Autumn Term 2014 - Perrymount Primary School

Our Class Literacy targets
To write in complete sentences.
To select the most effective word for the effect.
To use conjunctions such as because, after, when, if, meanwhile,
while, during, although, however, despite etc.
Our Class Numeracy targets
To learn all our times tables & division facts up to 12 x 12.
To use all four operations (add, times, divide and multiply) to calculate with number.
PE: Tuesday & Thursday every week—Meerkats
Wednesday & Thursday—Panthers
Invasion Games: (please remember the correct kit of shorts, tshirt and trainers, and for Gymnastics either bare feet or soft
Swimming: (Children must remember the correct kit: one piece
swimming costumes for girls and suitable swimming trunks for
Homework: Children will also be expected to complete the
school’s termly homework passport. In year 4 children will receive
spellings each week. It will be given out on a Friday evening for a
test on the following Friday.
Reading: All children should be reading on a daily basis, even just
10 minutes will make a huge difference! To help your child, encourage them to read aloud—this way you can hear their mistakes and
improve their expression. If you have time, ask questions about
what they have read to encourage their understanding. If it is
easier, you can ask questions about something you have watched
together on TV—the same skills will be developed.
Autumn Term 2014
Welcome back to school after the Summer holidays.
This booklet will inform you about the teaching and learning
going on this term in Year 4.
If you would like to speak to me regarding your child’s health, welfare
or education, please do not hesitate to pop in and see me either before or after school each day. If you are unable to see me then, a
mutually convenient appointment can always be made. I am always
pleased to see parents and welcome the support that you are able to
give to your children. I look forward to meeting you all at Parent’s
Miss Dennis and Mrs Scoates
Other adults working in Y4 this term will be Mrs Wilson, Mrs Clark,
Mr Kurian, Mr James, Mrs Thomson & Ms Pittman.
It is not possible to link the topic content to all aspects of
learning. To ensure coverage children will also be taught the
following under these subject headings:
Our Challenge: To investigate the famous Gods and Goddesses of the ancient Egyptian era and identify how those changes continue to impact us today
We will also be looking at developing thinking skills, personal and emotional
education, social studies and citizenship. Planning, teaching and learning is
organised within six key skills—see below:
To research: The locality and terrain of Egypt; to find out about the
importance of the river Nile; to find out about important Egyptian Pharaohs, Queens, Gods and Goddesses.
To talk: To plan, design, make and evaluate a presentation, and to plan,
develop and evaluate all their work; to read poetry aloud with expression.
To read & write: Stories, poems and reports about the ancient Egyptians.
To Calculate: To use the four operations to solve problems based in
the ancient Egyptian times; the age of ancient Egyptian people and
events in their historical context.
To make and produce: To select suitable materials to make an ancient
Egyptian mummy and sarcophagus.
To perform: in class assembly and in classroom presentations.
Numeracy hour will continue and planning
and teaching will be informed by the
National Numeracy Strategy’s units & the new National Curriculum for Year 4 for this term. All areas of maths will be taught and this
will include solving written maths problems linked to number, money and
measure as well as maths investigations. Mental maths strategies will continue to be taught to increase children’s ability to respond to oral mental
questions quickly and accurately. Children will practise their ability to calculate with whole numbers with four number operations. Learning will be
differentiated to meet the needs of pupils attaining above or below expectations. However, all children will cover all areas of maths and the objective will be to ensure that all children make good progress over the term.
Reading, writing, speaking and listening are easily linked to
our the topic. Children will continue to experience the literacy hour and teaching and learning will be informed by the literacy framework & new National Curriculum for Year 4. This will also include increasing knowledge and ability related to vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and
spelling. Initially, the children will be focusing on Myths and Legends and
stories about Egypt.
Username: per639 Password: se23 2px
Use to support your
child’s maths learning!
Science this term will be on Sound. We will be investigating how sound is produced and can be affected by different
Children will use a range of ICT to support and communicate their
learning. Links will be made within our topic and children will use safe
searching methods to access the internet.
RE: Christian beliefs
PHSE: Building self-esteem and working together as a team.
Music: Recorder skills and singing during whole school and class
assemblies .