ID No.
Project Name:
W-08/2014-2015, W-09/2014-2015 and W-10/2014-2015
Flood and Riverbank Erosion Risk Management Investment Program Project 1
Procurement of Riverbank Protection Works for three (3) packages
Funding agency:
Asian Development Bank
Last date of bid submission
27 July 2015
Price of bidding document:
Tk. 7,500 (Taka seven thousand five hundred) per package
Address for submission of
Office of Project Director, Project Management Office (PMO), 28,
Toynbee Circular Road (3rd Floor), BWDB, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000
Invitation for Bids
1. Bangladesh has received a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with an ADB administered
cofinancing grant from the Government of Netherlands toward the cost of Flood and Riverbank Risk
Management Investment Program (FRERMIP) Project - 1, ADB Loan 3138(SF) and Grant 0396-BAN(EF).
2. The Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the
Procurement of Riverbank Protection Works for three (3) packages. Details of these packages are
provided below:
Package No.
W-08/2014- 2015
W-09/2014- 2015
W-10/2014- 2015
Delivery Points
Riverbank Protection works by placing and dumping of Cement Concrete (C.C)
blocks and geo-textile bags along the left bank of the Jamuna River at Zafarganj
from km 6.100 to 8.100 km = 2.000 km in Upazilla- Shibalaya, DistrictManikganj, under Manikganj WD Division, BWDB, Manikganj.
Underwater Riverbank Protection works by placing and dumping of geotextile
bags along the left bank of the Padma River at Harirumpur, Reach-1, from km.
0.000 to 3.500 km = 3.500 km in Upazilla- Harirumpur, District Manikganj,
under Manikganj WD Division, BWDB, Manikganj.
Underwater Riverbank Protection works by placing and dumping of geotextile
bags along left bank of the Padma River at Harirumpur, Reach-2, from km.
3.500 to 7.000 km = 3.500 km in Upazilla- Harirumpur, DistrictManikganj,
under Manikganj WD Division, BWDB, Manikganj.
Bidders may bid for any or all contracts upon purchasing the respective bidding documents, as further
defined in the bidding documents. Bidders wishing to offer discounts in case they are awarded more than
one contract will be allowed to do so provided those discounts are included in the Letter of Bid.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
3. National Competitive Bidding (NCB) will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Single Stage: OneEnvelope bidding procedure and is open to all Bidders from eligible source countries. Procurement of
works will be in strict conformity with the Approved Design, Technical Specifications, and Work Schedule
provided in the bidding documents.
4. The following pass-fail qualification criteria are disclosed to enable potential bidders in making an
informed decision whether to pursue the contract either as a single entity or in joint venture (JV):
 Financial Performance: The bidder should submit audited balance sheets for the last five (5) years. For
JV, the balance sheet for each constituent entity should be submitted.
 Average annual construction turnover: Minimum average annual construction turnover is Tk. 570.00
(Taka five hundred seventy) million, Tk. 265.00 (Taka two hundred sixty five) million, and Tk. 220.00
(Taka two hundred twenty) million for Package nos. W-08/2014-2015, W-09/2014-2015 and W-10/20142015 respectively (based on total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed)
over the last five (5) years. The single entity or all partners combined must meet the requirement. In
case of JV, each partner must meet minimum 25% and one (lead) partner minimum 40% of this
 Financial Resources: Minimum Tk. 70.00 (Taka seventy) million, Tk. 35.00 (Taka thirty five) million, and
Tk. 28.00 (Taka twenty eight) million for Package nos. W-08/2014-2015, W-09/2014-2015 and W10/2014-2015 respectively. In case of JV, all partners combined must meet the requirement, while each
partner must meet minimum 25% and one (lead) partner minimum 40% of these requirement; and
 Construction Experience: The bidder must possess experience in implementing a minimum of one (1)
similar contract, the value of which exceeds Tk. 450.00 (Taka four hundred fifty) million, Tk. 235.00
(Taka two hundred thirty five) million, and Tk. 195.00 (Taka one hundred ninety five) million for Package
nos. W-08/2014-2015, W-09/2014- 2015 and W-10/2014-2015 respectively during the last five (5)
5. The Bidders may obtain further information from the Project Director, FRERMIP and inspect the
Bidding Documents at the address given below from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. (local time) in all working
6. The Bidding Document, in English language, may be purchased by interested Bidders from the
Manager, Janata Bank, Dilkusha, Corporate Branch, Dhaka until 26 July 2015, upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Tk. 7,500 (Taka seven thousand five hundred) per package only in the form of a Bank
Draft or Pay Order in favor of the Deputy Director, Dhaka Regional Accounting Center, BWDB, Dhaka,
7. A pre-bid meeting will be held at the office of the Project Director, FRERMIP, at the address given
below, on 8 July 2015 at 11:00 A.M. (local time). Bidders’ representatives are invited and encouraged to
attend the meeting.
8. Deliver Bids:
 to Office of Project Director, Project Management Office (PMO), 28, Toynbee Circular Road (3rd Floor),
BWDB, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000
 at or before 12:00 noon on 27 July 2015 (local time).
 The name and title of the procurement package shall be clearly marked on the outer surface of the
envelope containing the full bid proposal i.e. “Bid offer for the procurement of Riverbank Protection
Works” Package No. W-06/2014-2015 or W-07/2014-2015.
 All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security. Please refer to respective ITB 19.1 of the Bid Data
Sheet for details.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
9. Bids will be opened at the same place at 12:30 P.M. (local time) on 27 July 2015 in the presence of the
Bidders or Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at undersigned office. Late submission of bids
will be rejected and will be returned unopened.
10. This IFB can also be found in the official web address of Bangladesh Water Development Board
(, Central Procurement Technical Unit ( and the
Business Opportunities of ( respectively.
11. BWDB will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by Bidders in connection with the
preparation or submission of Bids.
12. Notification of award will be issued upon approval of competent authority.
13. Acceptance of a bid will rest with the competent authority who is not bound to accept the lowest or
any of the bids without assigning any reason.
Project Director
BWDB 28, Toynbee Circular Road (3rd Floor),
BWDB, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000
Telephone: +880-2-9568792 / Fax Number: +880-2-9557236 / Email address:
Construction of Community Sanitation Facilities, Port Vila, Vanuatu
Project ID No.
Project Name:
Port Vila Urban Development Project
Construction of Community Sanitation Facilities, Port Vila, Vanuatu
Funding agency:
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Last date of bid submission
28 July 2015
Price of bidding document:
Two Thousand Vanuatu Vatu (VUV2,000)
Address for submission of
VPMU office, Vila Mall, Paris Street, Port Vila, Vanuatu.
Invitation for Bids
1. The Republic of Vanuatu has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the
cost of the Port Vila Urban Development Project (PVUDP). Part of this financing will be used for payments
under the contract named above. This contract will be jointly financed by the Government of Australia.
The eligibility rules and procedures of the ADB will govern the bidding process. Bidding is open to Bidders
from eligible source countries of the ADB. The Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) is
the Executing Agency and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities (MIPU) is the Implementing
2. The Vanuatu Project Management Unit (VPMU), on behalf of MIPU (the Employer) invites sealed bids
from eligible Bidders for the Construction of Community Sanitation Facilities, Port Vila, Vanuatu [PVUDP
Wc-15]. The sites of works are located in the capital city of Port Vila located on Efate Island. The scope of
works to be delivered under the contract includes:
 Site clearance,
 Earthworks and excavation for foundations,
 Reinforced blockwork and reinforced concrete works for buildings, plus roofing, drainage, windows, and
 All other building works required by the drawings and the specification,
 Plumbing and electrical work, and
 Production of as-built drawings.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
3. National Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Single Stage: One Envelope
Bidding Procedure and is open to eligible bidders from ADB source countries.
4. Interested bidders must demonstrate their ability to undertake the above mentioned works and meet
the criteria as set out in the bidding documents including:
 As a minimum, a Prospective Bidder’s current Net Worth calculated as the difference between Total
Assets and Total Liabilities should be positive;
 Minimum average annual construction turn-over of the equivalent of thirty Million Vanuatu Vatu (VUV30
Million) for one (1) lot, Forty Million Vanuatu Vatu (VUV40 Million) for two (2) lots, or Fifty Million
Vanuatu Vatu (VUV50 Million) for three (3) lots; calculated as certified payments received for contracts in
progress or completed, within the last three (3) financial years;
 Participation in the role of contractor, management contractor, or subcontractor, in at least one (1)
successfully or substantially completed contract within the last 5 years.
5. To obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents, Bidders should contact the VPMU
office, Vila Mall, Paris Street, Port Vila, Vanuatu.
6. Details of times and deadlines set for the major procurement activities are shown below:
1. Bidding Documents Issuance Start Date 28 June 2015
2. Pre-Bid Meeting 30 June 2015 / 10am at MIPU Headquarters, Port Vila, Vanuatu
3. Deadline for Submission of Bids 28 July 2015 / 2:00pm at VPMU office, Vila Mall, Paris Street, Port
Vila, Vanuatu.
4. Opening of Bids 28 July 2015 / 2:30pm at VPMU Conference Room, Vila Mall, Paris Street, Port Vila,
5. Bid Security As per requirement in the Bid Data Sheet.
6. Details of times and deadlines set for the major procurement activities are shown below:
1. Bidding Documents Issuance Start 28 June 2015
2. Pre-Bid Meeting
30 June 2015 / 10am at MIPU Headquarters, Port Vila,
3. Deadline for Submission of Bids
28 July 2015 / 2:00pm at VPMU office, Vila Mall, Paris
Street, Port Vila, Vanuatu.
4. Opening of Bids
28 July 2015 / 2:30pm at VPMU Conference Room, Vila
Mall, Paris Street, Port Vila, Vanuatu.
5. Bid Security
As per requirement in the Bid Data Sheet.
7. Prospective Bidders may collect hard and soft copies of the Bidding Documents at VPMU, Vila Mall,
Paris Street, Port Vila, Republic of Vanuatu, upon presentation of receipt of payment of a non-refundable
fee of Two Thousand Vanuatu Vatu (VUV2,000) to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management.
Documents will not be posted or couriered. In the event of discrepancy between electronic and hard
copies of the Bidding Documents, the hard copy shall prevail.
8. The Employer will not be responsible for any cost or expense incurred by Bidders in connection with
the preparation and / or delivery of their bids.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
VIE(SF), Secondary Cities Development Project in Quang Nam Province
(Tam Ky), Ha Tinh Province (Ha Tinh), and Dak Lak Province (Buon Ma
Project ID No.
Project Name:
TK-01 Package
VIE(SF), Secondary Cities Development Project in Quang Nam Province
(Tam Ky), Ha Tinh Province (Ha Tinh), and Dak Lak Province (Buon Ma
Flood Protection Component - Complete Dyke System along Ban Thach
Funding agency:
Asian Development Bank
Last date of bid submission
04 August 2015
Price of bidding document:
VND 2,000,000
Address for submission of
The Projects Construction Investment Management Authority of Quang
Nam Province Address: 510 Hung Vuong Road, Tam Ky City, Quang Nam
Province Tel: +84 5103 818.001 Fax: +84 5103 818.008 Email:
Invitation for Bids
1. Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has received a loan from the Asian Development Bank
(hereinafter called "ADB") for 3044 - VIE(SF), Secondary Cities Development Project in Quang Nam
Province (Tam Ky), Ha Tinh Province (Ha Tinh), and Dak Lak Province (Buon Ma Thuot). Part of this loan
will be used to pay for the contract named above. Bidding is open to bidders from eligible source
countries of ADB.
2. The Projects Construction Investment Management Authority of Quang Nam Province (Quang Nam
PCI), referred as “the Employer”, invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for the construction and
completion of the TK-01 Package: Flood Protection Component - Complete Dyke System along Ban Thach
River (“the Works”).
3. National Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Single Stage - One Envelope
without Prequalification procedure and is open to all Bidders from eligible countries as described in the
Bidding Document.
4. The qualification criteria will include:
4.1 Experience Participation in at least one contract within the last five (05) years (2010, 2011, 2012,
2013, 2014) that have been successfully or substantially completed and that are similar to the proposed
works which deems to include (i) road works (road class III or higher); or (ii) dam or dyke works
(dam/dyke class III or higher), where the value of the Bidder’s participation exceeds VND 125 billion.
4.2 Financial Status
(a) Minimum average annual construction turnover of VND 160 billion calculated as total certified
payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last three (3) years (2012, 2013,
(b) Bidder must demonstrate access to, or availability of, liquid assets, lines of credit, or other financial
resources (other than any contractual advance payments) to meet the Bidder’s financial resources
requirement for
(i) its current contract commitments and
(ii) the subject contract of VND 25 billion. The evaluation and qualification criteria are more completely
described in the bidding document.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
5. To obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents, Bidders should contact: The Projects
Construction Investment Management Authority of Quang Nam Province Address: 510 Hung Vuong Road,
Tam Ky City, Quang Nam Province Tel: +84 5103 818.001 Fax: +84 5103 818.008 Email:
6. To purchase the bidding documents in Vietnamese, eligible Bidders should:
(a) write to address above requesting the bidding documents for the TK-01 Package: Flood Protection
Component - Complete Dyke System along Ban Thach River;
(b) pay a non-refundable fee of VND 2,000,000 by cash, or bank transfer to:
• Account Number: 0651.000.456789
• Account Holder’s Name: Projects Construction Investment Management Authority of Quang Nam
• Bank: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam, Quang Nam Branch.
7. Deliver your bid:
(a) to the address above;
(b) on or before the deadline: 9h00 August, 04th 2015;
(c) together with a Bid Security as described in the Bidding Document. Bids will be opened immediately
after the deadline for bid submission in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
Prequalification for Construction of Kashan Wastewater Collection
Network (Zones B & C)
Project Name:
Construction of Kashan Wastewater Collection Network (Zones B & C)
Construction of Kashan Wastewater Collection Network under
Kashan Sewage Project
Funding agency:
Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
Last date of bid submission
23 August 2015
Price of bidding document:
IRR 1,000,000
Address for submission of
“Application for Prequalification for implementation of Kashan
Wastewater Collection Network in Zones B & C"
Kashan Water and Wastewater Company
Corner of Jihad Square, Bahonar Boulevard
Moalem Square Kashan, Islamic Republic of Iran
Postal Code: 87148-73651
Phone: (+ 98315) 555 9100, (+98315) 558 0017
Fax: (+ 98315) 554 2700, (+98315) 555 9100
Email: ;
Project Profile
Kashan Water & Wastewater Company has received financing from the Islamic Development Bank
(IsDB) toward the cost of Kashan Sewage Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds toward
payments under two separate contracts for Construction of Kashan Wastewater Collection Network
(Zones B & C) and prequalify interested eligible applicants for these contracts.
The project will include the following components, which will be procured under ICB-MC procedure:
 Lot1: Supply, transportation, installation and implementation of Kashan Sewage Collection Network
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
(Zone B) with associated connections.
 Lot2: Supply, transportation, installation and implementation of Kashan Sewage Collection Network
(Zone C) with associated connections.
Prequalification will be conducted using prequalification procedures as specified in the IsDB’s Guidelines
for Procurement of Goods and Works under Islamic Development Bank Financing (May 2009), and is
open to all eligible applicants as defined in the guidelines.
 Applicants may request prequalification for Lot 1, Lot 2, or Lots 1&2 together.
 Grade classification requirement is not required for JV applicants, where both partners are foreigners
or one is foreigner and the other is local.
Starting on June 24, 2015, interested eligible applicants may obtain further information and
prequalification documents from the Kashan Water & Wastewater Company at the address below during
office hours. A complete set of prequalification documents in English may be purchased by interested
applicants on the submission, to the address below, of a written application and presentation of the
original bank slip for the payment of a nonrefundable fee of IRR 1,000,000 or 35. Method of payment
will be direct deposit to Account No. 1477916605, with Saba Branch of Mellat Bank in Kashan (for
payment in Iranian Rial) and Account No. 2290115015, with Central Branch (Code No. 2901) of Melli
Bank in Kashan, Swift Code: MELIIRTHXKSN (for payment in Euro).
The completed prequalification documents must be submitted, in sealed envelopes, to the Kashan Water
and Wastewater Company (at the address shown below) by Aug. 23, 2015 and be clearly marked
"Application for Prequalification for implementation of Kashan Wastewater Collection Network in Zones B
& C".
Address: Corner of Jihad Square, Bahonar Boulevard
Moalem Square Kashan, Islamic Republic of Iran
Postal Code: 87148-73651
Phone: (+ 98315) 555 9100, (+98315) 558 0017
Fax: (+ 98315) 554 2700, (+98315) 555 9100
Kashan Water and Wastewater Company
LOT B3.2 : Belgrade Bypass, Construction of II phase of Sector 3,
Bridge no. 8 over Sava River near Ostruznica
Project Name:
LOT B3.2 : Belgrade Bypass, Construction of II phase of Sector 3,
Bridge no. 8 over Sava River near Ostruznica
Republic of Serbia
Construction/Completion of the left side of the bridge structure over
river Sava
Funding agency:
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Last date of bid submission
25 August 2015
Price of bidding document:
RSD 24,000 (twenty four thousand dinars
Address for submission of
Mr. Dejan Vlahovic
PE “Roads of Serbia” (JP “Putevi Srbije”)
Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 282 – ground floor,
11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Tel. +381 11 30 34 744
Fax. +381 11 30 34 832
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia” of the Republic of Serbia represented by its Director within
the framework of the European Investment Bank (EIB) assisted construction and
rehabilitation works
LOT B3.2 : Belgrade Bypass, Construction of II phase of Sector 3, Bridge no. 8 over Sava
River near Ostruznica
The Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”, hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, intends using part of
the proceeds of a loan from the European Investment Bank (the Bank) towards the cost of LOT B3.2, of
the Belgrade By-pass Project.
The Employer now invites sealed tenders from contractors for the single contract to be funded with the
proceeds of a loan. Selection of the successful tenderer shall be in accordance with article 7, paragraph 1,
item 2, sub-item (2) of Public procurement Law (“Official Gazette RS” no.124/12) and published tender
o Proposed works:
to km 577+195.46, total span 1964.71 m (bridge consists of four structures: structure 8A left riverbank prestressed concrete structure total span 594.3 m, from km 575+229.67 to km 575+823.67; structure 8
- steel bridge structure total span 586.0 m, from km 575+823.67 to km 576+409.67; structure 8B right
riverbank – prestressed concrete structure total span 699.41 m, from km 576+409.67 to km
576+109.08; structure 8C right riverbank – concrete structure over highway Belgrade – Obrenovac, total
span 85.0 m, from 577+109.08 to km 577+194.08). In accordance with the Design, the free cantileverlike prefabrication of the main girder of the Structure "8" over the river has been stipulated, while it is
given to the Contractor to adopt the technology for concrete structures “8A”, “8B” and “8C” (launching or
erection by the cranes) without necessity for calculation;
two-way carriageway (1x2) to two one-way carriageways with two lanes each (2x2)), including works for
adaptation of existing ramps R1 and R2 on the left side carriageway;
diversion sections km 574+750.00, total length 300 m;
rks on highway carriageway right riverbank, including construction of traffic diversion
section, km 578+150.00, total length 300 m;
ure works;
Motorway lighting works;
o Total length for the proposed works: 3041m
o Time for completion: 790 calendar days
o To be qualified for the award the contract, tenderers
venture/consortia) must satisfy the following minimum criteria:
a. General experience. The Tenderer must have an average construction annual turnover as prime
contractor (defined as billing for works in progress and completed) equivalent to or exceeding EUR 40
million over the last five (5) years. Each partner of JVCA must meet the minimum of 25% of the
requirement and at least one partner must meet the minimum of 40% of the requirement;
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
b. General experience. The Tenderer must have relevant experience as sole contractor or partner in JVCA
in at least two (2) contracts of new bridge construction with: minimum main span not less than
150m, and total length not less than 1000m,completed after 1st January 2005 in total value of at least
EUR 50 mill. (fifty million EUR) where the minimum value of the contractor’s share per project must
be at least EUR 15 mill. (fifteen million EUR);
c. Specific experience. The Tenderer must have relevant Minimum total production during the last 5 (five)
years of: 30,000 m3 of structural concrete and 10,000 tons of structural steel.
d. Personnel capabilities. The Tenderer shall provide suitably qualified personnel to fill the following
In similar
As manager of
Chief Engineer
Safety 10
e. Equipment capabilities. The tenderer shall own, or have assured access to the following key items of
equipment in full working order, that will be essential to the execution for the contract;
Equipment type and characteristics
Auto crane - minimum load 200t
Launching equipment
Concrete plant, minimum capacity of 40 m3/h
Auto-mixer for concrete, Qmin = 4m3
Concrete pump
Asphalt plant, min. capacity of single plant 150 t/h
(Every asphalt plant must have storage bin for hot filler)
Asphalt paver, minimum working width 8m
Piling equipment, minimum pile length Lmin=20m
f. Financial position. The tenderer shall demonstrate (by submission of relevant documents from bank or
financial institution) that it has access to, or has available, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines
of credit, and other financial means sufficient to meet the construction cash flow for the contract for a
period of four (4) months, estimated as not less than EUR 4 million equivalent. Each partner of JVCA
must meet the minimum of 25% of the requirement and at least one partner must meet the minimum of
40% of the requirement;
Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to tenderers
from any country. The proceeds of the Bank’s loan will not be used for payments to persons or entities or
for any import of goods if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations
Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
Tender documents may be obtained on every working day between 10.00 a.m. and 14.00 p.m., starting
from Thursday, 25th June 2015 from the PE “Roads of Serbia” office at Vlajkoviceva 19a street (first
floor), Belgrade, upon submission of the Application of intent to purchase the Tender documents via fax
to the number +381 11 30 34 832 or by e-mail to the following e-address: The Application shall be followed by evidence on payment of a non-refundable fee (receipt is
required) of RSD 24,000 (twenty four thousand dinars) payable by tenderers from Republic of
Payment instructions for tenderers from Republic of Serbia:
Javno preduzeće „Putevi Srbije“
(Public Enterprise “Roads of Serbia”)
Svrha uplate:
Otkup tenderske dokumentacije za Lot B3.2
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
(Description of payment:)
Račun primaoca:
(Account mode:)
Broj modela:
(Payment mode:)
Poziv na broj (odobrenje):
(Reference number:)
(Provision of Tender Document for Lot B3.2)
EUR 200 (two hundred euros) payable by international tenderers;
Payment instructions for international tenderers:
(acc. with bank)
Upon receipt of appropriate evidence of payment of the non-refundable fee and request, the documents
will promptly be dispatched by courier; however, no liability can be accepted for their loss or late
Interested tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents
at the above address.
All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security in amount of EUR 500,000 (five hundred thousand
euros), or alternatively RSD 60,000,000 (sixty million dinars).
Tender documents must be duly completed and delivered to the address below not later than Tuesday,
25th August 2015 (10.00 a.m., local time). Opening of tenders in the presence of the authorised
tenderer’s representatives who chose to attend will be held immediately upon submission at 10.30 a.m.
Documents received late will be rejected and returned unopened.
Mr. Dejan Vlahovic
PE “Roads of Serbia” (JP “Putevi Srbije”)
Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 282 – ground floor,
11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Tel. +381 11 30 34 744
Fax. +381 11 30 34 832
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Construction of Kangundo Road(Tala)-Kenol, Kenol-Kangundo Road
(Koma) and Katumani-Mombasa Road and Rehabilitation of KenolMachakos Town-Katumani Link Road
Project ID No.
Project Name:
KE-Nairobi Metropolitan Services
Construction of Kangundo Road(Tala)-Kenol, Kenol-Kangundo Road
(Koma) and Katumani-Mombasa Road and Rehabilitationof KenolMachakos Town-Katumani Link Road
Funding agency:
World Bank
Last date of bid submission
19 August 2015
Price of bidding document:
Address for submission of
Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development
Ambank House, 20th Floor, University Way P.O. Box 30130-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254-20-317224
The Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development (Directorate of Nairobi MetropolitanDevelopment)
now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Construction of Kangundo Road(Tala)-Kenol (21.452km
long), Kenol-Kangundo Road (Koma) (9.396km long) and Katumani-Mombasa Road (8.978km long) and
Rehabilitationof Kenol-Machakos Town-Katumani Link Road (30.312km long) to be completed within
aperiod of 21 months. The Bidder should have contracts completed andunder implementation as prime
contractor, joint venturemember, management contractor or sub-contractor within the last 5 years, with a
minimum construction experience in the followingkey activities successfully completed:
Excavation in soft:130,000m3/month;
Embankment Fill:120,000m3/month;
Sub-base/base gravel:48,000m3/month;
Concrete works:3,500m3/month;
Reinforcement steel: 75tonnes/month;
Access and cross culverts:2,000m/month;
Asphaltic Concrete (AC):5,000m3/month;
Bitumen Surface Dressing:120,000m2/month
Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures as specifiedin the
World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans
andIDA Credits & Grants, January 2011 revised July 2014 ("Procurement Guidelines"), and is open to all
eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines. Inaddition, please refer to paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7
setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban
Development ( andinspect the bidding documents during office hours
(i.e. 0800 to 1700 hours) at theaddress given below.
A pre-bidsite visit will be held on Wednesday, 15th July 2015 at 09:00 Katumani turn-off
(Road D522) along Mombasa Road opposite the access to Konza Railway station.
Acomplete set of bidding documents in English Language may be purchased by interested eligible bidders
upon the submissionof a written application to The Principal Secretary,Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban
Development, Nairobi Metropolitan Development, KICC Building,Harambee Avenue, 25thFloor, Room 2520,
Nairobi, Kenya andupon payment of a nonrefundable fee of KES 1,000 (Kenya Shillings One Thousand).
The payment shall be made by cash or bankcheque.
Bids must bedelivered to the address below on or before Wednesday, 19th August 2015 at Wednesday,
19th August 2015 at 12:05 p.m. Kenyan time.
All bids must beaccompanied by a Bid Security of KES 110,000,000 (Kenya Shillings OneHundred Ten
Million) or equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency.
The address (es) referred toabove is(are):
The Principal Secretary
Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development
Ambank House, 20th Floor, University Way P.O. Box 30130-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Procurement of Works Council for Technical and Vocational Education
and Training (COTVET), Republic of Ghana
Project ID No.
Project Name:
Procurement of Works Council for Technical and Vocational Education
and Training (COTVET), Republic of Ghana
Construction of 4-Storey Head Office Building for the Council for
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET), Greater
Accra Region and Construction of Various Institutional Facilities for 10
Technical Institutes, 2 Polytechnics and College of Technology (COLTEK
Funding agency:
African Development Fund
Last date of bid submission
12 August 2015
Price of bidding document:
Three Hundred United States Dollars (US$300.00)
Address for submission of
The Project Co-ordinator/Head Project Support Unit Council for Technical
and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET)
P. O. Box M651 Ministries – Accra
Attn: The Head of Procurement
Location: H/№ 2, 2nd Nii Kokonya Road East Legon (Near American
House) Accra, Ghana
Tel: +233 202052203, +233 209990179, +233 209990166, +233
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
1. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF GHANA has received a Loan from the African Development
Fund (ADF) in various currencies towards the cost of the Development of Skills for Industry Project
(DSIP). It is intended that part of the proceeds of this Loan will be applied to eligible payments under
Contracts for the Construction of 4-Storey Head Office Building for the Council for Technical and
Vocational Education and Training (COTVET), Greater Accra Region and Construction of Various
Institutional Facilities for 10 Technical Institutes, 2 Polytechnics and College of Technology (COLTEK).
sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the construction and completion for the works as indicated in the
table below:
Construction of 4-Storey Head Office Building for COTVET, Greater Accra 95,000.00
Construction of Various Institutional Facilities for the Accra Polytechnic, 120,000.00
Greater Accra Region
Construction of Various Institutional Facilities for the Amankwakrom and 195,000.00
Akwatia Technical Institutes, Eastern Region
Construction of Various Institutional Facilities for the Ada Technical Institute, 220,000.00
Greater Accra Region and Kpando Technical Institute, Volta Region
Construction of Various Institutional Facilities for the Takoradi Polytechnic, 210,000.00
Western Region and Asuansi Technical Institute, Central Region
Construction of Various Institutional Facilities for the Kumasi College of 215,000.00
Technology and Krobea Asante Technical Institute in Ashanti Region
Construction of Various Institutional Facilities for the Dabokpa Technical 220,000.00
Institute, Northern Region and Nkoranza Technical Institute, Brong Ahafo
Construction of Various Institutional Facilities for the Bolgatanga Technical 8 190,000.00
Institute, Upper East Region and Wa Technical Institute, Upper West Region
(hereinafter called “the Works”). International Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with
the Bank’s Rules of Procedure for procurement of Goods and Works and is opened to all bidders from
eligible source countries as determined by the Bank. Bidders are to note that, a bidder cannot be
awarded more than two lots. Bidders who purchase more than two lots should indicate their order of
3. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at
the office of:
The Project Co-ordinator/Head Project Support Unit Council for Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (COTVET)
P. O. Box M651 Ministries – Accra
Attn: The Head of Procurement
Location: H/№ 2, 2nd Nii Kokonya Road East Legon (Near American House) Accra, Ghana
Tel: +233 202052203, +233 209990179, +233 209990166, +233 209977890
4. A complete set of Bidding documents may be purchased by interested bidders upon the submission of
a written application to the Project Support Unit of the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and
Training and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Three Hundred United States Dollars (US$300.00)
or equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency. The method of payment shall be cash.
5. The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions are those of the Bank’s
Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Works, Smaller Contracts.
6. Bids must be delivered to the above office on or before 10.00 a.m. on 12thAugust, 2015 and must be
accompanied by a bid security indicated in paragraph 3 above.
7. Bids shall be valid for a period of 120 days after deadline for bid submission prescribed above.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
8. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at 10.00
a.m. on 12thAugust, 2015 at the:
Conference Room
The Project Support Unit Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET)
P. O. Box M651 Ministries - Accra
Location: H/№ 2, 2nd Nii Kokonya Road East Legon (Near American House) Accra, Ghana
Geo Location: 5.646625, -0.155307
Construction of Zamyn-Uud Logistics Center
Project ID No.
Project Name:
Regional Logistics Development Project
Construction of Zamyn-Uud Logistics
Funding agency:
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Last date of bid submission
12 August 2015
Price of bidding document:
Address for submission of
Secretary of the Bid Evaluation Committee Street Address: Juulchny
Gudamj 4/4, Chingeltei District Floor/room number: Room 1001, Floor
10, Max Tower Building City: Ulaanbaatar Zip code: 15141 Country:
Mongolia Telephone: (976-11) 70112254 Facsimile: (976-11) 70112253
Invitation for Bids
1. Mongolia has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the cost of the
Regional Logistics Development Project. Part of this financing will be used for payments under the
contract named above
2. The Ministry of Road and Transport (“the Employer”) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for
Contract Package for Construction of Zamyn-Uud Logistics Center which comprises construction of
facilities for the handling, storage and distribution of containerized and other cargos (“the Works”),
including but not limited to:
a. Interlocking segmental concrete, reinforced concrete and unreinforced concrete pavements for
container storage and handling facilities; roadways; and cars and truck parking areas;
b. Railway shunting and sidings for freight handling;
c. Fixed rails for supply and installation of two (2) rail mounted gantry cranes (RMGCs) by others;
d. Administration building; gate amenities building; maintenance workshop; customs inspection and
bonded warehouse; main entry/exit gate; refrigerated container storage gantries; central heating plant
and coal storage; and associated drainage; potable water supply; fire-fighting and hydrant systems;
sewer and sewage treatment plant; external and internal lighting; medium voltage and low voltage power
distribution systems; CCTV, security, voice and data communication systems; and diesel fuel storage and
dispensing system. Also time for completion of the Works from the commencement date will be twenty
four (24) months.
3. International Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s SingleStage:OneEnvelope bidding procedure and is open to all Bidders from eligible countries as described in the Bidding
4. Only eligible bidders with the following key qualifications should participate in this bidding:
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
 If the bidder has pending litigation, its pending litigation shall in total not represent more than fifty
percent (50%) of the Bidder’s net worth;
 Had a minimum average annual construction turnover of US$35million (Thirty five million US dollar)
calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last
three (3) years;
 Must demonstrate its financial resources less its financial obligations can meet its current contract
commitment and US$6.1million required for this contract;
 Have participated in at least two (2) contracts within the last five (5) years that have been successfully
or substantially completed and that are similar to the proposed works, where the value of the bidder’s
participation in each contract exceeds US$30 million (thirty million US dollar). For these or other
contracts executed during the last five (5) years, bidders must have a minimum construction experience
in the following key activities completed in a twenty four (24) month period:
a. at least 15 km of railway track;
b. at least 200,000m2 of concrete pavements;
c. one multi story reinforced concrete office/accommodation building(total floor area greater than 10,000
m2 ) including electrical, mechanical and architectural fitouts;
d. At least one contract shall be in cold weather defined as minus 10 degree Celsius or below.
5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the Employer and inspect the Bidding
Document at the address given below from 26 June to 12 August 2015 between 9.00 to 17.00
Ulaanbaatar time on work days.
Employer: Ministry of Road and Transport Attention: Mr. Enkhbaatar.D,
Secretary of the Bid Evaluation Committee Street
Juulchny Street 4/4, Chingeltei District. Floor/Room number: 1001, Max Tower Building City: Ulaanbaatar
ZIP Code: 15141 Country: Mongolia
Telephone: (976-11) 70112254
Facsimile number: (976-11) 70112253
6. To purchase the bidding document, bidders shall pay a nonrefundable fee of US$400 by cash or
cashier’s check. If courier service is required, an additional fee of US$30 is payable for delivery within
Mongolia, or US$60 for an international delivery. The bidding documents can be collected Monday to
Friday, from 9:00am to 5:00pm Ulaanbaatar time at the address stated above.
7. Bidders are reminded to pay attention to the definition of “conflict of interest” in Clause 4.3 of Section
1– Instructions to Bidders. Bidders considered to be in a conflict of interest will be disqualified.
8. Bidders are allowed to visit the site and to assess the actual site conditions before submitting their bid.
A site visit shall be organized on 21 July 2015 at Zamyn-Uud soum, Dornogobi aimag.
9. Deliver your bid:  to the following address: Attention: Secretary of the Bid Evaluation Committee
Street Address: Juulchny Gudamj 4/4, Chingeltei District Floor/room number: Room 1001, Floor 10, Max
Tower Building City: Ulaanbaatar Zip code: 15141 Country: Mongolia Telephone: (976-11) 70112254
Facsimile: (976-11) 70112253  on or before the deadline: on 12 August 2015, Tuesday at 11.00AM
hours Ulaanbaatar time.  Together with a Bid Security in the amount as described in the bidding
document. Bidder may submit its bid security in an equivalent amount in freely convertible currency. For
purposes of determining the equivalent amount of Bid Security in other freely convertible currency, the
selling exchange rates 28 days prior to the deadline for submission of bids published by: Central Bank of
Mongolia (Mongol Bank) shall be applied.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
10. Bids will be opened immediately after the deadline for the bid submission of bids in the presence of
bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address given below: PIU Office, Regional Logistics
Development Project Street Address: Juulchny Gudamj 4/4, Chingeltei District Floor/room number: Room
1001, Floor 10, Max Tower Building City: Ulaanbaatar Zip code: 15141 Country: Mongolia Date: 12
August 2015 Time: 11.00hours, Ulaanbaatar time
11. The Employer will not be responsible for any cost or expense incurred in the preparation and delivery
of Bids. No liability will be accepted for loss in transit or late delivery. Late bids shall be rejected.
Construction of the Masa Ngwedi 765kV and 400kV Transmission Lines
Project Name:
Construction of the Masa Ngwedi 765kV and 400kV Transmission
South Africa
Funding agency:
World Bank
Last date of bid submission
28 July 2015
Price of bidding document:
ZAR 4000
Address for submission of
Eskom Holdings SOC Limited
The Tender Issue Office
Main Reception, Ground Floor, Megawatt Park,
Johannesburg, South Africa
Construction of the Masa Ngwedi 765kV and 400kV Transmission Lines over a 21 months
Eskom Holdings SOC Limited (Eskom)has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the
Eskom Investment Support Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under
the contracts for Medupi Power Station Integration Project ? 400kV and 765kV Transmission Lines
Project. Eskom now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for:
The Construction of the Masa Ngwedi 765kV and 400kV Transmission Lines over a 21 months period.
Bid no.
Issue date
Contact person
A: C.ET00383.E.NO.LN1.LX.$1
Ms Wenza Nene
B: C.ET00383.E.NO.LN1.LX.$2
Tel: +27 11 800 3075
C: C.ET00383.E.NO.LN1.LX.$3
July 28, 2015
at 10h00 (SAST)
A pre-bid meeting will be held on June 30, 2014 at 10h00 (SAST).
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
The project will consist of the construction of part of the 400kV Transmission Power Lines that forms part
of the Medupi Power Station Integration Project. The construction will be done in accordance with
Eskom's design and specifications. The scope of work consists of the following:
Access Roads and Infrastructure
Bush Clearing
Tower Foundations and Stay Wire Foundations
Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel Transmission Towers
Installation of Hardware, Conductor and Insulators
Tower Assembly, Stringing and Labelling
Conductor Regulation
AFall Arrest System (FAS)
This invitation for bid follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in UN
Development Business Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and collect the bidding
document at their own cost at the Eskom Sanhill Park Office, Eglin Road, Sunninghill, Johannesburg,South
Africa, during office hours 09h00 ? 15h00 (SAST).Contact person: Ms Wenza Nene, Tel +27 11 800 3075,
E-mail: Bidders who want the bidding documents to be sent by a courier
or mail will make necessary arrangements at their own cost with any courier or mail company of their
choice to collect the documents from the above address. Eskom will assume no responsibility for nondelivery or late delivery of the bidding documents.
Bidding documents will be available from June 15, 2015. A complete set of the bidding documents written
in English may be purchased by interested eligible bidders upon payment of anon-refundable fee of ZAR
4000. Proof of payment to be presented on collection.
Three lots will be issued as one bid providing the bidders with an option to bid ona maximum of two lots.
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of ZAR 2 240 000.00 (Section A, B, AND C respectively)or
equivalent and be delivered with the bid to the address below by 10h00 (SAST) on July 28,2015.
The bids should be delivered to and will be opened at the following address:
Eskom Holdings SOC Limited
The Tender Issue Office
Main Reception, Ground Floor, Megawatt Park,
Eskom Head Office, Megawatt Park, Maxwell Drive, Sunninghill, Johannesburg, South Africa on or
before 10h00 (SAST) on July28, 2015.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Plant Design, Supply, Erection and Commissioning Of 110 KV
Transmission Lines and 110kv/30kV Substation & 30kV MV Lines
Rulindo – Byumba – Gatuna and Byumba– Ngarama
Project Name:
Plant Design, Supply, Erection and Commissioning Of 110 KV
Transmission Lines and 110kv/30kV Substation & 30kV MV Lines
Rulindo – Byumba – Gatuna and Byumba– Ngarama
Funding agency:
Government of Rwanda
Last date of bid submission
23 July2015
Price of bidding document:
Fifty Thousand Rwandan Francs (50.000 Rwf) or Seventy American
dollars (70 USD).
Procurement Unit at EDCL Head Office KN82 ST3, Nyarugenge
Fifty Thousand
Francs (50.000
Rwf) or Rwanda.
Seventy American
Kigali Rwandan
City, P.O.Box
537 Kigali,
Address for submission of
Details:Energy Development Corporation (EDCL) Ltd, a subsidiary of Rwanda Energy Group (REG) has
got Funding from the Government of Rwanda and intends to use part of this funding to procure the above
mentioned activity.
EDCL now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the “PLANT DESIGN, SUPPLY, ERECTION AND
This tender is divided into 3 indivisible lots:
- Lot 1: MUSHA – GABIRO – RULINDO 110 kV Transmission Line
Bidding will be conducted through International open competitive bidding and is open to all bidders as
defined in the Bidding Documents.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from EDCL / Managing Director and inspect the
Bidding Documents at the address given below: Head Transaction Advisory & Procurement Unit at EDCL
Head Office KN82 ST3, Nyarugenge District, Kigali City, P.O.Box 537 Kigali, Rwanda. E-mail: ; and
A complete set of bidding Documents in English may be obtained by interested bidders from 22/05/2015
to the Procurement Unit at EDCL Head Office KN82 ST 3, Nyarugenge District, Kigali City, P.o Box 537
Kigali, Rwanda. Tel: + (250) (0)252573666, Fax + (250) (0)252573802, upon presentation of a bank
deposit slip of non- refundable amount of Fifty Thousand Rwandan Francs (50.000 Rwf) or Seventy
American dollars (70 USD).
The sum must be deposited on the account N° 120.00.46 open in BNR. A site visit is scheduled on
18/06/2015 and will be conducted by EDCL Staff. The venue for departure is fixed at EDCL Head Quarter
at 9.00 a.m local time.
Bids well typed, appropriately bound and presented in four copies (one original and three copies) must be
accompanied by a bid guarantee issued only by a recognized Bank of:
• 300,000 USD or its equivalent in Rwandan Francs for Lot 1.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
• 140,000 USD or its equivalent in Rwandan Francs for Lot 2.
• 150,000 USD or its equivalent in Rwandan Francs for Lot 3
All in sealed envelope, and reach the Secretariat of the Procurement unit at EDCL Head Office at least on
or before 23/07/2015 at 9:30am local time (7:30 GMT). Late bids will be rejected.
The Outer envelope should clearly indicate the tender number and title.
The opening of bids will take place on 23/07/2015 at 10:00a.m local time in the conference room at
EDCL Head Office in public session.
This tendering process will be conducted in accordance with Public procurement law as it is modified and
completed till today.
Emmanuel KAMANZI
Head of Transaction Advisory & Procurement Managing Director
South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Power System
Expansion Project
Project ID No.
ICB-PMD-DSAEP-071/72-02: Lot 3
Project Name:
South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Power System
Expansion Project
Distribution Network Improvement
Funding agency:
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Last date of bid submission
31 July 2015
Price of bidding document:
NRs. 30,000
Address for submission of
Project Management Directorate South Asia Subregional Economic
Cooperation Power System Expansion Project Distribution System
Augmentation and Expansion Project Shankhamul, Kathmandu Phone
No: +977 1 4785217/ +977 1 4153186 E-Mail:
Invitation for Bids
1. The Government of Nepal has received a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the
cost of South Asia Sub regional Economic Cooperation Power System Expansion Project. Part of this loan
will be used for payments under the contract named above. Bidding is open to all Bidders without
nationality restrictions.
2. The Nepal Electricity Authority (“the Employer”) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the
construction and completion of Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 33/11 kV
substations and lines with Power Transformers, 33 & 11 kV Circuit Breaker, structure, poles, conductors,
power cables and other equipment and associated civil work by replacing the existing facilities at different
locations in Nepal.
3. International competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB's Single Stage, Two
Envelope Bidding Procedure and is open to all bidders without nationality restrictions.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
4. Bidders shall have minimum average annual turnover of US$ 17.4 Million. Bidders are required to have
satisfactory experience in at least 2 (Two) contracts within the last 5 (Five) years, with a value of at least
US$ 13.98 Million.
5. To obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents, bidders should contact: Project
Management Directorate South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Power System Expansion Project
Distribution System Augmentation and Expansion Project Shankhamul, Kathmandu Phone No: +977 1
4785217/ +977 1 4153186 E-Mail:
6. To purchase the bidding documents in English, eligible bidders should:
 write to address above requesting the bidding documents for ICB-PMD-DSAEP-071/72- 02: Lot 3
Distribution Network Improvement
 pay a non-refundable fee of NRs. 30,000 by or an equivalent amount in US Dollars by bank voucher to
the Current Account No 00100002221 F of Nepal Electricity Authority, Distribution
 System Augmentation and Expansion Project at NMB Bank Limited, Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal. No
liability will be accepted for lost or late delivery.
7. Deliver your Bid
 to the address above on or before the deadline: 31 July 2015 up to 1200 Hours (Nepal Standard Time)
 Together with a Bid Security with amount indicated in Bidding Document Section 2 Bid data Sheet,
Clause ITB 21.1 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency. For the purpose of determining
the equivalent amount of the required Bid Security in a freely convertible currency, the exchange rates
published by Nepal Rastra Bank prevailing on the date 28 days prior to the deadline for bid submission
shall be applied.
Bids will be opened at Project Manager’s Office immediately after the deadline of bid submission in the
presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
8. In the comparison of Bids, ADB's Domestic Preference Schemes will be applied in accordance with the
provisions stipulated in the Instruction to Bidders.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Consultancy Services for Project Supervision and Management.
Project Name:
Consultancy Services for Project Supervision and Management.
Funding agency:
Agencie Francaise de Development
Last date of bid submission
17 July 2015
Address for submission of
The General Manager, Corporate Affairs & Company Secretary
The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Ltd.
7th Floor, Stima Plaza, Kolobot Road, Parklands
P O Box 30099 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 20 32013201
The Republic of Kenya has received financing from the Agencie Francaise de Development towards the
cost of part of the Kenya Power Distribution Masterplan and intends to apply part of the agreed amount
for this loan towards payments under the contract for Consultancy Services for Project Supervision and
The project involves Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of New/Upgrade of Substations
and Lines in Coast region, Nairobi region and West Kenya region.
The Scope of Works for the consultant shall include:
Assist in preparation of Bid document
Assist in Bid evaluation and preparation of the Evaluation Reports
Taking part in clarification, and preparation of the contracts
Approving contractor's designs
Supervision of construction works
Assisting with the interpretation of contractual items, establishment of progress measurement
thresholds, and payment processing
Preparation of Monthly and Quarterly progress reports and
Preparation of project completion reports
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
The Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited (KPLC) which is the Contracting Authority now invites
eligible consultants to express their interest in providing the above services. Interested Consultants
must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures,
description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills
among staff etc). Consultants may constitute joint - ventures to enhance their chances of qualification.
The total assignment is expected to last 3 years.
The Client will prepare a short list of about six candidates to be pre-selected on the basis of the
Expression of Interest received to whom he will send a Request for Proposals to perform the services.
Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours, between
0900 to 1200 and 1400 to 1630 hours (East Africa time).
The General Manager, Infrastructure Development
The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Ltd.
2nd Floor, Stima Plaza, Kolobot Road, Parklands
P O Box 30099 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 20 3201726
Expressions of Interest must be delivered to the address below by 17th July, 2015 at 1000 hours East
Africa time.
The General Manager, Corporate Affairs & Company Secretary
The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Ltd.
7th Floor, Stima Plaza, Kolobot Road, Parklands
P O Box 30099 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 20 32013201
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Bahrain awards $26m contract for airport expansion
By Sarah Townsend
Bahrain International Airport
Bahrain has awarded a $26 million (BD10 million) contract for construction of the new passenger terminal
building at Bahrain International Airport, it was reported on Sunday.
Transportation and telecommunications minister Kamal Ahmed said the latest contract has been awarded
to G P Zachariades Engineering and Construction, reported Gulf Daily News, and follows the awarding of
the first enabling works package last February.
Ahmed said: “The tender process supports the project’s schedule and the ministry anticipates the
awarding of seven additional contracts by the end of the year, at a combined value of more than BD300
The new terminal is part of Bahrain’s Airport Modernisation Programme, to develop the country’s aviation
infrastructure and build upon aviation-based economic development.
Under the second phase of the plans, existing facilities will be relocated to facilitate construction on the
new 206,000 sq m BIA passenger terminal building.
Work will commence next month and be completed by May 2016.
Alba’s $3.5b expansion OK
11 June 2015
Construction is expected to start in 2016 and production to begin in 2019.
Aluminium Bahrain, or Alba, has won government approval for a larger than originally planned $3.5
billion expansion that will boost its output by more than 50 per cent.
The Line 6 expansion project is expected to boost Alba’s annual output by 514,000 tonnes to 1.45 million
tonnes a year, the company said on Wednesday. Construction is expected to start in 2016 and production
to begin in 2019.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Dawnus wins $62m hydropower project in Liberia
15 June 2015
Dawnus International, an international civil engineering and building company, has signed a contract for
the main civil works package worth $62m at Mount Coffee hydropower plant in Liberia.
The main civil works package will include reconstruction and rehabilitation of the main dam, powerhouse,
spillway and intake, as well as infrastructure and road works.
The project will transform the existing Mount Coffee plant, a hydroelectric facility built in the 1960s and
unable to generate power since the 1990s, to a working hydroelectric scheme that will provide electricity
to Liberia's capital Monrovia and the surrounding areas.
Dawnus will collaborate closely with other specialist contractors to refurbish the dam, enabling it to
generate power.
Work on the project will start in September 2015 with the first power expected to be generated by the
plant by 2017.
Dawnus International managing director Bob Kottler said: "We are very proud to be part of this important
project. Liberia's electricity grid was almost entirely destroyed during the civil war, and the development
will bring enormous benefits to the country."
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Ethiopia power grid to to benefit from US$ 120m high-voltage transmission
lineNewsEast Africa
Jun 27, 2015
Ethiopia power grid is to benefit from plans to commence on a mega construction worth US$ 120m of a
high-voltage transmission line connecting with Kenya as part of plans to boost regional power exports.
“The Ethio-Kenya Power Interconnection Project will help to utilize power resources together and the
national network expansion will facilitate power trade in the region,” said Ethiopia’s Water, Irrigation and
Energy Minister Alemayehu Tegenu.
The multi-million agreement was signed by Ethiopian Electric Power’s Chief Executive Azeb Asnake and
the CEPET’s vice-president Chen Wei from China Electric Power Equipment and Technology.
The transmission line will stretch from Wolaita in southern Ethiopia to the border, making half of the
planned 1,045 km link with Kenya. It will consist of a 2,000 MW capacity once complete.
It is jointly financed by African Development Bank, World Bank and the French Development Agency,
with the AfDB financing the Ethiopian part of the project.
The project is anticipated to be completed in less than three years from now.
Ethiopia currently exports less than 10mw to the Kenyan border towns; it plans to increase the current
100 megawatts it sells to Sudan and the 50 megawatts to Djibouti this year. It also has agreements to
export 400 megawatts to Rwanda and Tanzania and soon to Burundi.
Kenya Power contracts worth US$ 32m to upgrade 12 substationsNewsEast
Jun 26, 2015
Kenya Power contracts worth US$ 32m have been signed with local firms for the upgrading of 12
substations in the country and construction of 33KV power distribution lines. Kenya Power which is
Kenya’s main transmitter and distributor of electricity
This mega project will be able to cater for the high demand of customers in the country.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
“The Kenya Power contracts are expected to improve reliability, contribute to reduction of technical losses
and provide additional capacity to supply power to new customers,” said the Kenya Power CEO Ben
Chumo during the signing ceremony.
For the company to ensure swift completion of the project, they plan to provide major power equipment
such as transformers with contractors expected to provide additional auxiliary equipment, carry out
engineering designs, construct, and test and commission the substations.
The 12 substations of the Kenya Power contracts which will be situated in Mombasa, Nairobi, Machakos,
Nakuru, Thika, Eldama Ravine and Naivasha are wholly funded using the Kenya Power’s internally
generated funds.
Some companies have already been contracted for the job including; Powergen Technologies Limited,
Ezeetec Limited, Empower Installation Contractors Limited and Histoto Limited and Encomm Limited Jv,
Arm Engineering Limited, Lomas and Lomas Limited, Thames Electricals Limited and Abcos Industrial
Limited (Jv).
Kenya Power is a national electric utility company, managing electric metering, licensing, billing,
emergency electricity service and customer relations.
Ground broken on Mactan-Cebu International Airport
29 June 2015
The Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) of the Philippines has announced the
start of work on Mactan-Cebu International Airport.
Touted to be world's first resort airport, the project involves construction of a new international
passenger terminal building (PTB), as well as the renovation of the existing PTB and its conversion into
an exclusively-domestic facility.
The public-private partnership (PPP) project is envisioned by concessionaire GMR-Megawide Cebu Airport
Corporation (GMCAC), which won the auction for the 25-year PPP contract in 2014. Operations and
maintenance (O&M) of the airport was turned over to the consortium in November 2015.
Construction work on the new terminal will be completed by 2018, while the renovation of the existing
terminal is set to be finished in 2019. The passenger capacity of the airport will increase from 4.5 million
to 12.5 million per year.
DOTC secretary Joseph Emilio Aguinaldo Abaya said: "The kick-off ceremony for the construction of the
new international terminal for the country's second-biggest gateway, the Mactan-Cebu International
Airport (MCIA), is touted to be the start of Philippine airports matching the best in the world.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
"It will not only cement our place on the global map as a major tourist and business destination, it will
boost the local economy and is projected to generate jobs especially in Cebu.
Work begins on $50m Philippines LRT extension project
9 June 2015
The Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) and the Light Rail Transit Authority
(LRTA) have commenced construction work on the PHP2.27bn ($50.3m) Light Rail Transit (LRT) Line 2
East Extension project in the Philippines.
The project will add 4.2km to the transit line extending up to Masinag in Antipolo City and will cater to an
additional 75,000 daily passengers living in densely populated areas of Rizal.
The Masinag extension will include the construction of a 4km elevated viaduct from Santolan, Pasig City
to Masinag, Antipolo City apart from building two additional stations, namely the Emerald Station in
Cainta, Rizal, and the Masinag Station at the Masinag junction in Antipolo City.
The project, to be delivered by contractor D.M. Consunji, will be operational by the third quarter of 2017.
DOTC Secretary Jun Abaya said: "The LRT-2 system is a crucial transportation service that hundreds of
thousands of passengers rely on.
"We are pleased to extend its scope to even more stakeholders in the eastern part of Metro Manila, many
of whom go into the metropolis for work and school on a daily basis."
Investments in SME industries in GCC reached $15.3b in 2014
(Wam) / 27 June 2015
Abdulaziz bin Hamad Al Ageel, secretary-general of GOIC, pointed out that the total
investments in small and medium industries throughout GCC countries touched $15.3 billion in
Abu Dhabi — The Gulf Organisation for Industrial Consulting, or GOIC, revealed that the number of small
and medium-sized factories in the GCC countries was around 13,480 in 2014, including 10,809 small
factories and 2,671 medium factories.
Abdulaziz bin Hamad Al Ageel, secretary-general of GOIC, pointed out that the total investments in small
and medium industries throughout GCC countries touched $15.3 billion in 2014, which is the equivalent
of 4.1 per cent of the total investments in the Gulf industrial sector, amounting to $380.1 billion.
Al Ageel noted that $6 billion were invested in small-scale industries and $9.4 billion in medium
GOIC relies for the classification of industries, on the uniformly invested capital standard to distinguish
between the different types of gulf industries, after a thorough review of the manufacturing industry
database components in the Gulf Cooperation Council states, where small industries are those that have
less investments than $2 million, and medium sized industries are those with a capital ranging between
$2 million and less than $6 million.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
According to GOIC data, the small and medium-sized factories amounted in 2014 for 82.7 per cent of the
total number of factories operating in manufacturing industries. In the same context, these industries
offer employment to 44.1 per cent of the total industrial sector workforce in spite of the small size of
investments which contributed by four per cent of the total investments in the manufacturing industries.
According to GOIC data, the number of small and medium-sized factories in the GCC countries was
around 13,480 in 2014, including 10,809 small factories and 2,671 medium factories.
These factories represent 82.7 per cent of the total number of manufacturing industries in the GCC
estimated to a total of 16,292 factories.
Total investments in small and medium industries was up to $15.3 billion, just 4.1 per cent of the total
investments in the Gulf industrial sector estimated around $380.1 billion in 2014. $6 billion of these
investments were in small-scale industries and $9.4 billion in medium industries.
As for the workforce, small and medium industries offered employment for 674,933 workers or 44.1 per
cent of the total number of workers in manufacturing industries, which recruit roughly 1.5 million
workers. Small industries have recruited 28.7 per cent of the total employees while medium industries
recruited 15.5 per cent.
According to GOIC, small and medium industries are distributed numerically on all industrial activities,
but they are largely concentrated on the activity of construction metals, transportation and other
industries with 3,683 factories constituting 27 per cent of the total number of small and medium-sized
The production of non-metallic material industry, that is building materials, came in second place with
about 2,297 plants accounting for nearly 17 per cent of the total number of small and medium-sized
factories, followed by the food and beverage industries and rubber and plastics products with 11 per cent
and the remaining industrial activities with smaller percentages.
In terms of accumulated capital, structural metals manufacturing, transportation and other industries
came first with $3.9 billion, accounting for about 25 cent of the total investments in small and mediumsized industries.
The building materials industry came in second place with $3.2 billion as the size of cumulative
investment in 2014 was about $3.2billion, or 21 per cent, followed by food products and beverages
industry with $1.9 billion, amounting for 13 per cent of the total investments, followed by the rubber and
plastics industry with $1.7 billion amounting to10.8 per cent, followed by the rest of the industries at less
As for the number of employees, construction metals, transportation and other industries ranked first
with 184 000 workers accounting for 27 per cent of the volume of workers in small and medium-sized
Building materials industry came in second place with 118,000 workers forming 17 per cent of the total
number of workers in small and medium-industries, followed by food products and beverages industry
with 71,000 workers and 10 per cent, then manufacturing of rubber and plastic products with 65,000
workers and 53 per cent, followed by the rest of industries with less percentages
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
New hotels: Dubai still leads with with 96 projects
Issac John - Associate Business Editor / 25 June 2015
Dubai — Dubai is leading the Middle East and Africa in new hotel developments with 96 total projects and
36,523 rooms in the pipeline, a report released on Wednesday said.
A Top hotel projects report said Dubai, which has been the Middle East and Africa’s leading city for hotel
openings for the past three years, is now recording an all-time high activity to boost the room capacity
from the current 65,000 to over 100,000 by 2020.
According to JLL, a leading real estate investment and advisory firm, Dubai is set to see a massive
increase of 28,000 new hotel rooms by 2018.
Statistics at the end of 2014 show that Dubai had 413 graded hotel establishments with a total of 65,000
rooms, up 3,500 compared to 2013.
Including hotel apartments, Dubai’s total hotel portfolio grew from 611 to 659 — a 7.8 per cent growth
over the course of the year. Supply has grown at five per cent per annum over the last five years. Total
room supply is expected to grow 12.5 per cent per annum between 2015 and 2018.
According to the latest figures issued by Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing, in
2014 alone, of the 44 new hotels and hotel apartments (comprising 27 hotels and 17 hotel apartments),
13 hotels came from the four-star sector and nine of the new apartments fell into the standard
The boom is mid-market hotels was spurred by Dubai government’s incentives including 10 per cent fee
Christine Davidson, event director of The Hotel Show Dubai, the largest event for the hospitality industry
in the region, said a total of 694 hotel projects are currently underway in the Middle East and Africa to
add 188,817 rooms to the market over the coming years, the majority before 2020.
The busiest year for Dubai hotels is reported to be 2017, with 30 projects opening to the public. Dubai’s
first fully-solar-powered hotel, Hotel Indigo Dubai The Sustainable City, and its first Mandarin Oriental
and Bulgari luxury hotels are to open in 2017.
The major Dubai Pearl development, a “mix of six innovative five-star hotels” is reported to launch in
early 2018 including Dubai’s first MGM Grand and Bellagio hotels, brands made famous by the Las Vegas
Other hot spots are Morocco with 46 active projects, Riyadh with 43 and Doha with 38, following closely
behind Dubai. Of almost 700 total hotel projects in the pipeline for the Middle East and Africa, 528 are
listed as being in the pre-planning, planning and construction stages, with local and international
investors now requiring the materials to build across technology and security, interiors, food services and
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
EDB offers loans for housing, SMEs
Haseeb Haider / 18 June 2015
Abu Dhabi: Emirates Development Bank (EDB) has begun its lending activities by financing housing for
UAE nationals, as well as funding SMEs and other sectors vital to growth.
The development bank, which has been launched after the merger of Emirates Industrial Bank and Real
Estate Bank, was formally launched by Shaikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister for Presidential Affairs of the UAE, on Tuesday, in the presence of the nation’s top financial
policy-makers, regulators and key bankers.
The bank has an authorised capital of Dh10 billion and the source of Dh5 billion to help in financing
developmental, residential and industrial projects for UAE nationals. The bank will provide affordable
housing finance to around 30,000 Emiratis six years from now.
A sum of Dh500 million will be allocated towards a credit guarantee scheme with other banks to be
available for knowledge-based SMEs, in addition to Dh300 million for SMEs.
The development bank will build strategic partnerships with local and federal authorities to encourage
UAE nationals to start businesses; one example being the support of Emirati innovators through the
Takamul programme. Through this approach, the bank aims to create a diversified economy, which is
sustainable and can deliver long-term prosperity for the UAE.
EDB will offer a number of products to UAE citizens, including supplementary loans, home purchase and
construction loans. Products for local businesses will include the credit guarantee scheme, business
account and strategic sector finance. Other areas where EDB will engage with UAE nationals include
healthcare, manufacturing, ICT and construction.
Al Nahyan was pleased at the bank’s commencement of business activities. He hoped that EDB will be a
key addition to the banking sector that will boost overall growth of the economy, and provide Emiratis
with services that help them achieve key milestones in their lives, such as owning homes, in addition to
supporting entrepreneurs and SMEs.
Khaled Mohammed Salem Balama, EDB chairman, said the bank has the “ability to help shape the
nation’s future, empowering Emiratis who aspire to take possession of their own home, while also
supporting key areas of the economy, particularly the innovative and entrepreneurial small and medium
enterprise sector.”
Established in 2011 under a decree issued by The President, His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al
Nahyan, EDB’s vision is to help build a national economy and allow citizens access to suitable
accommodation by providing finance at affordable economic cost.
Rashid Mahboob, acting CEO of EDB, said the success of launching EDB’s operations will provide an
impetus to EDB as “we commence our journey, driving development in our nation, our economy and our
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
More room: Saudi Arabia, UAE lead in hotel pipeline
Issac John (Associate Business Editor) / 17 June 2015
Dubai: The UAE and Saudi Arabia lead the hospitality industry in the Middle East region with a combined
pipeline of more than 50,000 hotel rooms under construction, latest data released by STR Global shows.
Saudi Arabia reported the most rooms under construction with 28,050 rooms in 64 hotels. The UAE
followed with 22,724 rooms in 90 hotels. Qatar (6,383 rooms in 26 hotels) was the only other country in
the region to report more than 5,000 rooms under construction.
There are 653 hotels totalling 159,945 rooms under contract in the Middle East and Africa region,
according to the May 2015 STR Global Construction Pipeline Report.
This represents a 16.1 per cent increase in rooms under contract compared with May 2014 and a 40.4
per cent year-over-year increase in rooms under construction.
The “under contract” data includes projects in the in construction, final planning and planning stages but
does not include projects in the unconfirmed stage.
The region reported 91,510 rooms in 351 hotels under construction for the month.
PwC’s second Middle East hotel forecast warns that with so much new supply coming on stream across
the region, the question is whether this upswing is sustainable in the future. “With over 54,000 rooms
under construction and another 72,000 planned for the region, supply could well start to outstrip
demand, putting ever greater pressure on both occupancy and ADR [average daily rate],” PwC said in a
recent report.
According to the latest figures issued by Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing,
Dubai’s hospitality industry is poised to enter a new growth trajectory with rooms predicted to surge to
140,000-160,000 keys by 2020 from 93,030 as of January 2015.
In 2014 alone, of the 44 new hotels and hotel apartments (comprising 27 hotels and 17 hotel
apartments), 13 hotels came from the four-star sector and nine of the new apartments fell into the
standard classification. The boom is mid-market hotels was spurred by Dubai government’s incentives
including 10 per cent fee waiver.
In 2014, Dubai’s hotel portfolio grew from 611 hotels and hotel apartments to 659 — a 7.8 per cent
growth over the course of the year.
In May, hotels in the UAE recorded an increase in supply by 5.6 per cent and an eight per cent growth in
Occupancy has also been positive, showing a 2.3 per cent increase to 80 per cent.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Dubai Sports City on track to hit major milestones
Staff Report / 12 June 2015
Dubai: Dubai Sports City has revealed the full progress made since the project was launched in 2004,
with a huge push towards completion now underway.
With major milestones set to be met in the next two years, construction on new residential, commercial
and sport facilities are scheduled to be completed in what is already a thriving community, which is part
of the vision of His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime
Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai and his focus on healthy lifestyle communities.
The 50-million square feet community – the world’s first integrated purpose- built sports city – located on
Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Road, has already seen huge projects completed such as Victory Heights,
The Els Club, Canal Residence West, Canal Retail Promenade and Sports Village, which is constantly
growing as more and more residents and visitors use the world- class facilities on offer.
With growth currently in full swing, Dubai Sports City expects to see a further 5,000 residents move in
over the next 12 months, taking the population to 20,000. Once development is completed, the
community will be home to 70,000 people. On top of the huge effort to make Dubai Sports City a place
where an active lifestyle is on residents’ doorsteps, 200,000sqf of retail space will soon be a part of the
community, with shops opening up along the Canal and within the housing developments. “We’re making
great progress now,” said Vijay Sajjanhar, Dubai Sports City CFO. “We have a great mix of residential,
sporting facilities and F&B outlets which are proving big success stories.”
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Articles of Interest
Qatar building boom proves challenge for foreign construction firms
Construction of the Sharq Crossing, Qatar's $12 billion bridge and underwater tunnel link across Doha
bay, was due to start this year to be ready for the 2022 World Cup, but that deadline has slipped as the
government shifts priorities.
The Gulf state's plans to splurge $200 billion on infrastructure as part of its 2030 development plan has
lured foreign contractors to what promised to be big profits, but project delays and problems with
contracts and bureaucracy have left many in difficulties and their returns uncertain.
The government, too, appears to be reassessing its plans, although officials allude to a temporary but
indefinite halt to projects rather than cancellations.
Other schemes that have been put on hold include a multi-billion dollar chemicals plant north of the
capital Doha and Doha Grand Park, modelled on New York's Central Park.
"Qatar has mothballed a lot of vanity projects," said a source at a construction company operating in
Qatar who spoke on condition of anonymity. "It's indicative of how the country's grand aspirations have
been toned down a little bit."
Corruption allegations that have rocked soccer's governing body FIFA, have put renewed media focus on
Qatar and its hosting of the 2022 football World Cup, although Qatari officials say they are confident the
event will go ahead as planned.
The World Cup directly accounts for only about $10 billion of the $200 billion development programme,
but uncertainty about the tournament is adding to a testing environment for foreign contractors in the
Gulf state.
While Qatar's vast wealth from natural gas production has enabled it to splash out on new infrastructure,
it is doing so on strict terms.
"Qatar... fears being taken for a ride by international consultants - that this is a gold rush, a boom town,
and companies are going to fleece them for as much money as they can," said the source.
Clauses in some contracts can make consultants financially liable for several years after the project has
been delivered.
"Construction companies and consultants are bank-rolling the projects for their clients," said the source.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Getting their money back can be a lengthy process.
Middle East companies and local joint ventures seem to fare better in Qatar because they are seen as
long-term investors in the country.
"We prefer somebody who comes to work with us, not only for one job and then leaves," said Jalal Salhi,
infrastructure affairs director at Qatar's Public Works Authority (Ashghal), which is in charge of the Sharq
Crossing and other projects.
International construction firms or consultants can only apply for projects worth more than about 200
million riyals ($54.93 million), said Salhi.
Many opt for joint ventures to ease cash-flow strains - a local partner employs around 90 percent of
workers and gets about 60 percent of the money, with an international firm providing the more expensive
"Contracts in the Middle East generally favour the client more than they would in the West, for example.
There are a myriad of clauses that make the contractor liable," said Nick Smith, Partner at engineering
consultants Arcadis in Qatar.
Clients unwilling to pay for design alterations is one obstacle, said a second construction industry source
who spoke on condition of anonymity.
"Most contractors suffer major cash-flow shortages, in part because clients don't accept paying extra for
essential changes due to the original design plans being late or inadequate and unworkable unless
amended," he said.
For the World Cup, Qatar has appointed project managers to build five stadiums to host games, but must
use 8-12 stadiums as per the bid terms.
"Rolling out the master plans for the 2022 World Cup has taken longer than anybody had thought," said
Darrell Bergesen, General Manager of Abu Dhabi contractor Al Jaber LEGT Engineering & Contracting's
(ALEC) Qatar office.
"However, it is a massive undertaking and the first for the Middle East, so the scale should not be
underestimated and maybe we shouldn't be so surprised at the time taken."
The World Cup has thrown the spotlight on labour conditions in Qatar. Human rights groups and trades
unions say construction workers have died due to poor conditions on sites. Qatar denies the claims.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
It has promised broad labour reforms, but has not set a timetable. Foreign companies complain that for
each project the Ministry of Labour allocates each company a set number of visas for workers from a
particular country, often regardless of whether there are people from those countries willing to take the
"The quota system is extremely challenging and ultimately this affects our ability to perform and deliver,"
said ALEC's Bergesen.
Ashghal has only issued four consultancy tenders for projects this year, compared to 25 issued between
mid-February and end-December last year, its website shows.
Ashghal's Salhi said some foreign companies turn away after realising how much competition they face.
"Some of the contractors, they came, we pre-qualified them but they did not tender," said Salhi.
"They said that was because of a very competitive market, because we have Asian, Turkish contractors or
whatever, but we're in a global market: we can't say we'll only open a tender to European companies."
Qatar says that short-term delays will not derail its infrastructure programme, which will support the
state's economic development.
"A clear plan is in place in regard of the implementation of the major infrastructure projects," Qatar's
government said in a statement to Reuters.
"The government is keen to avoid any bottlenecks that may arise while at the same time continuing to
closely coordinate fiscal and monetary policies towards that end."
Few markets can match the pace of Qatar's economy, which is expanding by more than 6 percent
annually, but disappointment that fast growth does not translate into quick profits is prompting some
foreign companies to go elsewhere.
"Contractors poured into Qatar because they were blinded by the opportunity and too many are chasing
revenue, even if that doesn't lead to profit," said the second construction source.
"Qatar is a very difficult environment for contractors - most are losing their shirt, so why stay in a market
where everyone is losing money?"
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
AP / 20 June 2015
Dubai: First-time visitors are often surprised to discover that beyond Dubai’s atmospheric creekside
bazaars and rows of skyscrapers leading up to tallest-of-them-all Burj Khalifa lies yet another dense
cluster of ultra-high architecture shimmering like a mirage in the distance.
That waterfront city within a city, known as Dubai Marina, is finally coming into its own after years of
seemingly endless construction work. There is still building going on — this is a never-stop boomtown
after all — but now is the best time yet to romp through this multicultural urban playground, even if
you’ve never set foot on a yacht.
Like so much of Dubai, famous for its palm tree-shaped islands and indoor ski slope, the marina is a
manmade creation that challenges preconceptions of what the Middle East looks like.
Hewn out of the desert and connected to the Arabian Gulf by channels at each end, the 3.5km (2.2-mile)
U-shaped canal would be an engineering marvel even without its skyline.
Six of the world’s 10 tallest residential buildings are clustered in one Manhattan-like corner. They include
the 101-storey Princess Tower, Dubai’s second-tallest skyscraper after the Burj Khalifa, and the arresting
Cayan Tower, which elegantly twists 90 degrees from bottom to top. An eatery-lined walkway winding
along the canal provides plenty of chances to gawk at the high-end yachts on display. Dubai Marina’s
design as an inland harbor cleverly leaves room for a full sandy beach along the Arabian Gulf shore itself.
New shops, cafes, food carts and beach lounges have transformed the palm-lined beach. Get there early
to take advantage of the public running track and workout equipment before the midday heat makes
exercise unbearable.
There’s plenty to keep little ones busy outside, like the quayside playgrounds tucked neatly underneath
bridges spanning Dubai Marina. Overheated kids can douse themselves in sidewalk fountains that send
spurts of water jumping out of the ground, then dry off while spinning on an old-fashioned merry-goround nearby.
There is also Splash Pad, a toddler water park by the beach that runs Dh60 (about $16) an hour, and a
floating playground that includes inflatable slides and trampolines for Dh50-Dh70, depending on age.
Dubai Marina is unusually well-served by public transport, especially by car-crazed Dubai standards. The
driverless, mostly-elevated Dubai Metro system makes two stops along the edge of the marina.
From there, visitors can connect via air-conditioned platforms to the Dubai Tram line that opened in
November. It loops around the marina and snakes past hotels along a coastal road, with stops that
include one connecting to a monorail that runs up the centre of the famous Palm Jumeirah island.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
City-operated ferries link Dubai Marina with the charming creek area at the heart of old Dubai (Dh50 one
way). Those with a lot more cash to spend can charter a water taxi, party barge or even one of those
polished white yachts bobbing among the skyscrapers.
Issac John (Associate Business Editor) / 1 June 2015
Dubai: Underpinned by huge cash reserves, GCC countries will continue to spend on an estimated $172
billion worth of infrastructure and capital projects planned and under way in 2015 — the highest on
record to date, Deloitte said.
“The GCC countries have the benefit of huge reserves built up as a buffer over the years, and which they
can continue to use to achieve their outlined strategies. They are expected to continue to spend on
infrastructure and capital projects in order to achieve strategies for diversification,” said Deloitte Middle
East’s newly released annual report: ‘GCC Powers of Construction 2015: Construction — the economic
barometer for the region’.
Out of the $2.8 trillion projects which are in execution and pre-execution phases across the GCC, the
forecast of $172 billion worth of projects this year is against a backdrop of lower oil prices, continuing
political unrest and reduced International Monetary Fund growth forecasts across the GCC, said Cynthia
Corby, audit partner and leader of the construction industry for the Middle East.
The Deloitte report is based on data gathered from surveys and supported by interviews with some of the
most prominent construction industry leaders from the region.
UAE’s Al Maktoum International Airport expansion, budgeted at $32 billion and billed as the biggest
airport in the world, is the first among the GCC projects by cost. The $20 billion industrial project in Abu
Dhabi for Tacaamol Al Gharbia Chemicals Industrial City is the second largest project.
“There are other sectors with several billions being planned on capital projects, with the top sector for
2015 being mixed-use and residential projects amounting to $24 billion,” said the report.
In Saudi Arabia, the largest project in pre-execution phase is the $15 billion Al Mozaini-Riyadh East Sub
Centre. The second largest project in pre-execution phase is Khozam Development in Jeddah for $13.3
There are a number of other sectors with several billions being planned on capital projects, with the top
sectors for 2015 represented by healthcare projects amounting to $19 billion, infrastructure projects
(roads and bridges) at $35 billion, and power plants at $13 billion.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
In Qatar, the two largest projects in pre-execution phase and expected to be awarded in 2015 are from
QRail, namely the QIRP: passenger and freight rail, budgeted at $15 billion, and from QIRP, whose
passenger and freight rail: phase 2 is budgeted at $3 billion.
This is followed by two projects, one for the new Qatar Economic Zone budgeted at $3 billion, which is
one of the three new planned economic zones mainly focusing on logistics and air freight companies
(expected to be the biggest of the three), and Occidental Petroleum Corporation — Idd e Shargi North
Dome Expansion phase 5, again budgeted for $3 billion.
Of the total $2.8 trillion projects which are in execution and pre-execution phases, 40 per cent of the
value relates to residential, leisure and hospitality buildings and mixed-use developments, totalling an
anticipated budget value of $1.1 trillion, Deloitte said.
The report said key drivers for diversification in the GCC include job creation, given that 50 per cent of
the region’s population is under the age of 25. In Saudi Arabia alone, it is forecast that four million jobs
will be needed in the next five years.
GCC population growth is forecast to grow from 350 million to 602 million by 2050, all driving the GCC
countries’ strategies to provide education, healthcare, infrastructure and support to communities. “This
growth will require energy and water: a 34 per cent increase in electricity generation capacity and a
further 2.2 billion litres desalination capacity are required by 2020.”
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
27 - 29 August, 2015,Tanzania
Days & Timing:
27 - 29 August, 2015, 10 AM TO 06 PM Business Visitors Only
Venue: Mlimani Conference Centre, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
POWER & ENERGY TANZANIA - Int'l Trade Exhibition will be held at Mlimani Conference Centre,
Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. The event will attract visitors from all over Africa. The exhibition will be held
concurrently with OIL & GAS TANZANIA. The Event will be held from the 27th to the 29th of August,
2015 at Tanzania's prime international venue; the Mlimani Conference Centre in Dar-es-Salaam.
After a succesfull 3 years of Power & Energy Africa - Kenya, the demand has now increased and we now
bring the show to the entire East African region, thus launging the first edition of Power & Energy Africa
2015 in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
Spread over a period of 3 days, the event brings together decision makers and influencers as well as
technical experts and professionals from leading companies involved in the power & energy generation,
transmission and distribution sector within Africa and around the globe. Exhibiting at this event will allow
you to showcase your products and services to the industry's largest gathering of qualified decisionmakers.
Trade visitors from all over East & Central African countries are being invited directly and in collaboration
with several regional trade bodies in Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Somalia, Mozambique & Congo.
Though Tanzania by itself is one of the biggest markets in Africa, major emphasis is being laid upon
attracting traders and importers from neighbouring countries.
Major Categories
New & Renewable Energy
Captive and Co-generation Plants
Nuclear Technology
Generators & UPS Systems
Energy Efficiency & Conservation
Transmission & Distribution
Power Transmission Equipments
Environmental & Safety Management
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
27 - 29 August, 2015,Tanzania
Days & Timing:
27 - 29 August, 2015, 10 AM TO 06 PM , Business Visitors Only
Venue: Mlimani Conference Centre, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
OIL & GAS TANZANIA 2015 - It is truly remarkable how East Africa, and specifically Tanzania has in
a short period of time become the main focus of attention as a source of new global gas supply. Large
amounts of foreign investments have been invested in the Tanzanian Oil and Gas industry after its
discovery. These investments have made East Africa the next lucrative market in the international
Oil & Gas Tanzania - The Gateway to the East African
Oil & Gas Industry.
It is truly remarkable how East Africa, and specifically Tanzania has in a short period of time become the
main focus of attention as a source of new global gas supply. Large amounts of foreign investments have
been invested in the Tanzanian Oil and Gas industry after its discovery. These investments have made
East Africa the next lucrative market in the international scenario.
Since 2010, Tanzania has witnessed further exploration and discoveries of significant quantities of natural
gas both on- and off-shore.
The first Oil & Gas Africa - Int'l Trade Exhibition, will be held from the 27th to the 29th of August 2015.
This event will be the hub for key players in the Oil and Gas industry, attracting leading oil, gas and
petroleum companies from around the world.
Oil & Gas Africa will offer participants the opportunity to showcase the industry's latest achievements and
technologies while networking with key figures from the region's oil and gas sector. The exhibition brings
the industry together in a forum that is conducive to business. This event is not only a key international
event on Oil and Gas exploration in Tanzania but also an important platform for establishing and building
business relations globally.
Major Categories
Drilling & Well Completion Equipment
Instrumentation & Control Technology
Lifting Equipment, Cranes and Winches
Health, Safety & Environmental Products and
Offshore Platforms, Design, Piling, Floating
Refining & Petrochemical Equipment and Services
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
22 - 24 August, 2015,Tanzania
Days & Timing:
22 - 24 August, 2015
Mlimani Conference Centre, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
The Gateway To The 380 Million Consumer Market Of
The East African Region
The 18th Buildexpo 2015 - International Trade Expo on Building & Construction Products, Eqpt. &
Machinery is the largest trade event held annually in Tanzania. The exhibition attracts exhibitors from
more than 30 countries and visitors from all over East & Central Africa, thus giving exhibitors an
excellent opportunity to explore several countries in one time.
Over the past few years, Tanzania has emerged as a major regional trade centre. This is mainly due to a
very friendly and business like atmosphere it offers to foreign investors and products. Duties are
considerably low and re-exports to neighbouring countries are either very low or exempted.
Major Categories
Construction Eqpt. & Machinery
Steel & Aluminium
Safety & Security
Building Materials, Tools & Hardware
Bathroom, Kitchen & Flooring
Air Conditioning
Water Technology
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
"Idikireem Medura"
350A, Pannipitiya Road, Pelawatte,
Battaramulla,Sri Lanka.
Hot Line : +94 11 44 222 22
Tel : +94 11 2786325, 2786326, 2786350
Fax : +94 11 2784355
E-mail :
Web :
CONSTRUCT organized annually by the National Construction Association of Sri Lanka (NCASL)
since 2001 will be held on 28th, 29th, 30th August 2015 for the 15th consecutive year at the
Sirimavo Bandaranaike Memorial Exhibition Center (SBMEC) Colombo, Sri Lanka.
CONSTRUCT has evolved to greater heights and is now the industry's key trade fair in the South Asian
CONSTRUCT plays a prominent role because it has so much to offer. This is confirmed by the extremely
positive response elicited for the display of building materials, building services and construction equipment.
CONSTRUCT is an international exhibition, which showcases products from Malaysia, India, Pakistan and
CONSTRUCT 2015 will deliver unprecedented access to key decision-makers in civil construction, quarrying,
construction materials and related industries.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
CONSTRUCT will greatly increase your future business prospects along with incorporating events which are
absolutely demand oriented.
The India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO), a Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of
Commerce will be organizing an exclusive multi product India Show i.e. India Sourcing Fair in
Colombo (Sri Lanka) in the first fortnight of 2015.
Indo- Sri Lankan mutual trade has been growing steadily The main objective of the fair is to help Indian
companies capture the Sri Lankan market which is going in for massive sourcing of products and services
from other countries after a prolonged period of internal strife. Sri Lanka at present is enjoying a period
of peace and development and is going in for all round reconstruction.Market surveys have indicated that
this is the most appropriate time for Indian companies/products and services to enter the Sri Lankan
market to make their presence felt. The Fair will provide an opportunity for Sri Lankan industrialist and
businesses to view the latest innovations, products and services offered by Indian companies. This
exhibition will be an ideal networking platform for Indian companies to establish their presence in Sri
OBJECTIVES OF THE EVENT :• An opportunity for Indian Manufacturers and Suppliers to showcase their products and services to an
evolving market
• To facilitate market entry and buyer introduction to many new Indian companies interested in doing
business in Sri Lanka
• To be a one stop shop for Indian exporters, manufacturers and producers
• To provide an opportunity for the Sri Lankan business community to witness first hand on what’s
available in India
• To provide an opportunity for small and medium scale exporters to showcase their products and
The products on display will include:
Engineering: Automobiles & Auto parts, Engineering Goods, Machine-tools,
Hand-tools, Machinery & Equipment, Mining & Construction, Equipment,
Medical Equipment & Disposables and infrastructure companies
Textiles: Readymade Garments, Home Furnishings, Fabrics, Readymade garments &
Accessories, Carpets, Handlooms, etc.
Leather Goods: Shoes, Handbags, Garments, Accessories, etc.
Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
Plastic & Rubber Product
Sports GoodsTourism & Hospitality (Travel companies and Hotels etc.)
Real Estate Industry
The participation charge is likely to be fixed around Rs.8,000 per sq mtr.(approx. - subject to
finalization) with a minimum bookable area of 9 sq mtrs and multiples of 3 sq mtrs thereafter. The
rentals are being subsidized under the MAI scheme of the Ministry of Commerce,Government of India.
In case your Organisation/company is interested in participation, please fill up the attached application
form and forward the same alongwith a Demand draft of Rs.50,000/- drawn in favour of “India Trade
Promotion Organisation” payable at Chennai at the address given below.
V. Narayanan
Senior Manager
India Trade Promotion Organisation
Raja Annamalai Building (2nd floor),72 Rukmani Lakshmipathi Road,
Egmore,Chennai – 600 008.
Tel : 044 - 28587297
India Sourcing Fair, Sri Lanka
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 106
June 1, 2015
All banks Authorised to Deal in Foreign Exchange
All Authorised Money Changers (AMCs) / Full-Fledged Money Changers (FFMCs)
Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) for resident individuals- increase in the limit
from USD 125,000 to USD 250,000 and rationalisation of current account transactions
Remittance facilities for persons other than individuals
Attention of Authorised Persons is invited to the A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No. 138 dated June 3,
2014 regarding the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) for resident individuals and the existing
guidelines issued under the Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account Transactions) Rules, 2000.
On a review, it has been decided to make the following changes for further liberalization and
rationalization on the existing guidelines.
Limit and Facilities under LRS
2. AD banks may now allow remittances by a resident individual up to USD 250,000 per financial year for
any permitted current or capital account transaction or a combination of both. If an individual has already
remitted any amount under the LRS, then the applicable limit for such an individual would be reduced
from the present limit of USD 250,000 for the financial year by the amount already remitted. The
permissible capital account transactions by an individual under LRS are:
v) extending loans including loans in Indian Rupees to Non-resident Indians (NRIs) who are relatives as
defined in Companies Act, 2013.
3. Further, to facilitate ease of transactions, all the facilities (including private/business visits) for release
of exchange/remittances for current account transactions available to resident individuals under Para 1 of
Schedule III to the Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account Transactions) Rules, 2000, as
amended from time to time, shall now be subsumed under the overall limit of USD 250,000. However, for
item numbers as mentioned at (iv)[ emigration], (vii)[expenses in connection with medical treatment
abroad] and (viii)[studies abroad] in Para 1 of Schedule III provided at Annex 1, individuals may avail of
exchange facility for an amount in excess of the overall limit prescribed under the LRS, if it is so required
by a country of emigration, medical institute offering treatment or the university respectively. Gift in
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Indian Rupees by resident individuals to NRI relatives as defined in the Companies Act, 2013 shall also be
subsumed under the LRS limit.
The Notification dated May 26, 2015 containing the revised Schedule III is given in Annex 1.
4. As hitherto, the Scheme cannot be made use for making remittances for any prohibited or illegal
activities such as margin trading, lottery, etc.
5. Remittance Procedure
Requirements to be complied with by the remitter
5.1 The resident individual seeking to make the remittances should furnish an application cum declaration
in the format indicated in Annex 2 to the AD/ full fledged money changer (FFMC) concerned regarding the
purpose of the remittances and declaration to the effect that the funds belong to the remitter and will not
be used for the prohibited purposes referred to in Para 4 above. Resident individuals can also purchase
foreign exchange from a full fledged money changer (FFMC) for private/business visits. Foreign exchange
thus purchased from an FFMC should also be reckoned within the overall LRS limit USD 250,000 and
declared accordingly in the application-cum-declaration form submitted to the AD bank.
Requirements to be complied with by the Authorised Persons
5.2 While allowing the facility to resident individuals, Authorised Persons, including AD Category II and
FFMCs, are required to ensure that the ';Know Your Customer'; guidelines and the Anti-Money Laundering
Rules in force have been complied with while allowing the transactions.
Requirements to be complied with by the Authorised Dealers
5.3 It is clarified that banks should not extend any kind of funded and non-funded facilities to resident
individuals to facilitate capital account remittances under the Scheme.
5.4 The applicants should have maintained the bank account with the bank for a minimum period of one
year prior to the remittance for capital account transactions. If the applicant seeking to make the
remittances is a new customer of the bank, Authorised Dealers should carry out due diligence on the
operations and maintenance of the account.
5.5 No part of the foreign exchange of USD 250,000 shall be used for remittance directly or indirectly to
countries notified as non-cooperative countries and territories by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
from time to time and communicated by the Reserve Bank of India to all concerned.
6. Reporting of the transactions
Authorised Dealers may arrange to furnish on a monthly basis information on the number of applicants
and total amount remitted under LRS to the Chief General Manager, External Payment Division, Foreign
Exchange Department, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai - 400001 through Online Return
Filing System (ORFS) only.
7. Facilities for persons other than individuals
7.1 As provided in Para 2 of Schedule III provided in Annex 1, persons other than individuals can make
remittances for
Donations for educational institutions;
Commissions to agents abroad for sale of residential flats/commercial plots in India;
Remittances for consultancy services and
Remittances for reimbursement of pre-incorporation expenses
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
within the limit and conditions laid down therein.
7.2 While making the above remittances, such persons shall submit to the concerned AD branch a
declaration to the effect that the limits and conditions relating to the remittances have been complied
8. All other terms and conditions for making overseas remittances shall remain unchanged.
9. Necessary amendments to the Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account Transactions) Rules,
2000 and the Foreign Exchange Management (Permissible Capital Account Transactions) Regulations,
2000, (Notification No. FEMA 1/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000) have been notified vide GSR No. 426 (E)
dated May 26, 2015 and GSR No.425 (E) dated May 26, 2015 respectively.
10. Authorised Persons may bring the contents of this circular to the notice of their constituents and
customers concerned.
11. The directions contained in this circular have been issued under Section 10(4) and 11(1) of the
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1992 (42 of 1999) and are without prejudice to
permissions/approvals, if any, required under any other law.
Yours faithfully,
(A. K. Pandey)
Chief General Manager
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
(Department of Economic Affairs)
New Delhi, the 26th May, 2015
G.S.R. 426(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 and sub-section (1) and clause (a) of
sub-section (2) of section 46 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999), and in
consultation with Reserve Bank, the Central Government having considered it necessary in the public
interest, makes the following amendment to the Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account
Transactions) Rules, 2000, namely:—
1. (1) These rules may be called the Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account Transactions)
Amendment Rules, 2015
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account Transactions) Rules, 2000,(i) for rule 5, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:“5. Prior approval of Reserve Bank.—Every drawal of foreign exchange for transactions included in
Schedule III shall be governed as provided therein:
Provided that this rule shall not apply where the payment is made out of funds held in Resident Foreign
Currency (RFC) Account of the remitter.”;
(ii) for Schedule III, the following shall be substituted, namely:—
“SCHEDULE III (See rule 5)
Facilities for individuals—
1. Individuals can avail of foreign exchange facility for the following purposes within the limit of USD
2,50,000 only. Any additional remittance in excess of the said limit for the following purposes shall
require prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India.
Private visits to any country (except Nepal and Bhutan)
Gift or donation.
Going abroad for employment
Maintenance of close relatives abroad
Travel for business, or attending a conference or specialised training or for meeting expenses for
meeting medical expenses, or check-up abroad, or for accompanying as attendant to a patient going
abroad for medical treatment/ check-up.
Expenses in connection with medical treatment abroad
Studies abroad
Any other current account transaction
Provided that for the purposes mentioned at item numbers (iv), (vii) and (viii), the individual may avail of
exchange facility for an amount in excess of the limit prescribed under the Liberalised Remittance
Scheme as provided in regulation 4 to FEMA Notification 1/2000-RB, dated the 3rd May, 2000 (here in
after referred to as the said Liberalised Remittance Scheme) if it is so required by a country of
emigration, medical institute offering treatment or the university, respectively:
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Provided further that if an individual remits any amount under the said Liberalised Remittance Scheme in
a financial year, then the applicable limit for such individual would be reduced from USD 250,000 (US
Dollars Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Only) by the amount so remitted:
provided also that for a person who is resident but not permanently resident in India and
is a citizen of a foreign State other than Pakistan; or
is a citizen of India, who is on deputation to the office or branch of a foreign company or
subsidiary or joint venture in India of such foreign company,
may make remittance up to his net salary (after deduction of taxes, contribution to provident fund and
other deductions).
Explanation: For the purpose of this item, a person resident in India on account of his
employment or deputation of a specified duration (irrespective of length thereof) or for a
specific job or assignments, the duration of which does not exceed three years, is a resident
but not permanently resident:
provided also that a person other than an individual may also avail of foreign exchange facility, mutatis
mutandis, within the limit prescribed under the said Liberalised Remittance Scheme for the purposes
mentioned herein above.
Facilities for persons other than individual 2. The following remittances by persons other than individuals shall require prior approval of the Reserve
Bank of India.
(i) Donations exceeding one per cent. of their foreign exchange earnings during the previous three
financial years or USD 5,000,000, whichever is less, for-
creation of Chairs in reputed educational institutes,
contribution to funds (not being an investment fund) promoted by educational institutes; and
contribution to a technical institution or body or association in the field of activity of the donor
(ii) Commission, per transaction, to agents abroad for sale of residential flats or commercial plots in India
exceeding USD 25,000 or five percent of the inward remittance whichever is more.
(iii) Remittances exceeding USD 10,000,000 per project for any consultancy services in respect of
infrastructure projects and USD 1,000,000 per project, for other consultancy services procured from
outside India.
Explanation:—For the purposes of this sub-paragraph, the expression “infrastructure’ shall
mean as defined in explanation to para 1(iv)(A)(a) of Schedule I of FEMA Notification 3/2000RB, dated the May 3, 2000.
(iv) Remittances exceeding five per cent of investment brought into India or USD 100,000 whichever is
higher, by an entity in India by way of reimbursement of pre-incorporation expenses.”
3. Procedure
The procedure for drawal or remit of any foreign exchange under this schedule shall be the same as
applicable for remitting any amount under the said Liberalised Remittance Scheme.
[F. No. 1/6/EM/2015]
MANOJ JOSHI, Jt. Secy. (Financial Market)
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Note : The principal rules were published in Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) of Gazette of India,
Extraordinary, vide G.S.R. 381(E), dated the 3rd May, 2000
A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.106 dated June 1, 2015]
Application cum Declaration for purchase of foreign exchange under the Liberalised
Remittance Scheme of USD 250,000
(To be completed by the applicant)
I. Details of the applicant
a. Name …………………………..
b. Address…………………………
c. Account No……………………..
d. PAN No………………………….
II. Details of the foreign exchange required
1. Amount (Specify currency)………………………………
2. Purpose ………………………………………………….
III. Sources of funds: ………………………………….
IV. Nature of instrument
Direct remittance…………
V. Details of the Beneficiary
1. Name ……………………..
2. Address ……………………
3. Country ……………………
4*. Name and address of the bank……………………….
5*. Account No……………………………………………..
(* Required only when the remittance is to be directly credited to the bank account of the beneficiary)
This is to authorize you to debit my account and effect the foreign exchange remittance/issue a draft as
detailed above. (strike out whichever is not applicable).
VI. Details of the remittances made/transactions effected under the Scheme in the current
financial year (April- March) ..…
Sl. No…….Date :………Amount :…………. Name and address of AD branch/FFMC through which the
transaction has been effected.
I, ………………. …………(Name), hereby declare that the total amount of foreign exchange purchased from or
remitted through all sources in India during the financial year as per item No…….of the Application, is
within the overall limit of USD 250,000/-(US Dollar Two hundred and Fifty Thousand only), which is the
limit prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India for the purpose and certify that the sources of funds for
making the said remittance belong to me and the foreign exchange will not be used for prohibited
Signature of the applicant
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Certificate by the Authorised Dealer
This is to certify that the remittance is not being made by/ to ineligible entities and that the remittance is
in conformity with the instructions issued by the Reserve Bank from time to time under the Scheme.
Name and designation of the authorised official:
Stamp and seal
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Bathroom Fittings & Accessories
Roca Sanitario SA
Importers of bathroom fittings and products.
Address: Avda. Diagonal, 513, Barcelona - 08029, Spain
Phone: +(34)-(93)-3661200
Curtiss AS.
Importers of products related to bathroom.
Address: Keramikkveien 32, Stavanger - 4032, Norway
Phone: +(47)-(51)-800805
Plasztikform Kft
Importers of stainless steel bathroom units.
Address: Baross Utca 167, Budavrs - 2040, Hungary
Phone: +(36)-(23)-423001 Fax: +(36)-(23)-423003
Plumb Crazy
Buyers of all plumbing, bathroom, hardware products.
Address: 100 Voortrekker Road, Salt River, Cape Town - 7925, South Africa
Phone: +(27)-(21)-5117818 Fax: +(27)-(21)-5117873
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(27)-834634649
Kudos Shower Products Limited
Buyers of cotton bath and shower mats.
Address: Elmsfield Park Holme Cumbria, Manchester - LA61RJ, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(1539)-564040 Fax: +(44)-(1539)-564141
Otari Ghana Limited
Buyers of all types of bathroom fittings.
Address: No.:10, Dadeban Loop, North Industrial Area, Accra, Ghana
Phone: +(233)-(21)-237796 Fax: +(233)-(21)-237796
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(233)-24670780
Newise International Limited
Importer of bathroom sinks.
Address: 1/F, Kai Kwong Commercial Bldg Lockhart Road Wanchai, Wan Chai - 332334, China (Hong
Kong S.A.R.)
Phone: +(852)-(852)-25117008 Fax: +(852)-(852)-28917187
Jash Technical Services Co. Limited
Importers of bath accessories.
Address: P. O. Box 173, Riyadh - 11411, Saudi Arabia
Phone: +(966)-(1)-4767780 Fax: +(966)-(1)-4776662
Haider Limited
Buyers of bathroom fittings.
Address: 15 Hollinbank Lane, Lee - WF16 9NF, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(7979)-920555
Multitrade International Ltd.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
deals in bathroom fittings
Address: Data General Building, 666 Gt South Rd., Ellerslie, P O Box : 62503, Central Park, Auckland,
New Zealand
Phone: +(64)-(9)-5259721 Fax: +(64)-(9)-5250471
Aqua Tec
Importers of spare parts for sink.
Address: 25 Moaz Aldawla, Nser City Mkram Abeed, Cairo - 11241, Egypt
Phone: +(2)-(2)-6708075 Fax: +(2)-(2)-2729651
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(2)-0020124595870
Samra Bath Center
Engaged in importing of bathroom accessories, bathroom mirrors and bathroom other
Address: 23, King George Street, Tel Aviv - 63290, Israel
Phone: +(972)-(52)-4669609 Fax: +(972)-(3)-5273506
T. K. Interior Design & Decoration S/b
Importers of bathroom accessories.
Address: 750/D, Taman Ecorich Jalan Tanjung Batu, Bintulu - 97000, Malaysia
Phone: +(6)-(86)-332729 Fax: +(6)-(86)-332729
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(6)-0138338430
Cixi Star Light Sanitary Ware Company Limited
Buyers of shower.
Address: Cang Tian Industrial Area, Changhe, Cixi, Ningbo - 315 326, China
Phone: +(86)-(574)-63406416 / 63415898 Fax: +(86)-(574)-63409125 / 63415786
E-buy Radiators Direct Limited
Buyers of bathroom fixture and fittings such as taps, showers, baths sinks etc.
Address: 15, Longfield Avenue, Fareham - PO141DA, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(1329)-519465 Fax: +(44)-(1329)-519465
Bellagio, Sarl
Buyers of bathroom fitting.
Address: Tabaris Square, Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon
Phone: +(961)-(1)-204042
Importers of all kinds of bathroom fittings.
Address: 20/25, North South Road, Siddique Bazar, Habib Market, 3rd Floor, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Phone: +(880)-(2)-9566254 Fax: +(880)-(2)-9566254
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(880)-171536146
Microdata Associates Limited
Buyers of bathroom accessories such as shower curtain, toothbrush holders etc.
Address: 79, Roseville Road, Hayes, London - UB34QY, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(208)-5731391 Fax: +(44)-(790)-2098281
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(44)-7812339669
Swadesh Bidesh
Buyers of bathroom accessories.
Address: 64, Aziz Super Market, 1st Floor, Dhaka - 1000, Bangladesh
Phone: +(880)-(2)-861025 Fax: +(880)-(2)-8613958
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(880)-11875686
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Construction Machinery
Induztrial Toyz Corporation
Buyers of road construction equipments.
Address: 169, Forrest Drive, Sherwood Park - T8A6A9, Canada
Phone: +(1)-(780)-9451161 Fax: +(1)-(780)-4493747
Jepak Holdings Sdn Bhd
Buyers of concrete mixer trucks and batching plants.
Address: 76, C. F. Park, Jalan Tun Hussein Onn, Bintulu - 97000, Malaysia
Phone: +(60)-(86)-333019 Fax: +(60)-(86)-332700
Lumbini Trade Centre Nepal Private Limited
Importers of construction equipment
Address: Trispureshore, K. K. M. Building Satdobato, Lalitpur - Na, Nepal
Phone: +(977)-(1)-4260058 / 5524362 Fax: +(977)-(1)-4226711
Wahyu Mandiri
Importers of all types of construction equipments.
Address: Basuki Rahmat 56, Sumatera Selatan - 12430, Indonesia
Phone: +(62)-(711)-421557
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(62)-8127132333
Precise Engineering Services
Importers of construction equipment.
Address: Plot 43, Oboja Road, Kampala - 19780, Uganda
Phone: +(256)-(772)-742053 Fax: +(256)-(38)-400258
Birdi Civil Engineers
Importers of construction plants.
Address: P. O. Box 58223, Nairobi - 00010, Kenya
Phone: +(254)-(20)-823620 Fax: +(254)-(20)-891017
Dabaywa Trading & Contracting Co.
Importer of construction equipment, construction materials and construction machineries etc
Address: 2, W2, Mosque Street Ibnauf Suliman Building, Khartoum - 11111, Sudan
Phone: +(249)-(9)-12953816 / 12843934
Alghanim International & General Trading
Buyers of construction equipments.
Address: Shuaikh, Behind Old Pepsi Company, Safat - 2118, Kuwait
Phone: +(965)-(1)-804044 / 9149534 Fax: +(965)-(1)-4822490
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(965)-965789
Hire Station Limited
Buyers of general construction machineries.
Address: Fields Farm Road Long Eaton, Nottingham - NG103FZ, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(845)-6045337 Fax: +(44)-(845)-6688999
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(44)-7711958183
Go Industry A. S
Buyers of construction equipments.
Address: Sak R Kesebir Cad. 36/13, Balmumcu Besiktas, Istanbul - 80700, Turkey
Phone: +(90)-(212)-2114348 Fax: +(90)-(212)-2114348
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Hanmi International Company Limited
Buyers of used construction equipments and spare parts.
Address: #121-246, Dangsandong 6, Ga Youngdeungpogu, Seoul - 150 808, Korea
Phone: +(82)-(2)-26755013 Fax: +(82)-(2)-26327883
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(82)-112815200
JB System Inc.
Engaged in import of construction equipments such as excavators, bulldozers, wheel loaders,
motor graders, cranes, road rollers, forklifts, dump trucks, concrete mixture trucks, garbage
compactor trucks, generators. Also imports used ship, cargo etc.
Address: No. 4-4-29, Nishi Sakado, Sakado-Shi - 350 0247, Japan
Phone: +(81)-(492)-793455 Fax: +(81)-(492)-793456
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(81)-9034053162
Yabhana Group
Importers of construction equipments.
Address: 12, Dunchurch Crescent Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham - B73 6QN, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(7909)-526410
Halong Traseco
Buyers of all types of construction machine.
Address: 39 Le Lai Street, NGoquyen Dist Hai phong, Haiphong City - 10000, Vietnam
Phone: +(84)-(31)-768412 Fax: +(84)-(31)-767638
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(84)-0903245444
J. L. International Limited, Partnership
Buyers of machineries and raw material for construction industry.
Address: No. 889, Thai C. C. Tower, Room No. 242, South Sathorn Road, Yanawa, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120, Thailand
Phone: +(66)-(2)-6723444
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(66)-896610896
Door Knobs, Handles, Knockers, Stoppers & Other Door
Newise International Limited
Importers of door closers, door handles and door hinges.
Address: 1/F, Kai Kwong Commercial Building, 332-334 Lockhart Road, Wanchai - ., China (Hong Kong
Phone: +(852)-(852)-25117008
Fax: +(852)-(852)-28917187
Buyer of door, door lock, door handles, etc.
Address: 22, Watson Street, Aberdeen - 4850, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(7)-20482314 Fax: +(44)-(7)-23547563
Jazco Company
Importers of door knnobs and knobs products.
Address: Banani Road -5, Block F , House No. 88 Third Floor, Dhaka - 1206, Bangladesh
Phone: +(880)-(12)-8824395
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Kin Kei Hardware Industries Limited
Importer of door closers, door handles, door hinges, door knob locks and door viewers.
Address: Room 704, 7/F Eastern Centre, 1065 King's Road,, Tai Koo - .., China (Hong Kong S.A.R.)
Phone: +(852)-(852)-25616788
Fax: +(852)-(.)-25639115
John Phillips Investments Limited
Distributor and supplier of door locks and door closers.
Address: 5, East Hill, London - HA9 9PT, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(20)-89049407
Emmanuella Consult
Importers of door handle.
Address: Plot 22, Victor Hugo Dakar, Dagana - 221, Senegal
Phone: +(221)-(820)-12819 Fax: +(221)-(820)-45221
Anurasiri Furnitures Private Limited
Importers of door pulls, hingers, cam locks, plywood etc.
Address: 701/A, Peradeniya Road Mulgampola, Kandy, Sri Lanka
Phone: +(94)-(81)-2228173
Fax: +(94)-(81)-2233279
General Building Hardware Traders
Rajabdeen & Sons Limited
Importers of builders hardware.
Address: 192, Nawala Road, Colombo - 5, Sri Lanka
Phone: +(94)-(11)-2807500/2807500 Fax: +(94)-(11)-2807500
Vijay Hardware
Buyers of building hardwares.
Address: Algoz Industrial Area No. 3, Dubai - 41396, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +(971)-(4)-3479200 Fax: +(971)-(4)-3479733
Allu Metal Maghrebin
Buyers of various builder hardwares.
Address: 40-44, Rue Abou, Amrane Al Fassi, Casablanca - 20100, Morocco
Phone: +(212)-(22)-981058 Fax: +(212)-(22)-981055
Indenza Limited
Buyers of builders hardware.
Address: 142 Westchester Dr, Wellington - 6004, New Zealand
Phone: +(64)-(4)-477 3555
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
J. Hassanali Hardware Store
Buyers of building hardware.
Address: P O Box 1485, Daressalaam - , Tanzania
Phone: +(255)-(22)-2115793 Fax: +(255)-(22)-2130341
Almacen El Arquitecto
Buyers of builders hardware accessories.
Address: Cra 42, No. 75-83, Local 148, Itagui, Colombia
Phone: +(57)-(4)-3741718
Fax: +(57)-(4)-3741718
Chifley Exim Australia
Importers and distributors of builder's hardware in brass, steel, iron and few products of
general merchandise.
Address: 2, St.Martins Crt., Wantirna South, Melbourne - 3152, Australia
Phone: +(61)-(3)-98010799
Fax: +(61)-(3)-98005798
Maroc Motif
Buyers of building hardware.
Address: 22, Rue Ennarjisse Benjdia, Casablanca Maroc - 20000, Morocco
Phone: +(212)-(2)-2225702 Fax: +(212)-(2)-2225716
The Stanley Works
Buyers of builder hardware.
Address: 3F, 338 Wen Lin Road, Taipei - 111, Taiwan
Phone: +(886)-(2)-81451465
Granite, Marble, Sandstone & Slate Stone
Avner Mart Import Export
Buyers of marble.
Address: 1, HaDror, Kiryat-Ono - 55602, Israel
Phone: +(972)-(50)-590488
Al-Murad Tiles
Buyers of marbles and granites.
Address: Howley Park Road East Morley Leeds West Yorkshire, Leeds - LS27OBN, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(1132)-537766 Fax: +(44)-(1132)-537766
Fujian Nanan Lian Feng Mei Stone Co. Ltd.
Importers of marble.
Address: Pushan Industrial Area, Shuitou Town, Nanan, Fujin - 362342, China
Phone: +(86)-(595)-86989553 Fax: +(86)-(595)-86909553
Balography Nig Limited
Engaged in importing of granite.
Address: Omoh 20 Funsho Kinoshi Street , Avenue B Stop, Okota Ago, Palace Way, Lagos - ., Nigeria
Phone: +(234)-(709)-313766
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(234)-8086797706
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Xiamen Yueyang Stone Company Limited
Importers of importing rough granite blocks.
Address: Unit 7b, Bldg A, Baolong Center, No. 297, Jiahe Road, Xiame, Xiamen - 361 012, China
Phone: +(86)-(592)-5328291
Entity Holdings Private Limited
Importers of gypsum boards.
Address: 410/3, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo - 7000, Sri Lanka
Phone: +(94)-(11)-4737828 Fax: +(94)-(11)-5362588
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(94)-777667657
Charcon Specialist Products
Importers of granites.
Address: Marions Way, Coventry Road, Leicester - LE9 3GP, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(1455)-288241 Fax: +(44)-(1455)-285284
Taj Trading
Buyers of marble.
Address: 17, Buxton Avenue, Oranjezicht, Cape Town - 8001, South Africa
Phone: +(27)-(21)-4231505 Fax: +(27)-(21)-4231505
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(27)-824549383
Copro Group
Importers of all types of marbles.
Address: Kosuyolu Mah. D. Blok, Daire No. 4 Emlakbankas, Istanbul - 34000, Turkey
Phone: +(90)-(532)-2401125
Shirkooh Yazd Tile
Importers of all types of ceramic and tiles.
Address: Apartment 1, 9th Floor, Mellat Tower, Vali Asr Street, Tehran - Na, Iran
Phone: +(98)-(21)-88784678 Fax: +(98)-(21)-88784678
Quang Dieu Co. Limited
Importers of marble, granite, sandstone, slate etc.
Address: 364, Cong Hoa Street, Etown Building, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Phone: +(84)-(88)-8122606 Fax: +(84)-(88)-8122282
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(84)-8918319699
Excellence Integrated Solutions
Importers of limestone.
Address: Old Mazda Road, Fabric Care Building, 203, Abu Dhabi - 52596, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +(971)-(2)-6711197 Fax: +(971)-(2)-6711158
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(971)-506421157
Maha Co.
Importers of marble, granite, limestone, onyx etc.
Address: # 34, No.3, Golfam Building, Golfam Street, Africa Ave,, Tehran - 0098, Iran
Phone: +(980)-(21)-22020251 / 22055860 Fax: +(980)-(21)-22055860
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(980)-9121271665
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Pipe Fittings & Tube Fittings
Esmil Trading
Buyers of pipes, solid bar and fittings.
Address: P.O. Box 129, 8500 Ac Joure, Heerenveen - 8500AC, The Netherlands
Phone: +(31)-(513)-528810 Fax: +(31)-(513)-528842
Tig Group
Importers of pe pipes.
Address: Botelkamp 38, Hamburg - D-22529, Germany
Phone: +(49)-(40)-790000 / 245117 Fax: +(49)-(40)-790099
S. S. Trade Link International Private Limtied
Buyers of steel pipe, steel pipe fittings, upvc pipe fittings.
Address: 11, Haji Osman Goni Road, Dhaka - 1000, Bangladesh
Phone: +(880)-(2)-9554805 / 7164364 Fax: +(880)-(2)-9554755 / 7164362
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(880)-11846662
Kwan Hing Metal Manufacturing Co. Limited
Buyers of pipes.
Address: Unit 2713A, 27/F., Asia Trade Center, 79 Lei Muk Road, Kwai Chung - Na, China (Hong Kong
Phone: +(852)-24211322 Fax: +(852)-24215322
Raj Arab International
Buyers of pipes and pipe fittings.
Address: Flat No. 3, 79 Hussein Street, Mohandesein, Cairo, Egypt
Phone: +(20)-(2)-7495194 Fax: +(20)-(2)-7495194
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(20)-122388564
A Tech Comapny
Importers of titanium plated stainless steel pipes.
Address: A-919, Sam Ho Building, #275-1, YangJae-Dong, SeoCho-Ku, Seoul - 137 941, Korea
Phone: +(82)-(2)-5537555
Technical Oilfield Supplies Centre
Importers of all types of pipes, tube fittings, flanges, expansion joints etc.
Address: Post Box No. 2647, Abu Dhabi - 2647, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +(971)-(2)-6734042 Fax: +(971)-(2)-6734041
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(971)-507514327
I. B. N. Al Nafees General Trading Establishment
Importers of used steel pipes type F51, ST52, external dia 168 mm, 20mm wallthick, 6 m long,
seamless or welded etc.
Address: P. O. Box 61835, Dubai - 971, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +(971)-(4)-2850500 Fax: +(971)-(4)-2855782
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(971)-504577100
Buyers of all types of hdpe pipes.
Address: 157 Al Harm St Giza, Cairo - 12556, Egypt
Phone: +(20)-(48)-600098 Fax: +(20)-(48)-600819
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Hakan Plastic
Buyers of pvc, pprc, pe pipes and fittings.
Address: Organize Sanayi Bolgesi Gaziosmanpasa Mah. Istiklal Cad, Cerkezkoy - 59500, Turkey
Phone: +(90)-(282)-7266443 Fax: +(90)-(282)-7269467
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(90)-5334738964
Handal Mandiri
Buyers of steel pipes.
Address: Jl. DI. Panjaitan, Gang Sederhana No. 01, Balikpapan - 76123, Indonesia
Phone: +(62)-(542)-423315 Fax: +(62)-(542)-420537
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(62)-811-547493
Decor Limited
Importers of stainless steel pipes.
Address: St Riznikovski, 1 A, Kharkov - 61025, Ukraine
Phone: +(380)-(57)-7122037 Fax: +(380)-(57)-7102239
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(380)-506306686
Mahmoud For Trading Pipes & Fittings
Importres of pipes and fittings.
Address: 14 El Sayegh St El Sabteya Ramsis,cairo,egypt, Al Q�Hirah - 11111, Egypt
Phone: +(2)-(2)-5775321
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(2)-102828362
G Rgenler AS
Importers of seamless pipes.
Address: No. 1, Organize Sanayi, Bolgesi Avar, CAD. No. 4, Ankara - 06935, Turkey
Phone: +(90)-(312)-2670969 Fax: +(90)-(312)-2670881
Comdo Italia SRL
Buyers of iron pipes for bed mechanisms.
Address: Via Dell Orzo 53/55/57, Z. I., Altamura - 70022, Italy
Phone: +(39)-(80)-3101078 Fax: +(39)-(80)-3103449
Al Aswar Technology Group Co.
Buyers of ductile pipes.
Address: Farhan Building, Fadala Street Block No.11,Salmiya, P.O. Box 6213, Hawalli - 32037, Kuwait
Phone: +(965)-(2)-5629205 Fax: +(965)-(2)-5628176
Sag Stahl GmbH
Importers of steel pipes.
Address: Ruetersbarg, 48, Hamburg - 22529, Germany
Phone: +(49)-(40)-6447077 Fax: +(49)-(40)-64428490
S. K. F. Corporation Limited
Buyers of pipes.
Address: 300/4, Hatirpool, Dhaka - 1215, Bangladesh
Phone: +(880)-(2)-8620274
Viking Cives Limited
Buyers of steel flange beams.
Address: RR#4 Norpark Drive, Mount Forest - N0H 2k0, Canada
Phone: +(1)-(519)-3234433 Fax: +(1)-(519)-3234608
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Buyers of pvc pipes and fittings.
Address: No. 10, Jasmine Street, Ubalde Village, Agdao, Davao City - 8000, Philippines
Phone: +(63)-(82)-2349855 Fax: +(63)-(82)-3008865
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(63)-9177020147
Viking Johnson
Buyers of pipe couplings.
Address: 46-48 Wilbury Way, Hitchin, Hertford - SG40UD, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(1462)-443322 Fax: +(44)-(1462)-443311
Wall & Floor Tiles
Dennis Plink Builder Pty Limited
Importers of building products like tiles and ceramics.
Address: P. O. Box 247, Blackheath - 2785, Australia
Phone: +(61)-(2)-63552003
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(61)-414 825711
Moods Fine Furniture Co.
Buyers of tiles.
Address: Killymitten, Ballinamallard, Enniskillen - BT942FW, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(28)-6638882 Fax: +(44)-(28)-66388881
Steel City Renovation & Engineeering Sdn Bhd
Buyers of tiles.
Address: Plot 41, Elseidale Estate, Mount Erskine - 10470, Malaysia
Phone: +(60)-(4)-8909594
Associated Industries, UK
Buyers of flooring products etc.
Address: 9, Norfolk Road, Industrial Estate, Gravesend - DA122PS, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(1474)-328111 Fax: +(44)-(1474)-328222
Mohammed Osman Ahmed Al Fattani Estate
Buyers of all kinds of stone tiles, multi colored tiles, white tiles, kitchen wall tiles, decorative
wall tiles etc.
Address: Al Dahab, Behind Atlas Hotel,, Jeddah - 21425, Saudi Arabia
Phone: +(966)-(2)-6458316 / 6420491 Fax: +(966)-(2)-6458308
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(966)-966505506286
Rosean Company Limited
Buyers of ceramic tiles.
Address: 15-3 Doida, Matsuyama - 790-0056, Kenya
Phone: +(81)-(89)-9311700 Fax: +(81)-(89)-9311703
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(81)-60-12-3190414
Potent Solutions
Buyers of tiles.
Address: 14, Twynyrefail Place, Gwaun Cae Gurwen, Ammanford - SA181HY, United Kingdom
Phone: +(44)-(1269)-823039 Fax: +(44)-(1269)-823039
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Venetto Ceramicas
Importers of tiles.
Address: 145/1, Green Road., Dhaka - 1205, Bangladesh
Phone: +(88)-(2)-9144949 Fax: +(88)-(2)-8314400
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(88)-171037609
Sikder Trading International
Importers of all kinds of tiles.
Address: 1613, Hamzarbag Colony, Muradpur, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Phone: +(880)-(31)-682127 Fax: +(880)-(31)-655711
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(880)-0176328881
Indi - Stone Design
Buyers of dimensioned stone.
Address: 681, Timboon - Colac Road, Scotts Creek - 3267, Australia
Phone: +(61)-(3)-55959206 Fax: +(61)-(3)-55959206
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(61)-4005763758
Wood Floorings, Timber, Plywood & Laminates
E Corner
Buyers of sawn timber.
Address: No. 54, Jalan S.P. 1/5 Taman Saujana, Puchong - 47100, Malaysia
Phone: +(60)-(3)-80602095
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(60)-60123815330
Rimaju (Asia Pacific) Sdn. Bhd.
Importers of unfinished and prefinished t & g timber floorings, laminated timber floorings etc.
Address: Lot 14, 1st Floor, Kolam Centre, Jalan Lintas, Luyang, Kota Kinabalu - 88300, Malaysia
Phone: +(60)-(88)-232551 Fax: +(60)-(88)-211313
Vivek Industries Limited
Buyers of plywood.
Address: Mombasa Road, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +(254)-(20)-531783 Fax: +(254)-(20)-531587
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(254)-733311335
Laidebao Furniture Company Limited
Buyers of woods, logs etc.
Address: Chumen Section, Sci-Tech Industrial, Yuhuan - 317 605, China
Phone: +(86)-(576)-7427356 Fax: +(86)-(576)-7427358
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(86)-8613566859068
Importers of dentsply etc.
Address: 4028 Steinberg, St.Laurent - H4R 2G7, Canada
Phone: +(1)-(514)-3353433 Fax: +(1)-(514)-3350992
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Khalili, Oman
Buyers of wood.
Address: Khuwair, Muscat, Ruwi - NIL, Oman
Phone: +(968)-(7)-699098
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(968)-9371434
Al Bahjah
Buyers of plywood.
Address: Karama, Bur Dubai, Dubai - 34633, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +(971)-(50)-6760089
Rudwan Workshop
Buyers of meranti, mahagany and teak wood.
Address: A'amran Street, Sana'A - 326, Yemen
Phone: +(967)-(1)-325224 Fax: +(967)-(1)-325224
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(967)-71124009
Phiali Company
Importers of high pressure laminates.
Address: No. 61-3, Houhu Rd., Linkou Shiang, Taipei Hsien, Taipei - 244, Taiwan
Phone: +(886)-(2)-2603493 Fax: +(886)-(2)-26034954
Hobapol Ag
Importers of all kinds of timber products.
Address: Semslach 39, Obervellach - 9821, Austria
Phone: +(43)-(4782)-29848 Fax: +(43)-(4782)-29848
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(43)-664 569 2596
Engel Timber
Importers of mahogany plywood.
Address: Babenbergerstrasse No. 9, Vienna - A-1010, Austria
Phone: +(43)-(1)-5876343 Fax: +(43)-(1)-5873936
Ocean Star Shipping & Trading Sdn Bhd.
Buyers of all kinds of timber.
Address: AE7, Jalan Kukuban Satu, Taman Setapak, Kuala Lumpur - 53000, Malaysia
Phone: +(60)-(3)-21665868 Fax: +(60)-(3)-31685886
Mobile / Cell Phone: +(60)-193211582
Shree Shivshakti Hardware And Sanitary Suppliers
Freight Link International Co. Limited
Importer of commercial dbbcc plywood, mdf radiata pine planks and pine plywood.
Address: SIR VIRGIL NAZ STREET, Port Louis - NIL, Mauritius
Phone: +(230)-(233)-0101 Fax: +(230)-(211)-5410
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Shri Rajan Malhotra
Regional Manager
Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
IFCI Towers, 14th Floor
61, Nehru Place
New Delhi: 110019
Shri V.C. Verma
Oriental Structural Engineers Pvt. Ltd
21, Commercial Complex
Malcha Marg
New Delhi 110 021.
Shri Mohan Dass Saini
CEO (Construction Division)
Shapoorji Pallonji & Co. Ltd.
SP Centre
41/44 Minoo Desai Marg
Colaba, Mumbai: 400005
Shri Arun Karambelkar
President & Whole Time Director
Hindustan Construction Co. Ltd.
Hincon House
Lal Bhadur Shastri Marg
Vikhroli (West),
Mumbai-400 083
Shri Pankaj Goyal
Chief Financial Officer
Angelique International Limited
104-107, 1st Floor
Hemkunt Tower
98 Nehru Place
New Delhi-110019
Shri Ashutosh Jagga
General Manager
Technofab Engineering Ltd.
Plot No.5 Sector 27 C
Mathura Road
Faridabad: 121003
S Shri Sandip Baran Das
Simplex Infrastructures Limited
27, Shakespeare Sarani
Shri Alok Garg,
Group General Manager (Building & Airports),
RITES Limited
RITES Office Complex,
Plot No. 1 Sector -29, Gurgaon - 122001
Shri R.N. Yadav
Managing Director
U.P. Rajkiya Nirman Nigam Ltd.
Vishweshwariya Bhawan
Gomto Nagar
Shri S.K. Sharma
Deputy Secretary, EP(OP)
Department of Commerce
Ministry of Commerce & Industry,Govt. Of India
Udyog Bhawan
New Delhi- 110 011
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Shri Soumen Bagchi
Joint Secretary (ES & ITP)
Ministry of External Affairs
Room No. 3057, A Wing, 3rd Floor
Jawahar Lal Nehru Bhawan, Janpath
New Delhi - 110003
Shri C.D. Srinivasan
Chief General Manager
Reserve Bank Of India
Foreign Exchange Deptt.
Trade Division
Central Office
Mumbai 400 001.
Shri Sunil Joshi
ECGC of India Ltd.,
Project Export Branch
The Metropolitan (7th Floor),
Plot No. C26/27, Bandra Kurla Complex
Shri Sriram Subramaniam
Dy. General Manager
Exim Bank Of India
Ground Floor, Statesman House
148 Barakhamba Road
New Delhi 110001
23326625, 23326254, 233221622, 23321742, 23721393Extn.211
Fax: 23321719, 23322758
E-Mail: Eximnd@Vsnl.Com
Shri S.K. Sharma
Deputy Secretary, Deptt.of Commerce & Executive Director
Project Exports Promotion Council Of India
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
P. E.P.C.
India is a country with large and diverse infrastructure sector. The Government of India recognized the
imperative need for the infrastructure sector and takes several initiatives like Committee of
Infrastructure, National Highway Development Project (NHDP), National Maritime Development
Programme (NMDP), Tax Holidays etc for the development and promotion of the sector. In the recent
years, there has been several improvements in sectors like roads & highways, ports, railways and
airports, the policy and regulatory framework is already in place and investment in infrastructure has
risen considerably however there are still significant gaps that need to be bridged.
With a view to create a platform for all the stakeholders and for the conclusive growth & development of
the Infrastructure sector, PEPC works with the Central and Foreign
Governments, National &
International development organizations like World Bank, Asian Development Bank etc, Government
Agencies, and various other stakeholders to promote the Project exports.
PEPC discusses policy, regulatory and procedural issues with its members, industry experts etc. and
advice appropriate reforms to the government for the development of the project exports. For making
conducive business environment PEPC highlights encumbrances being faced by the industry players in the
process of development of the sector and interacts with various national / international agencies for
making feasible measures to overcome those encumbrances.
PEPC supports the Government in its efforts towards projecting the project exports. It act as a reference
point for investors (Domestic & International) interested in the sector and provide information related to
government guidelines, investment opportunities, government & development agencies (which are
involved in the development process of the sector).
For promotion of the sector PEPC works proactively and suggests necessary procedures during the
process of policy formation, budgetary allocation, forming legal framework etc. by the government. To
maintain smooth progress PEPC also insist government to make essential provision for timely upgradation
of the policies on the basis of regular feedback from its members and industry players.
PEPC organizes several investment promotion programmes, conferences, seminars, workshops, etc on
regular basis for facilitating interaction between various government agencies, international bodies,
industry players and its members that provide prospects to raises issues pertaining to the sector and
exchange ideas. These networking events provide a platform to share thoughts, explore business
opportunities among the varied stakeholders of the project sector. These measures help to analyse the
present developments and identifies the ways to overcome the constraint of the sector.
Project Exports from India commenced with a modest beginning in the late 1970s. Since then, project
exports have evolved over the years, with Indian companies demonstrating capabilities and expertise
spanning a wide range of sectors. The nature of Project Exports being undertaken reflects the
technological maturity and industrial capabilities in the country. Project exports are broadly divided into
four categories:
Civil construction
Turnkey modules
Consultancy services
Supplies, primarily of capital goods and industrial manufactures
Each of the above are explained here:
Civil construction projects Construction projects involve civil works, steel structural work, erection of
utility equipment and include projects for building dams, bridges, airports, railway lines, roads and
bridges, apartments, office complexes, hospitals, hotels, and desalination plants.
Turnkey projects
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Turnkey projects involve supply of equipment along with related services and cover activities from the
conception stage to the commissioning of a project. Typical examples of turnkey projects are: supply,
erection and commissioning of boilers, power plants, transmission lines, sub-stations, plants for
manufacture of cement, sugar, textiles and chemicals.
Consultancy services Services contracts, involving provision of know-how, skills, personnel and training
are categorised as consultancy projects. Typical examples of services contracts are: project
implementation services, management contracts for industrial plants, hospitals, hotels, oil exploration,
charter hire of rigs and locomotives, supervision of erection of plants, CAD/ CAM solutions in software
exports, finance and accounting systems.
Supply contracts Supply contracts involve primarily export of capital goods and industrial
manufactures. Typical examples of supply contracts are: supply of stainless steel slabs and ferro-chrome
manufacturing equipments, diesel generators, pumps and compressors.
Project export contracts are generally of high value and exporters undertaking them are required to offer
competitive credit terms to be able to secure orders from foreign buyers in the face of stiff international
competition. Exim Bank plays a pivotal role in promoting and financing Indian companies in the execution
of projects. It has been closely associated with the growth of project exports from India by way of
providing finance, information and business advisory services. The bank supports Indian companies at all
stages of the project cycle from advance tender information, guidance in preparation of competitive bids
to providing financial facilities, including loans and guarantees. It extends funded and non-funded
facilities for overseas industrial turnkey projects, civil construction contracts, as well as technical and
consultancy service contracts. Exim Bank has in place a specialised cell to provide advance information to
Indian companies on projects being funded by multilateral funding agencies in various countries. Over
the past two decades, increasing number of projects have been executed by Indian companies in North
Africa, West Asia, South & South East Asia, CIS and Latin America.
Project Exports as defined in para 252-260 of Foreign Trade Policy Statement 20152020
“Project Exports
252. Project exports are broadly defined as exports of such goods and services where the export receipts
are allowed to be staggered (in conformity with RBI guidelines) over a period of more than twelve
months. This is largely to reflect that the export transaction is not a one-off single transaction but
represents certain goods, construction and service activities, where the payment receipts are staggered
in line with the project components / execution.
253. The full value of project exports is not captured under any single aggregate classification. However,
as per data maintained by the Project Export Promotion Council, its members’ project exports orders
have increased from USD 1.7 billion in 2012-13 to USD 4.4 billion in 2013-14. This increase of 162
percent is indicative of the strong potential which exists for India to aggressively increase its world trade
market share in project exports.
254. Since project export contract earnings range over one year to five years, such export orders also
impart stability to the export earnings of the country. India’s current project export contracts are
estimated at around USD 5 billion. It is estimated that project exports from India can be boosted to at
least USD 25 billion 56 per annum within a time frame of five to seven years. The main markets for
India’s project exports are expected to be in Africa, Middle-East countries, SAARC and ASEAN countries,
Central Asian Republics in CIS. These are the emerging markets which have high infrastructure needs.
255. Such projects, while helping the recipient countries to bridge their infrastructure gaps also help
India’s exports of goods and services. They help to build a long term relationship of the target country
with India and its project export entities. India’s entry into high value project exports will also impart
high brand visibility in the target countries. Besides the specific brand visibility, India’s general branding
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
is also promoted as a country which can export hi-tech and high value projects. Such branding and
visibility facilitates easier acceptance of other products exported by India to such markets. Long term
business relationships also develop in supplies of replaceable components and spare parts, annual
maintenance and servicing contracts, upgradation of project technology, etc. Repeat orders become
easier, as the countries gain experience and confidence in Indian project export entities. They also exhibit
India’s cost competitiveness while at the same time maintaining internationally comparable quality
256. Project exports can be boosted through opening of special lines of credit and also provision of cheap
lines of credit through buyer credit mechanism. Concessional lines of credit are generally extended
through the Ministry of External Affairs, where diplomatic considerations also matter for offering such
lines of credit. The Buyers’ Credit Scheme being offered by the Department of Commerce through Exim
Bank of India aims at enhancing Indian exports to select countries.
257. Many Indian companies in both the private and public sectors have, over the years, developed
considerable expertise in executing project export contracts in diverse areas such as railway sector,
power sector, roads and bridges, drinking water supply schemes, irrigation projects, construction of oil
and gas pipelines, construction of electricity grids, hydro power projects, airport construction etc.
258. For boosting project exports, the Department of Commerce has set up the National Export
Insurance Account (NEIA). Essentially, the Account helps to cover project export risks which cannot be
fully covered by the Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC).
259. In tandem with EXIM Bank of India and ECGC, the NEIA is also now being used to selectively offer a
Buyers’ Credit Cover for project exports. This enables EXIM Bank to offer co-financing for project exports
from India to target countries in South Asia, Africa, CIS and others.
260. While buyers credit cover has brought in major encouragement for project exports, the cost of
capital remains very high in India. An effort was made towards setting up an interest equalisation scheme
under the Market Access Initiative scheme of the Department of Commerce but it did not materialise due
to financial resource constraints. Since project export is recognized as an important element of this
policy, renewed efforts will be made to seek allocation of resources for such a scheme.”
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
Under this scheme assistance is given to individual exporters for participation in following export
promotion activities abroad
Trade Delegations
Trade Fairs/Exhibitions
The details of scheme is given as ANNEXURE-I.
The scheme is formulated on focus product- focus country approach to evolve specific strategy for
specific market and specific product through market studies/survey. Assistance would be provide to
Export Promotion Organizations/ Trade Promotion Organizations / Exporters etc. for enhancement of
export through accessing new markets or through increasing the share in the existing markets. Under the
Scheme the level of assistance for each eligible activities has been fixed.
The following activities will be eligible for financial assistance under the Scheme :
Research studies consistent with the priorities;
WTO Studies for evolving WTO compatible strategy;
To support EPCs/Trade Promotion Organistions in undertaking market studies/survey for evolving
proper strategies.
To support marketing projects abroad based on focus product - focus country approach. Under
marketing projects, the following activities will be funded:
Opening of Showrooms
Opening of Warehouses
Display in international departmental stores
Publicity Campaign and Brand Promotion
Participation in Trade Fairs, etc., abroad
Research and Product Development
Reverse visits of the prominent buyers etc. from the project focus countries
Export Potential Survey of the States;
Registration charges for product registration abroad for pharmaceuticals, bio-technology
and agro-chemicals;
Testing charges for engineering products abroad;
To support Cottage and handicrafts units;
To support Recognized associations in industrial clusters for marketing abroad
The details of schemes are given as ANNEXURE-II.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
There is no specific scheme to promote the exporting firms in the country. However, some assistance is
provided to exporters under Marketing Development Assistance (MDA) Scheme and Market Access
Initiative (MAI) Scheme. Other schemes for export promotion include Duty Neutralisation Schemes like
DEPB, Advance Licence, duty concession schemes like EPCG and Reward Schemes like Served from India,
Vishesh Krishi and Gram Udyog Yojana, Focus Market Scheme and Focus Product Scheme.
These schemes are reviewed periodically and necessary corrective measures are taken.
The Government of India encourages Indian project/product exporters by providing financial assistance
under the following export promotion assistance schemes:
a. Market Development Assistance (MDA) Scheme
b. Scheme for Export Promotion by Small Scale Manufacturers
c. Market Access Initiative (MAI) Scheme
Under this scheme assistance is given to individual exporters for participation in following
export promotion activities abroad
Trade Delegations
Trade Fairs/Exhibitions
Eligibility Criteria/Conditions
Exporting companies with an f.o.b. value of exports of upto Rs. 30 crore in the preceding
year. No such ceiling is applicable for participation in Focus LAC region.
The exporter should have complete 12 months membership with concerned EPC etc
Assistance would be permissible on travel expenses by air, in economy excursion class
fair and/or charges of the built up furnished stall. This would, however, be subject to an
upper ceiling mentioned in the table per tour.
S No.
No. of visits
Focus LAC
Maximum Financial ceiling
per event
Rs. 2,50,000
Rs. 2,00,000
( including WANA Countries)
Rs. 2,00,000
Rs. 2,00,000
General Areas
Rs. 1,50,000*
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
There is a separate scheme designated as Marketing Development Assistance for SSI Exporters meant to
encourage small scale manufacture exporters along the following lines:
Exporters eligible for assistance:
Exporting unit must be registered as SSI / SSSBE.
Exporting unit must be a member of FIEO / EPC.
Exporting units with aggregate exports of Rs. 2 crores and above over the last three financial
years (Rs. 1 crore for ISO 9000 certified exporters) are eligible for assistance from the Ministry of
Commerce & Industry through EPCs/other grantee organisations. SSI units with aggregate exports less
than this limit would now be eligible for direct assistance from the Office of DC(SSI) under this scheme.
SSI units which have not yet commenced exports are not eligible for assistance.
An exporting unit would be eligible for assistance under SSI-MDA only once in a financial year.
Activities eligible for financing
Individual participation in overseas fairs/exhibitions.
Individual overseas study tours/as member of a trade delegation going abroad.
Production of material for overseas publicity.
Permissible binding limits:
90% of cost of return ticket by economy class subject to an upper ceiling of Rs.60,000/- (Rs. 90,000/for Latin American countries). In case excursion fare is cheaper than economy class fare, the excursion
fare will be considered.
25% of the cost of production of publicity material limited to Rs.15,000/- in a financial year.
Other conditions:
Assistance shall be available for travel by one permanent employee/director/partner/proprietor of
the SSI unit in economy class by Air India. Air travel by airlines other than Air India would be permissible
provided that their economy class airfare is not higher than Air India.
Applications must reach the Office of the DC(SSI) at least one month before the start of the
event in question.
The SSI unit should not have been charged/prosecuted/debarred/ blacklisted under the export
and import policy or any other law relating to export and import business.
Total MDA assistance under SSI-M[DA scheme shall be inclusive of MDA assistance received from all
Government Bodies/FIEO/EPCs/Commodity Boards/Grantee Organiations etc.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
The scheme is formulated on focus product- focus country approach to evolve specific strategy for
specific market and specific product through market studies/survey. Assistance would be provide to
Export Promotion Organizations/ Trade Promotion Organizations / Exporters etc. for enhancement of
export through accessing new markets or through increasing the share in the existing markets. Under the
Scheme the level of assistance for each eligible activities has been fixed.
The following activities will be eligible for financial assistance under the Scheme :
Research studies consistent with the priorities;
WTO Studies for evolving WTO compatible strategy;
To support EPCs/Trade Promotion Organistions in undertaking market studies/survey for evolving
proper strategies.
To support marketing projects abroad based on focus product - focus country approach. Under
marketing projects, the following activities will be funded:
Opening of Showrooms
Opening of Warehouses
Display in international departmental stores
Publicity Campaign and Brand Promotion
Participation in Trade Fairs, etc., abroad
Research and Product Development
Reverse visits of the prominent buyers etc. from the project focus countries
Export Potential Survey of the States;
Registration charges for product registration abroad for pharmaceuticals, bio-technology
and agro-chemicals;
Testing charges for engineering products abroad;
To support Cottage and handicrafts units;
To support Recognized associations in industrial clusters for marketing abroad
Details of approved purposes for the scheme and level of assistance
Market Study
Opening of
Showrooms and
Display in
Participation in
Trade Fairs, BSMs
etc. abroad
75% of the total cost
However, for studies assigned by the
D/Commerce for the cause of export
promotion, 100% assistance would be
75%, 50% and 25% of leasing / rental
charges in the first, second and the third
year, respectively
Maximum Assistance
Rs.75.00 lakh/each study
50% of rental charges of display space
Rs. 50.00 lakh per
annum/each product
50% assistance for two years in a
particulr market
2/3 rd of the actual expenditure. The
expenditure on TA/DA would be met by
each participant.
Rs. 50.00 lakh per annum/
per market
Rs. 50.00 lakh for each fair
Rs. 50.00 lakh for each
market/ product per
N.B.: More specific details can be obtained on request.
Global Project Opportunities: July’ 2015
You would be pleased to know that the information that reaches your desk from PROJECT EPC including
“Global Project Opportunities” is compiled using various inputs both printed and electronic and are
listed below:i)
Tender Notices & Commercial Reports from Indian High Commissions & Embassies abroad
Inputs from various other web-sites which include:
Asian Development Bank Website
(b) World Bank
ENR Web-edition (
(d) The Economist Web-edition
International Monetary Fund Website
OPEC Fund Web site
(o) MEED Web-site
Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (q)
Reserve Bank of India (, (s) Ministry of Finance and many others….
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, PROJECT EPC is in no way
responsible for any errors : typographic or otherwise. The information produced in this newsletter has
been put up after considerable amount of reading & screening from various sources including the
internet and as listed in the Sources of Information*