2013-2014 School Year Calendar Sun West Board of Education Our Board of Education Sun West School Division is governed by a Board of Education consisting of 10 elected representatives. The Board is responsible for an overall budget of nearly 60 million dollars and they implement a policy based governance model. Their vision is “Success for all” while they take on a mission of “learning together.” The Division is guided by five values: lifelong learning; leadership; cooperation; accountability; and respect. The Division develops a Continuous Improvement and Accountability Framework (CIAF) plan to help it’s 4,500 students in 41 schools continually improve their learning. Back( l-r) Cathy Morrow (Chair and Sub-division No. 7), Ruth Griffith (Town of Kindersley), Connie Bailey (Sub-division No. 4), Karen Itterman (Sub-division No. 3), Margaret Irwin (Sub-division No. 1), Barb Cowell (Sub-division No. 8 ) Front (l-r) Scott Sander (Vice-Chair and Sub-division No. 5), John Collins (Sub-division No.6), Robert Dewey (Sub-division No. 2) Message from Board Chair - Cathy Morrow Message from Director/CEO - Dr. Guy G. Tétrault Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year. The Sun West Board of Trustees are looking forward to another successful school year of student learning. We are very proud of the opportunities that are offered to Sun West students, be it academic, athletics, or the arts. There are many classes that are offered online and that continues to increase. All of our schools now use the “FitStats” program which will help ensure the students are aware that healthy bodies increase their learning ability. The Board is grateful for the continued parent and community support to help obtain our goals. Continuous student learning is made possible by the dedication and expertise of Sun West staff. We are very fortunate to have such wonderful staff working together focused on ensuring student success. We look forward to another great year with our Sun West Family! The 2013-2014 school year promises to be a very exciting year for learning in the Sun West School Division! Our division is focusing on “Learning Supports” for both students and teachers. We will have online programming in grades K-12 completed this year. This will provide great opportunities for our students enabling them to choose from many outstanding educational programs even though they may be attending small rural schools. Many professional development supports for teachers to assist in implementing 21st Century Competencies will be provided by our Learning Coaches. We will also be providing funding for innovative learning initiatives through our Sun West Initiative for School Improvement (SWISI) as well as providing schools with funding for classroom sets of mobile learning devices. Our program will focus on the development of trades and health science related programming that will be articulated with post-secondary institutions as well as with industry. We will refine our summer school online offerings for next year. Sun West continues to be a leader in educational program delivery throughout Saskatchewan! Administration Contact: Sun West School Divison 501 - 1st Street West Box 700 Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 Phone: 306-882-2677 Toll Free Number: 1-866-375-2677 Fax: 306-882-3366 Email: info@sunwestsd.ca Website: www.sunwestsd.ca The Sun West School Division Board of Education hires a Chief Executive Officer to implement 18 policies that govern the educational enterprise. Dr. Guy. G. Tétrault, the CEO/Director of Education, oversees six superintendents who help him operationalize the Board Policies aimed at developing a school system that focuses on “Success for all!” Sun West School Division employs over 760 staff members, comprised of approximately 350 teachers, 130 educational assistants, 31 school secretaries, 26 librarians, 52 caretakers, 4 maintenance coordinators, 114 bus drivers, 7 mechanics, 23 student support services personnel including psychologists, speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists and child and youth counselors, and 24 division level staff. Our administrative team includes 55 school-based administrators in 41 schools, including 16 Hutterite Colony Schools. The Sun West teachers are supported by a Learning Consultant and 4 Learning Coaches and the Hutterite Colony Schools are supported by the Supervisor of Colony Schools. A team of 6 Superintendents of Education provide support for school operations, curriculum, instruction, assessment, technology and student support services along with consultants in the areas of student support services and career development. Director of Education - Dr. Guy G. Tétrault Supervisor of Colony Schools - Shirley Barclay Superintendent of Business - Ryan Smith Facilities Supervisor - Rob Minion Superintendent of Education - School Operations - Tony Baldwin Transportation Supervisor - Earl McKnight Superintendent of Education - School Operations - Tracy Dollansky Business Supervisor - Rhonda Saathoff Superintendent of Education - Student Services - Shelley Hengen Human Resources Supervisor - Michelle Leith Superintendent of Education -Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction - Shari Martin Technology Supervisor - Doug Klassen Superintendent of Education -Technology and Distance Learning - Darren Gasper Communications Officer - Roxan Foursha 2013-2014 Sun West Financial Picture REVENUE 2013-2014 Contact: Ryan Smith Superintendent of Business ryan.smith@sunwestsd.ca Contact: Rhonda Saathoff Business Supervisor rhonda.saathoff@sunwestsd.ca Revenue Provincial Government - $29,447,332 - 50% Grants for Operating expenses etc. Property Taxes - $27,264,517 - 46% Funds derived by Sun West property owners based on the provincial mill rate set by Government. School-Generated Funds - $1,775,000 - 3% Funds raised at the school level. Other - $950,788 - 1% Consists of funding for Complementary Services (Prekindergarten), and reimbursements for bus usage, rental of facilities, sales of non-capital equipment, interest, dividends, tuition and related fees. Expenses EXPENSES 2013-2014 Instruction - $40,056,206 - 67% Textbooks, educational technology, extra-curricular funding, libraries, salaries and benefits for teachers, educational assistants, and school-based administrators. Facilities - $7,894,678 - 13% Heating, lighting, maintenance, repairs and improvements to division property, salaries and benefits for caretakers and maintenance personnel. Student Transportation - $6,481,902 - 11% Vehicle maintenance, fuel and new vehicle purchases, salaries and benefits for drivers and mechanics. School-Generated Funds - $1,775,000 - 3% These are funds that are raised and spent at the school level, but are reported in the financial reports. Administration - $2,520,339 - 4% Heating, lighting, maintenance, repairs and improvements to the Division Office, salaries and benefits of the Director of Education, Superintendents, and Division Office staff as per new Public Sector Accounting Board reporting standards. Governance - $465,410 - 1% Board of Education meetings, elections, fees, collective bargaining costs, School Community Council grants, Student Leadership Program, and public relations. Other - $376,120 - 1% Tuition and related charges, external services, fees and bank charges and also includes Complementary Services which encompasses Prekindergarten. School Community Councils (SCCs) Contact: Tracy Dollansky Superintendent of Education tracy.dollansky@sunwestsd.ca Provincial legislation requires every school in Saskatchewan to have a School Community Council (SCC). An SCC consists of 5-9 elected parents and community members as well as 1-2 students, the principal, and one designated teacher. Others may be designated if the community feels it is appropriate. The main role of SCCs is to support student learning. Working with the school staff, SCCs help identify priorities for student learning based on effective practices such as caring and respectful schools and meeting the needs of all learners. SCCs also provide communities with a voice in local education as well as provide parent and community members with opportunities to initiate, support and build programs that enhance learning and student well being. SCCs work with schools to ensure “Success for all!” Over 200 parents, community members, teachers and school-based administrators are members of School Community Councils in Sun West schools. SCCs play an important role in school improvement and enhancing student learning: Student benefits: • Improved marks and graduation rates • Increased involvement in classroom activities and a more positive attitude towards homework. • Higher attendance rates and greater enrollment in post-secondary education. Parent benefits: • Enhanced communication between parents, administrators and teachers. • More opportunities for learning activities in the home. • Better understanding of how schools operate. Community benefits: • Increased cost-effectiveness due to the pooling of time, money and effort. • Strengthened community pride through involvement in the school’s achievements. Student Leadership Opportunities Contact: Roxan Foursha Communications Officer roxan.foursha@sunwestsd.ca Building on the success of the past six years, the Sun West School Division Student Leadership Program continues to expand the range of leadership opportunities available to Sun West students. An important function of this program is to provide a student perspective to the Board of Education and senior administrative staff. The Board of Education provides yearly support to a delegation of Sun West students to attend the Canadian Student Leadership Conference. Team Sun West Group Every year a group of 10-15 students are chosen through an application process to be a part of Team Sun West. This group of students e ts en s meets mee eets ts four fou ourr times titim mess throughout thro th oug ugho hout ut the he year yea e r to organize, plan, lead and facilitate a two day, division-wide, student leadership conference that is open to all Sun West students in Grades 7–12. Youth Consultation Group The purpose of the Youth Consultation Group (YCG) is to provide the Board of Education with student input and ideas concerning School Division policies and practices. Each school with a grades 10-12 component is entitled to one representative on the YCG. The SRC/SLC for each school selects or elects one student to represent their school on the YCG. The YCG meets three times a year for the purpose of planning a meeting with the Board of Education. At these meetings the YCG will design a questionnaire, which they will be responsible for delivering to the students in each of their schools, and also plan a panel discussion that will take place as part of the Annual Sun West Student Leadership Conference. YCG members may also be members of Team Sun West and this year students from both groups will also be organizing and facilitating the Sun West “Roads to Success” Career Fair. Sun West Initiative for School Improvement (SWISI) Contact: Darren Gasper Superintendent of Education darren.gasper@sunwestsd.ca The Sun West Initiative for School Improvement (SWISI) is a bold approach to improving student learning by encouraging teachers, parents, and the community to work collaboratively to introduce innovative projects that address local needs. It is modeled after the Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (AISI) that was originally initiated in 1999 by the Alberta Government. SWISI will provide targeted funding to schools to improve student learning and enhance student engagement and performance. More than one million dollars is being invested in this initiative by the Sun West School Division to continuously improve student learning in Sun West. This will be the first three year SWISI cycle. The first four cycles of AISI in Alberta ran from 2000 to 2012. School authorities (public, separate, Francophone, charter, and private) initiated about 1,700 projects to improve student learning that addressed local needs and circumstances. School improvements will focus on improving student learning through fostering enhanced strategies at the school and/or school division level. School improvement strategies will incorporate 21st Century Competencies as outlined in Sun West Board policy. Essential elements to promote school improvement include leadership, instructional practice, school climate, assessment and accountability, building capacity through professional development, student and parent engagement, and integration of effective practices. Below are a list of projects that will begin this school year in Sun West: • Colony Schools - Implementing a Health & Wellness program • Elizabeth School - Healthy Body Healthy Mind • Rosetown Central High School - Heart Rate Monitors and Healthy Living • Kenaston School - Physical Science Project Based Learning Community • Dinsmore/Lucky Lake - Project Based Learning in Grade 5/6 Classrooms • Elrose - Implementing Project Based Learning and 21st Century Competencies • Westberry - The Effects of a Social Learning Team on Student Achievement and Behaviour Sun West Distance Learning Centre Contact: Darren Gasper Superintendent of Education darren.gasper@sunwestsd.ca The Sun West Distance Learning Centre (DLC) is based out of Kenaston School and delivers online courses for grades 4 to 12 in synchronous broadcasts, asynchronous versions and print based courses. Our goal is to provide the highest quality distance education courses to students across the province. Available Online High Scool Courses All of our courses include instructional videos, which enhance the learning process and provide more Accounting 10 Financial Literacy 20 inter-activity for students. Students in the asynchronous courses are able to view the exact same lectures as Accounting 20 Forensic Science 20 those that took part in our live broadcasts. All lectures are recorded and made available to students to review Accounting 30 Graphic Arts 20 lessons when preparing for exams or when they miss a class. All course notes are also available 24 hours a day, Ag-Tech Cow/Calf Production 10 Health Science 20 through our Moodle server. For additional help, we have staff available throughout the day to help answer any Ag-Tech Cow/Calf Production 20 History 10 questions. The DLC also offers Summer School courses in the month of July. Why take an online course? • The widest selection of courses available at any school in the province. Students can choose from over 80 courses for grades 4 to 12. Courses range from traditional core classes of ELA and Math to electives like Forensic Science, Computer Drafting, Digital Photography, Exercise Science and Graphic Design. • Students can learn at a pace that works for them. Traditional classes keep the entire class working at the same pace, online learning allows students to either work faster or slower depending on what the student needs. Students can also choose to concentrate on one course at a time or take a variety of courses. • Courses are available 24 hours a day. All course content is hosted on our Moodle server, making it accessible to students anytime they want it. This includes all of the instructional videos, class notes and assignments. • The skills that students learn in an online course help prepare the student for courses at many of our post-secondary schools where online learning has been utilized more frequently. A larger percentage of adult training in the workforce has moved into online learning as well, so students can enter the next phase of their career ready to continue their learning. • Opportunities to complete dual credits with post-secondary schools. We currently have partnerships with the Edwards School of Business, the College of Agriculture and the College of Arts & Science at the University of Saskatchewan. This allows our students to take a 1st year university class while in high school and earn credits at both the high school and university. It provides the students a chance to see what university expectations are and whether its a good fit for them. We are also forming partnerships with SIAST and Great Plains College to expand opportunities for our students. The DLC Goal The goal is to ensure that all Sun West students are able to access a high quality and equitable education no matter where they live, or attend school. We focus on our delivery strategies, tutorials for all students, and teacher visits to Sun West schools receiving broadcasts. We continue to develop distance educational programming to meet the needs of all learners. Who can take courses from the Sun West DLC? Any student enrolled in a Sun West school or any home schooled student registered with Sun West is eligible for any of the courses available through the DLC. Any other student, no matter where they reside (provincial, national or international), can receive this service on a fee for service basis. How do I register for courses? Students enrolled in Sun West schools register with their school principal or guidance counsellor. All other students can register through the office at the DLC by calling (306)252-1000 or emailing registrations@sunwestsd.ca. Ag-Tech Cow/Calf Production 30 History 30 Ag-Tech Field Crop 10 Information Processing 10 Ag-Tech Field Crop 20 Information Processing 20 Ag-Tech Field Crop 30 Information Processing 30 Biology 30 Introduction To Business 30L Calculus 30 Law 30 Chemistry 20 Math Foundations & Pre-Calculus 10 Chemistry 30 Math Foundations 20 Communications Media 20 Math Foundations 30 Computer Drafting 10 Math Pre-Calculus 20 Computer Drafting 20 Math Pre-Calculus 30 Computer Drafting 30 Math Workplace & Apprenticeship 10 Computer Science 20 Math Workplace & Apprenticeship 20 Computer Science 30 Math Workplace & Apprenticeship 30 Creative Writing 20 Media Studies 20 Digital Photography 10 Native Studies 30 Earth Science 30 Physical Science 20 ELA A10 Physics 20 ELA B10 Physics 30 ELA 20 Psychology 20 ELA A30 Psychology 30 ELA B30 Science 10 Environmental Science 20 Grade 4 - 9 Core Courses Exercise Science 30 *English Language Arts *Science *Health *Social Studies *Math Career Development Contact: Vanessa Lewis Career Development Consultant vanessa.lewis@sunwestsd.ca Sun West School Division is committed to helping our students with the Career Development process. Students will be exposed to many Life/Career Development activities and opportunities throughout their high school years. Our goal is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and competencies to become self-reliant decision makers and enable smooth transitions throughout their lives. Career Education 9 Grade 9 students will be involved in Career Development through the Career Guidance 9 class. This class allows students to explore the areas of selfawareness, life/career management skills, educational planning, and career awareness. Grade 10 students will have the opportunity to work with a teacher to build an Employability Skills Portfolio. This portfolio will help Grade 10 students assess their current strengths and evaluate areas requiring improvement. This marks the beginning of the portfolio development process which will be revisited in both Grade 11 and 12. This portfolio will be invaluable in developing and showcasing workplace skills, obtaining future employment, and as a tool when interviewing for post-secondary institutions, etc. Grade 11 and 12 students will participate in both individual and group meetings with the Career Counsellor. Grade 11 students will have the opportunity to complete career exploration inventories. All students are encouraged to ask questions about areas of concern such as: • Apprenticeship • Life/Career Exploration/Resources • Financial Planning • Post-Secondary Institutions • Travel • Scholarships Sun West Career Fair Advanced Placement Contact: Shari Martin Superintendent of Education shari.martin@sunwestsd.ca Four Sun West schools offer Advanced Placement classes. These are: • Eston Composite School • Kindersley Composite School • Outlook High School • Rosetown Central High School What are the Benefits of Taking an Advanced Placement Class? • Students who successfully complete an Advanced Placement class receive credit toward their first year of studies at participating universities including the Universities of Saskatchewan and Regina. • AP classes prepare students for university by helping them develop independent learning habits. • Sun West students, who attend university after taking AP classes, report that AP is very beneficial. AP provides pre-university experience and most credit it with improving their university marks. What Advanced Placement Classes are Offered? Currently Sun West schools offer the following Advanced Placement classes: • Calculus 30 • English 30 • Studio Art What are the requirements to enroll in an Advanced Placement Class? W • To enroll in advanced placement Studio Art the student must be recommended by the school’s art instructor. s • To be successful in an Advanced Placement class a student must be focused, capable of o an accelerated pace and an independent learner. Contact: Vanessa Lewis Career Development Consultant vanessa.lewis@sunwestsd.ca The Sun West School Division stages a “Roads to Success!” Career Fair for Grades 10 and 11 students. The Career Fair began in 2008 and occurs every two years. These Career Fairs feature over 50 exhibitors and presenters from potential employers and post-secondary institutions and expose students to a vast array of career options. The Career Fair will be held in the spring in 2014. Prekindergarten Contact: Shelley Hengen Superintendent of Education shelley.hengen@sunwestsd.ca What Prekindergarten Is: Developmentally-appropriate education: • active, experiential learning through play • comprehensive integrated program within a prepared environment • child-centered, self-directed choice • focused on development of the whole child; physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual • Honoring of all cultures • Mixed age groupings • A minimum of 12 hours per week • Staff with teaching degree Selection A committee comprised of representatives of the referring agencies will meet to select children to be included in the class. Who may refer children to the program? Any agency, with the consent of the family or the parent(s). Parents may also refer their children to the program. Sources *Heartland Health Region (Public Health Nurse, Family Support Worker, Early Childhood Therapist) *Ministry of Social Services *ECIP *Parent Support Programs *Self-referral *Schools *Licensed daycares and play schools Frequently Asked Questions Are all children eligible for prekindergarten? Independent Education Program (IndEP) Contact: Shelley Hengen Superintendent of Education shelley.hengen@sunwestsd.ca The Independent Education Program is designed to meet the needs of students who have not achieved success in the regular school format. The IndEP consists of regular courses which accommodate the needs of students through an individualized program. Graduating students will be able to achieve a grade 12 standing through a Regular 24 credit or Adult 12 program. Classes are offered through on-line courses, distance learning, high school integration, and Great Plains College. The IndEP learning environment is one of mutual respect where all can succeed in a safe learning environment. These programs are offered in a separate site from schools. A Applications are available from the school administrator or the IndEP teacher. Your application will be reviewed by a committee and an interview will be held with you and the IndEP teacher to determine your needs. If you are accepted, your individual program will be developed and you will begin your journey toward completing your grade 12 education IndEP is offered in four communities in Sun West; Outlook, Rosetown, Kindersley and Biggar. Student Support Services Contact: Shelley Hengen Superintendent of Education shelley.hengen@sunwestsd.ca No. Prekindergarten is a needs-based program with specific criteria for entry. Where can referral forms be obtained? Biggar Central School 2000, Elizabeth School, Kyle Composite School, Outlook Elementary School, Walter Aseltine School, Westberry School, the Biggar Family Support Centre, Public Health offices, and the Sun West School Division Office. If a child is already attending a licensed daycare or playschool, the referral is done most effectively in consultation with that provider. Student Support Services personnel in Sun West School Division assist students to become successful, happy, well-rounded individuals. The Student Support Services team includes Educational Psychologists, an Addictions Educator, Speech and Language Pathologists, Student Support Consultants and an Occupational Therapist. The Student Support Services team provides Sun West students with a full-range of professional services to help them with any issues that may arise, which could impact their education.. The Student Support Services team cooperates with school administrators, teachers, support staff and parents to support students and ensure: “Success for all“. Technology Contact: Doug Klassen Technology Supervisor doug.klassen@suwestsd.ca Based out of the office located in Kindersley Composite School,, the Technology Department develops and maintains Sun West School Division’s electronic communications system (e-mail and internet) and oversees the integration of technology into instruction. The Technology Department consists of one Technology Supervisor, Network Analyst, Network Analyst Assistant and five Information Technology (IT) Technicians. In cooperation with a 21st Century Educator in each school, the IT Technicians maintain systems and provide computer support to Sun West schools. The Technology Department ment receives input from the Technology Education Leadership (TEL) committee, which includes representatives from school-based administrators, Board Trustees, technicians and teachers. The 21st Century Educatior’s role is an integral component of the Sun West Initiative for the teaching of the 21st Century Competencies. Human Resources Contact: Michelle Leith Human Resources Supervisor michelle.leith@sunwestsd.ca The Human Resources department consists of a Human Resources Supervisor, Human Resources Officer, two Payroll Officers and an Employee Benefits Officer. Sun West has an online application program where potential applicants complete an online profile to apply for any advertised positions. This application form is accessible from the Employment page of the Sun West website. In addition to the recruitment and retention of staff, the Human Resources department is responsible for the interpretation and application of the collective agreements between the Division and the Sun West Teachers’ Union and the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 4802, processing the payroll for the 760 permanent and temporary employees and approximately 350 substitute teachers and casual employees, and administering the benefit plans. Facilities Contact: Rob Minion Facilities Supervisor robert.minion@sunwestsd.ca Th Facilities Supervisor and Manager, along with four Maintenance The Coordinators, make repairs, hire and manage tradesmen and oversee Co construction projects. Including Schools, Bus Garages, Maintenance and co storage facilities, the Facilities Department is responsible for nearly 1,000,000 sto square feet of buildings and the upkeep of more than 200 acres of School sq Division property. Working with facilities personnel are more than 50 Div caretakers. We are all striving towards the goals of creating and maintaining a ca comfortable, clean and safe environment for current and future generations of co students. stu st u Transportation Contact: Earl McKnight Transportation Supervisor earl.mcknight@sunwestsd.ca Sun West School Division maintains a fleet of 173 buses that travel over 31,000 kilometers a day. There are approximately 114 full time bus drivers, and 120 spare drivers. Approximately half of Sun West’s students ride buses to school. The Transportation Department consists of a Transportation Supervisor and Manager. Buses are maintained by a staff of seven mechanics at five bus garage locations. Sun West has a Blog that is updated daily with bus route cancellations. Hutterite Colony Schools Contact: Shari Martin Superintendent of Education shari.martin@sunwestsd.ca In cooperation with Hutterite Colonies, Sun West provides teachers and support staff for 16 Colony Schools. Beechy Colony School Principal: Bev Ptolemy bev.ptolemy@sunwestsd.ca Kyle Colony School Principal: Paula Marsh paula.marsh@sunwestsd.ca Big Rose Colony School Principal: Cory Gowen cory.gowen@sunwestsd.ca McGee Colony School Principal: Charlene Krahn charlene.krahn@sunwestsd.ca Clear Spring Colony School Principal: Patti Hertz patti.hertz@sunwestsd.ca Milden Colony School Principal: Dean Marsh dean.marsh@sunwestsd.ca Cleland School, Rosetown Colony Principal: Angel Ostrom angel.ostrom@sunwestsd.ca Prairieland School, Sovereign Colony Principal: Tom Carpenter tom.carpenter@sunwestsd.ca Dinsmore Colony School Principal: Karrie Hritzuk karrie.hritzuk@sunwestsd.ca Smiley Colony School Principal: Betty Bzdel betty.bzdel@sunwestsd.ca Eatonia Colony School Principal: Teana Hayes teana.hayes@sunwestsd.ca Springfield Colony School Principal: Christine Krahn christine.krahn@sunwestsd.ca Glidden Colony School Principal: Pamela Schmaltz pam.schmaltz@sunwestsd.ca Springwater Colony School Principal: Dawne Toner dawne.toner@sunwestsd.ca Goldenview Colony School Principal: Donna Hoffinger donna.hoffinger@sunwestsd.ca Valley Centre Colony School Principal: Shelley Eckart shelley.eckart@sunwestsd.ca Colony Professional Learning Teams (PLTs) There are 16 colony schools in Sun West School Division. The colony schools are divided geographically into three professional learning teams (PLTS) to enable colony teachers, administrators and educational assistants to meet together to plan and learn new instructional strategies to enhance student learning and progress. This year colony teachers are working on adding to their English as an Additional Language (EAL) strategies and they also received a grant for two days inservice from SPDU and the Ministry of Education to receive professional development in the area of student assessment. Springfield Colony School is not quite the smallest school in Sun West School Division, but it comes in at a close second. Springfield Colony School is located 10 miles northeast of Kindersley, and has a student enrollment of 9 students. This is what the students said about what makes their school a great place. Sheldon - Gr. 2 “The school is close to my house!” Lisa - Gr.3 “The teacher!” Tanya - Gr. 4 “Being able to share, and being with my friends.” Jenna - Gr. 4 “The SHEA contest and drawing in Art.” Esther - Gr. 5 “I know everyone here.” Travis - Gr. 5 “Having guests at the school, like SCI-FI.” Diane - Gr. 7 “It’s a homey, comfortable place to be.” June - Gr. 7 “The day fits together….everything runs smoothly.” Springfield Colony School is truly a wonderful place to work, and learn. It’s an extension of the colony where we strive to work together, and learn from each other. Principal: Karen Jeffries Box 65 Marengo, SK S0L 2K0 Ph: 306-968-2939 Fx: 306-968-2212 www/sunwestsd.ca/westcliffe Principal: Tammy Diemert Box 1774 Kindersley, SK S0L 1S0 Ph: 306-463-2433 Fx: 306-463-2027 www/sunwestsd.ca/westberry Westcliffe Composite School Westcliffe Composite School is located in Marengo, Saskatchewan. It is a school of approximately 120 students from kindergarten to grade 12! In our school, we have many extra-curricular activities in which students are eager to participate in. We are also proud to say that we get the community involved with the school to spread more positivity throughout this year and the years to come. Westcliffe has been, and will continue to be, involved with charities, which consist of: Telemiracle, Free the Children, Terry Fox, and more. Westcliffe is filled with many vibrant people, which shows in their personalities. We have a great SLC group in which everyone likes to share their opinions to make the school better. The SLC and the SCC put on great activities which we are all very happy to participate in and have fun. We are focused on the importance of school work, and maintain a positive demeanor throughout the school year. (Written by: Nicole.R, Grade 9, Westcliffe Student) Westberry School Westberry School is committed to the academic and social development of our students. Respect for self and others is reinforced in our expectations and in our curricula. We believe in the potential of every human being and strive to help all students achieve success. Interaction with parents, a strong School Community Council, and dedicated staff make up the foundation for a very successful program! We are proud to offer small group Practical and Applied Arts Blocks to our Grade 7s. All students are encouraged to stay active through our wide range of extra-curricular options Including; volleyball, basketball, drama, glee club, badminton, track and the “ In Motion Program.” We also highlight arts and performing arts in our offerings at the school in addition to our band program. We have participated in the Breakfast for Learning Program and our Grade 5-7 students are invited to serve as Phone Aides in the office during coffee breaks and lunch hour. Our Student Leadership Council provides a variety of activities throughout the school year and they also send donations to help people suffering in other parts of the world. Westberry is a “green” school. Our younger students participate in Envirokids to gather the recyclables after lunch, and we recycle paper, cardboard, drink boxes, and old phone books! Older students serve as lunch monitors. We are very proud of all our students! September 2013 Sun 1 Mon Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 5 Sat 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 First Day of Classes for Students 2 1 8 9 10 Board of Education Committee of the Whole Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. 6 5 15 16 22 5 23 1 4 30 Staff Only Professional Development Day No Classes Board of Education Regular Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. 4 12 3 2 18 19 6 1 25 26 24 3 29 11 17 4 3 5 6 2 1 Principal: Laurie Slocombe Box 1117 Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 Ph: 306-882-2644 Fx: 306-882-2420 www/sunwestsd.ca/was Walter Aseltine School Walter Aseltine is a PreK to Grade 6 School with approximately 255 students and 27 staff W members. Our code of Conduct at WAS is: m •R •Responsible •E •Enthusiastic •Empathetic •Caring •Safe •Trusting •Prepared W WAS is a place where people feel safe, happy and have the ability to be themselves while llearning. le e Teachers and other staff try to make learning fun, while providing lots of extraccurricular cu u activities of your choice including clubs and sports. WAS has two cool aapparatus areas where students can hang out and play with their friends. WAS has a R R.C.M.P. led D.A.R.E. program, safety patrol teams for lunch and after school, a servery w which sells milk, juice and nut free ice cream. WAS students and staff support global and lo local charities such as Rwanda and our local Food Bank. Our motto is Success for Everyone! ((Written by Ms. Yuhasz’s 2013 Grade 5 Class) (W Principal: Wendy Johnson Box 25 Coleville, SK S0L 0K0 Ph: 306-965-2791 Fx: 306-965-2286 www/sunwestsd.ca/rossville Rossville School Rossville School is a Kindergarten to Grade 7 School with 3 teachers, 2 EAs, 1 secretary/librarian, 1 caretaker, and 1 principal. Our staff is super nice and can help kids of all learning abilities. At Rossville School we have many activities at our school like floor hockey, basketball, skating in the winter, chili cook off, space station badminton, volleyball, Telemiracle Rock-a-thon, Mother’s Day tea, Father’s Day breakfast, community cleanup, Terry Fox walk, bottle drives and Family Fun night. We have a bucket-filling program which teaches you to be fair and nice to everyone. The seven virtues are fairness, kindness, respect, empathy, self-control, conscience and acceptance. When you get caught doing one of these you receive a raindrop which fills someone’s bucket. Our school has an SCC who kindly supports and helps our school. They also supply Lunch of the Month and prizes for our Hockey Reading Challenge. It is a small school but we love it! (Written by: Rossville School Grade K-7 Students) October 2013 Sun 6 Mon Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 2 3 15 16 17 18 4 5 6 1 21 22 Board of Education Regular Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 7 Board of Education Committee of the Whole Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. 1 6 13 Tue 14 Sat 5 Staff Only Professional Development Day No Classes 12 19 No Classes 20 27 6 26 Principal: Jeff Sopczak Box 910 Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 Ph: 306-882-2655 Fx: 306-882-3889 www/sunwestsd.ca/rchs Acting Principal: Kim Sobkowicz Box 1720 Outlook, SK S0L 2N0 Ph: 306-867-8697 Fx: 306-867-1831 www/sunwestsd.ca/ohs Rosetown Central High School Rosetown Central High School is a dynamic school that is guided by our vision of being “A Caring School Community Striving To Promote Respect, Leadership, and Responsibility Through Quality Education!” Staff and students have re-embraced the TEAMS initiative in a journey to have our school be full of individuals who are Above the Line. With over 300 students in Grades 7-12 we offer them a full range of academic courses in addition to Calculus, Band, French, Construction and Welding. Our staff’s and students’ energy, passion, and creativity results in a vibrant SRC which is integral to the success of our school. We are also fortunate to have a supportive parent body who work with the school to keep our standards high. Our extra-curricular program aims at being successful in the gym, on the field and on the stage. Stop in and feel the energy! Outlook High School At Outlook High School, we strive to “be the best we can be”. Our high school is Grade 6-12 and every year our student body continues to expand! Our school tried out a new idea, instead of an SRC we converted to a “We School”, and our students decided to start a group called SWAG (Students With a Goal). This new system made it easier for more kids to be involved in helping out in the school and our community. The workload no longer weighs down the few people that would be on an SRC but is now dispersed among more students that are eager to be involved. We also started up a junior SRC that has been helpful and prepares the young students to be great leaders as they progress through high school. It was a year of change and experience and will only improve over the next few years. At OHS we offer many different electives for the senior students and also provide students with the option of taking advanced placement (AP) courses such as AP English, Art, and Calculus. There is also a wide range of extra-curricular activities offered for junior and senior students at our school, from band and drama to a large variety of sports. Our school is proud of our students as they excel in the classroom, on the stage, and as they achieve s uccess on the sports fields and courts. This success would not be possible without the determination and leadership from our students and staff. Our school works hard every day to make sure that OHS is a friendly and caring environment for the students and the staff. (Written by: Jessica.K, Grade 12 OHS Student, 2013) November 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu We love Eatonia Colony School because… Grade K/1/2 students – we have a great library in our school and we have lots of games! Grade 3 students – We have good teachers that buy us Christmas presents and give us student of the week prizes! We also have a very artistic EA! Grade 4 students– We have new encyclopedias, P.Ed equipment and lots of library books! Grade 5 students – We have a soccer and baseball field and a basement for the winter! Grade 6 students – We have the best Art classes and lots of dictionaries and thesauruses! Grade 7/8 students – We have awesome substitute teachers! 3 4 5 Fri 1 Sat 2 5 6 7 8 9 Staff Only Professional Development Day No Classes 10 6 1 2 11 12 13 14 4 5 6 19 20 21 2 3 4 26 27 28 2 3 3 15 16 Remembrance Day 17 18 Parent/ Studnet/Teacher Conferences No Classes 24 25 1 22 5 29 Board of Education Regular Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. 6 1 23 4 30 Principal: Kathy Grad Box 820 Outlook, SK S0L 2N0 Ph: 306-867-8653 Fx: 306-867-8675 www/sunwestsd.ca/ outlookelementary Principal: Cindy Thomson Box 40 Plenty, SK S0L 2R0 Ph: 306-932-2222 Fx: 306-932-2229 www/sunwestsd.ca/plenty Outlook Elementary School “Learning Together” Outlook Elementary is a Prekindergarten to Grade 5 School with approximately 320 students and 30 staff members. We are committed to learning together in an inclusive environment while meeting the diverse needs of all students. Outlook Elementary School focuses on character education by emphasizing a virtue each month. We promote the development of the ‘whole’ student through programs such as band, choir, cross-country, curling and intramurals. Our school is also committed to a recycling program which is teaching students to reduce, reuse and recycle. Authentic partnerships have been created with organizations in the community. Healthy snacks are available to students twice a week through the Food For Better Learning program. The Outlook Elementary School learning community provides an environment that supports the success of everyone. Together we will promote responsibility, respect, caring and safety. North West Central School Our Vision: Strive for excellence and independence in a positive and supportive environment to promote lifelong learning. Our Mission: Our mission is to empower students to reach their full potential and to foster lifelong learning in a safe and caring environment. North West Central School is looking forward to an exciting school year in 2013-14. We welcome 23 new kindergarten students to our building this year bringing the number of students at NWCS to 170. At NWCS, we offer a full range of academic courses from K-12, in addition to extra course offerings through the Sun West DLC and a new course, Petroleum Industry Preparedness Training, for our Grade 11 and 12 students. North West Central School has strong sports teams that are competitive at the division and provincial levels. Our Student Leadership Council works hard to improve the lives of students and staff at NWCS. NWCS has a long-standing tradition of academic and sports success which we strive to continue and to improve in the years to come. December 2013 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue Wed Thu Fri 3 4 5 6 5 6 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 3 4 5 6 1 16 17 18 19 20 4 5 6 25 26 27 Sat 7 Staff Only Professional Development Day No Classes 8 15 22 Board of Education Regular Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. 2 3 23 24 Holidays - No Classes 29 30 31 Holidays - No Classes 14 21 28 Principal: Trevor Drury Box 219 Lucky Lake, SK S0L 1Z0 Ph: 306-858-2052 Fx: 306-858-2213 www/sunwestsd.ca/luckylake Principal: Jill Long Box 220 Loreburn, SK S0H 2S0 Ph: 306-644-2135 Fx: 306-644-2176 www/sunwestsd.ca/loreburn Lucky Lake School Our school is really inviting and every day we are excited to come to school! In our school we have lots of clubs that our teachers put on for all the students! Some of those clubs are: Creative Writing. Drama Club, Music Club and Reading Club. We play a lot of sports at our school, including volleyball, badminton and baseball. Our SRC takes the time to make us hot lunches every Wednesday and they serve us snow-cones every Thursday. Our motto is “Be respectful, responsible, safe, supportive and caring!” Please come and join all 96 of us students at Lucky Lake School. It might be small, but it’s a great place and you are always welcome! (Written by: Daria.Y, Chanel.J, Heidi.S, Carley.F and Hanna.H, Lucky Lake School students) Loreburn Central School Loreburn Central School’s motto “Pursuing Excellence” really defines our school. The people and the atmosphere of our school is flawless. Loreburn Central’s staff co continues to motivate students to become the best they can at everything they do, aand an n give an excellent effort. We want kids to leave our school with the tools they ne n need e to fulfill the goals they have, or will have in life. Every day is as good as the last h he here e and the people are amazing. There are ear to ear smiles up and down the h ha hallway a from 9:00 a.m to 3:10 p.m. Th This school carries pride and spirit in everything we do. Our sports, school work, aand an n fun activities are done to the best of the students’ and staffs’ abilities. We are co continuing o to pursue excellence. (W (Written W by: Paige.T, Grade 10, Loreburn Central School Student) L Lo o January 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 Holidays - No Classes 5 12 19 26 6 7 8 9 10 1 Board of Education Committee of the Whole Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. 2 3 4 5 13 14 15 16 17 6 1 2 3 4 20 21 Board of Education Regular Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. 22 23 24 5 6 1 2 3 27 28 29 30 31 4 5 6 1 2 11 18 25 New Semester Begins Principal: Crystal Klassen Box 327 Landis, SK S0K 2K0 Ph: 306-658-2033 Fx: 306-658-4443 www/sunwestsd.ca/landis Principal: Marlene Gillanders Box 40 Kyle, SK S0L 1T0 Ph: 306-375-2521 Fx: 306-375-2520 www/sunwestsd.ca/kyle Landis School Landis School may be small, but the teachers are very supportive and they give us one-on-one time. If you need extra help they offer up their free time to help us. The teachers through their Professional Development stay current on new ideas, such as Project Based Learning. Our teachers strive to keep the classes fun so it is not boring to sit in a desk all day long. We also do lots of experiments and hands on activities. The students of Landis School are like a big family and if something happens we are always together. We have lots of opportunities for students to develop and show their leadership skills. This happens through belonging to Free the Children, SLC and in class working on Project Based Learning. We love our school because we know what’s going on and how much fun we are having. (Written by the Landis School Grade 6 to 8 Students) Kyle Composite School Kyle Composite School is a very tight-knit school, vital to the growth of the small community of Kyle. Despite a small student population, K.C.S offers many wonderful opportunities to its students. These opportunities involve extracurricular activities such as the Student Representative Council, Yearbook Committee, Free the Children as well as a wide range of athletics. K.C.S also strives to provide it’s students with new and creative technology to support learning. However, the true wonder of K.C.S is it’s great atmosphere built by the positive attitudes and support of the staff, students, and community members. (Written by: Kristy.H, Grade 12, K.C.S Student 2013) February 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri What Kindergarten students say about Walter Aseltine School “I love to listen to my teacher.” “I like journal writing.” “I like our playground.” “We LOVE our library.” “I like to write.” “People in our school are nice.” “We love the fish.” 2 3 3 9 10 2 16 17 1 4 5 4 5 11 12 3 4 18 19 6 6 13 5 20 7 24 1 25 Board of Education Regular Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. 26 2 3 27 4 8 1 14 15 6 21 Winter Break 23 Sat 28 5 22 Principal: Kim Hobbs Box 1450 Kindersley, SK S0L 1S0 Ph: 306-463-3771 Fx: 306-463-6775 www/sunwestsd.ca/kcs Principal: Ryan Johnson Box 99 Kenaston, SK S0G 2N0 Ph: 306-252-2182 Fx: 306-252-2262 www/sunwestsd.ca/kenaston Kindersley Composite School Ki d l C Kindersley Composite i S School h l iis a G Grade d 88-12 12 school h l with ith about b ffour h hundred d d students. The best thing about the school is the sports program. The teams are very good at what they do, and anybody can join. Our teachers are very friendly and want you to do your best, and be on your best behavior. The students are pretty great here too. We have students of all different kinds, from different places. There are several students who have graduated and lead very successful lives. The school has hosted many speakers, and done some cool activities for various fundraising. The students can all agree that when you look at the bright side, and remember all the fun things we’ve done, KCS is a pretty awesome place. (Written by: Anna.P, Grade 10 KCS Student) Kenaston School “Living to Learn... Learning to Live!” Kenaston School is a vibrant school with approximately 120 students in a K to 12 setting. We have a diverse set of programming to offer students and a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities for students to participate in. Our parents and community members are supportive and very involved in the life of the school, and we look forward to our public events to showcase the diverse talents of our students. We pride ourselves on our World Class Tour, which took the whole school back to Medieval Times last year. Our school has been the host for the Sun West Distance Learning Centre for the past 5 years. The school supports student learning throughout g our division and province by providing alternate programming options (for both schools and students) and unique courses. March 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 6 9 1 10 11 Board of Education 5 16 23 30 17 24 Committee of the Whole Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. 6 Staff Only Professional Development Day No Classes 18 3 25 Sun West Board of Education Regular Meeting 9:00 a.m. Boardroom **Annual General Meeting 7:00 p.m. 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 12 13 14 15 1 2 19 20 21 22 4 5 6 26 27 28 3 4 5 Parent/ Student/Teacher Conferences No Classes 29 1 2 31 Glidden Colony School is a two-room schoolhouse with 21 students in grades 1-9. Our motto is “Stop, Think, Go”, and our vision for the 2013-14 school year is “Active Body; Active Mind”. We enjoy coming to school for many different reasons, including: • “Expert writing, because I can research what is interesting to me.” – Melissa “Presenting in front of the class.” – Junia • “Learning new things and to read.” – Junia, Brandon & Luke “Celebrating all the holidays” – Henry • “Solving problems in Math” – Matthew “Increasing my knowledge” – Amanda • “Tour groups coming to our school” – Katie “Meeting new people” – Naomi • “Being active at recess and playing soccer” – Abigail & Ryan “Decorating and dressing up for the Christmas concert” – Leanne & Jessica • “Colony and School getting together at year-end BBQ and play day” – Lydia & Larry 6 Principal: Jennifer Peach Box 249 Harris, SK S0L 1K0 Ph: 306-656-2166 Fx: 306-656-4432 www/sunwestsd.ca/harris Principal: John McPhee Box 639 Eston, SK S0L 1A0 Ph: 306-962-4423 Fx: 306-962-3508 www/sunwestsd.ca/eston Harris-Tessier Central School Our Ou ur M Mi Mission: isssio ion:: As a rural school community, our mission is to inspire each child to achieve their personal best, by accepting ownership as a community for every child’s future. Our Vision: “Becoming Better Together.” Harris-Tessier Central School is located in the community of Harris and supports the education of Kindergarten to Grade 9 students in the Harris and Tessier areas. The school has a full gymnasium, a separate computer lab, lunch room, multipurpose room, and three classrooms, each equipped with computers and SMARTBoards. Our student body is small and all of our students know each other. The staff and students, alike, work to provide a strong educational environment for students. As a rural community, we are supported by our School Community Council to promote our community involvement. The letters of HTCS and our belief in community and working together inspired our code of conduct. At HTCS we believe that our school members will be: H – Helpful, Honest, Hard-working T – Trustworthy, Thoughtful, Team-workers C – Caring, Cooperative, Community-minded S – Safe, Studious, Show respect At HTCS, our school family will work together to maintain a positive learning environment by following the Code of Conduct to to help help l guide gui uide de us ass we we are a e ar “Becoming Better Together.” Eston Composite School The Eston Composite School Code of Conduct is an initiative of staff, students, and our SCC. It forms the basis of expected behavior for all staff, students and visitors to our school. Honouring this Code of Conduct allows us to achieve our School Vision of: “Success for All: A safe and caring environment that enables all learners.” We are a rural K-12 school that enjoys a wide range of extra-curricular activities, \including most every area of school sports, yearbook, Drama, Choir, SRC, and a SADD Committee. Our SRC shows great leadership in the many projects they undertake throughout the year to promote school spirit and enhance the year for fellow students. In addition, they continue to keep the greater community in mind, contributing funds to various groups through specific fundraisers. We are very proud of our strong Art program, evidenced by the Wall of Fame showcasing the People’s Choice winners chosen over the years at our annual art show. Our classrooms are equipped with interactive SMARTBoards and other technological equipment to enhance instruction. We also have computer labs, a PAA Lab for woodworking, a Food Services Lab, Chemistry/Science Lab, and a well-stocked library. The staff and students at ECS take great pride in each other, and in our surroundings. Together, we will accomplish our Mission: “To provide all students with opportunities to achieve their potential through a positive school, home and community partnership! April 2014 Sun Mon 6 13 Wed Thu 1 2 3 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 5 6 1 2 14 15 16 17 4 20 Tue 5 21 22 Board of Education Regular Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. **Public Meeting 7:00 p.m. 4 Sat 5 4 11 12 3 18 19 Good Friday 6 1 23 24 Spring Break 27 Fri 28 29 30 2 3 4 25 26 Principal: Vicki Moore Box 400 Elrose, SK S0L 0Z0 Ph: 306-378-2505 Fx: 306-378-2338 www/sunwestsd.ca/elrose Principal: Chris Oscar Box 666 Kindersley, SK S0L 1S0 Ph: 306-463-6547 Fx: 306-463-2072 www/sunwestsd.ca/ elizabeth Elrose Composite School Elrose Composite School is a place where students can learn in a fun, friendly and safe environment. We offer many clubs and sports that the majority of students and staff participate in, and plenty of fun activities and fundraisers that occur throughout the school year. Every day, students and staff are reminded of what we want to be, where we want to go, and what we want to achieve by the many inspirational thoughts that are posted in the classrooms and throughout the hallways. At ECS, one can feel confident to share new ideas and state his/her opinion, knowing only acceptance and not judgment will be the response. ECS is a place where students can learn and grow to meet their personal goals in life and realize their potential. (Written by: Jordyn.S, 2013-14 SRC President, Elrose Composite School) Elizabeth School “Pride in Learning!” Elizabeth School is a Kindergarten to Grade Seven elementary school. The E after-school, and in-school, curricular and extra-curricular activities are iintramurals, S.L.C, drama club, skipping club, Lego club, cup stacking club, safety patrolling and all of the after school sports teams, such as curling, basketball, p vvolleyball, etc. We also get to learn an instrument starting in Grade 5 and be invvolved in Band. We have lots of great technology like iPads for the students. I am especially thankful for our playground equipment and our big gym to play in. We also have some hot lunch days, such as pizza day or hotdog day. There are 265 students, 18 teachers, 3 caretakers, 1 librarian, 10 E.A.s. and one secretary. We‘re proud to be an Earth ll School. Elizabeth School recycles, reuses, and p reduces. “ROAR!!!” (Written by: Dominique.H, Grade 6, E Elizabeth School student) May 2014 Sun 4 Mon 5 6 1 11 Tue 2 12 13 Board of Education 18 Fri 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 14 15 16 Sat 3 10 17 Staff Only Professional Development Day No Classes SCC Inservice Westberry School 1 19 Thu Committee of the Whole Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. SCC Inservice OES 6 Wed 2 20 21 4 5 27 28 3 22 23 6 1 29 30 24 Victoria Day No Classes 25 26 Board of Education Regular Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. 2 3 4 5 6 31 Principal: Craig Vanthuyne Box 190 Eatonia, SK S0L 0Y0 Ph: 306-967-2536 Fx: 306-967-2580 www/sunwestsd.ca/eaton Principal: Deb DeCaux Box 490 Dinsmore, SK S0L 0T0 Ph: 306-846-2188 Fx: 306-846-2112 www/sunwestsd.ca/dinsmore Eaton School In the small town of Eatonia, you can find Eaton School. We are a K-12 school and one hundred and thirty Spartans strong. We may not be big in numbers but we most certainly are in school spirit! After all, “You can’t hide our Spartan pride!” We believe in putting education first, but also place an emphasis on becoming well-rounded people. Extra-curricular activities are an important part of Eaton School’s environment. Our SRC is made up of a large group of students from Grades 7-12. As an SRC we make a conscious effort to include every single member of our school in activities such as pep rallies, picnic lunches, volunteer, spirit days and so much more! S.W.A.T., Volleyball, Football and Power Hour highlight just a few of our many after school opportunities available for students in Kindergarten to Grade 12. Every single student here at Eaton School is proud to be a Spartan and knows they will always remain one. (Written by: the Eaton School SRC ) Dinsmore Composite School Dinsmore Composite School operates as a K-12 school serving students from the Dinsmore, Milden and Wiseton areas. D.C.S. students were asked “what makes your school great?” Here are some of their comments: • “We all know each other; we are unique, all different and proud of it. School feels like home because we grew up together. We are a family. People in our school help each other.” • “We are competitive athletic people, we are champions at heart.” • “We try our hardest to show school spirit.” • “We are an elementary and high school combined, and have been here for over 50 years.” • “We are good representatives of our school when we go to places outside of school.” • “We are very hard working when we are at school.” Students also commented on some of the activities they enjoy at D. C. S. such as intramurals, field trips, spirit week activities and athletics. Our school has a variety of activities that complement the core curricula. These initiatives build caring and compassionate citizens. D.C.S. is a great place to work, learn and play. June 2014 Sun 1 8 15 22 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 1 2 9 6 10 Board of Education Committee of the Whole Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. 1 2 16 17 18 5 6 1 23 24 25 Thu 5 3 4 11 12 4 29 5 30 Report Cards Issued Staff Only Professional Development Day 6 6 7 13 14 4 19 20 2 21 3 26 1 Sat 5 3 Board of Education Regular Meeting Boardroom 9:00 a.m. Fri 27 Students Last Day of Classes 28 Staff Only Professional Development Day Beechy Colony School is the best! We have 7 students, and they are : Rebecca, Barbra, Adam, Kendra, Aaron, Amanda, and Leanne. Our teacher is Mrs. Ptolemy. We love to read, and our library has 3500 books. We always build a reading corner and last year it was an igloo. We use our basement for a gym, and our playground. Our favourite games are flyer tag, soccer, floor hockey, tennis, garbage basket ball, and baseball. We also do in-Motion and Brain Gym. We do lots of work in math, science, social, health, ELA, reading, spelling, word work, phonics, writing workshop, and printing/handwriting). We like problem solving and science experiments, and we love art. Some fun activities are: Welcome Back Barbeque, noon meals, our Christmas Concert, and parties like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day Tea and Father’s Day Barbeque. We also have a Track and Field Play Day when the colony comes out to cheer us on. On our June nature hike we try to find flowers, butterflies and birds. The best day is the picnic at end of the year out in the pasture. We get to do campfire cooking, gunny sack race, and peanut scramble. Our class decided our motto is “Learning is for Life”. (Written by: Aaron and the rest of the class) Principal: Jason Low Box 699 Davidson, SK S0G 1A0 Ph: 306-567-3216 Fx: 306-567-5481 www/sunwestsd.ca/davidson Principal: Jason Chambers Box 9 D’Arcy SK S0L 0N0 Ph: 306-379-4620 Fx: 306-379-2140 www/sunwestsd.ca/darcy Davidson School Davidson Da D avi vid dsson o School Scch hooool iss a fantastic fan a taast sticc place pla l ce with witth a fabulous fabu fa ulous academic aca ade d mi mic program prrog o ra r m as a well wel e l as many extra-curricular opportunities. We have approximately 225 students and 25 devoted staff members. We participate in a variety of fun activities like a bully awareness walk, 5k run, Terry Fox run and this year we hosted the Willow Awards Gala. A lot of work went into preparing for it but it was totally worth it! The staff and students are very excited about our new gym floor. Everyone helped out with the fundraising and tons of the community was involved. In the summer of 2012 the community helped fix up the football field. Many long hours were put into laying out turf and putting in sprinklers. For two years we have had a senior football program and last year we added a junior football team. Being part of Davidson School is an honour. We welcome you all to the Sea of Blue! (Written by: Katie.B, Sydney.B and Tina.S, Davidson School students) D’Arcy School “D’Arcy School – A Great Place To Learn” We had 34 students in the 2012-2013 school year and will have 36 students for the 2013-2014 school year. We have three multi-grade classrooms; K-1, 2-3, and 4-6. Small schools are great because you know everyone. We have a computer for every two students, lots of playground equipment and buddy activities. It is a great place to meet friends. Some of our favorite things about school are science fair, spirit week, soccer tournament, overnight field trips and going to We Day. Our class numbers are usually smaller so our teachers have more time for each student than in big classrooms. We get to bring our pets to Show and Tell. We go to other schools for tournaments and meet other kids. At school, we get to spend time with our friends, do art projects, and learn cool stuff. We have two soccer fields, a baseball diamond, a basketball pad, and tetherball. Everything keeps getting better. We love our school. It is a great place to be. (Written by Grade 4-6, D’Arcy School students) July 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Principal James Walker -1st Semester: Kim Fick - 2nd Semester Box 1148 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Ph: 306-948-2117 Fx: 306-948-2591 www.sunwestsd.ca/ bcs2000 Acting Principal: Leia Hey Box 310 Beechy, SK S0L 0C0 Ph: 306-859-2170 Fx: 306-859-2286 www.sunwestsd.ca/beechy Biggar Central School 2000 The mission of BCS 2000 is to provide a safe, supportive learning environment which promotes respect and accountability. We believe that education is a shared responsibility of the student, home, school and community. The vision of BCS 2000 is “Striving today to succeed tomorrow”. Biggar Central School 2000 currently serves the needs of approximately 300 students in our town of Biggar. Some unique features of our school are: our Prekindergarten program (which offers two sessions of Prekindergarten each day), Independent Education Program (IndEP), Learning Lab and SUPPORT room, Band program, Practical and Applied Arts programs (including drafting, welding, woodworking, and home economics) and a well-rounded extra-curricular program. We take pride in offering a wide range of academic programming to our students, and recognizing and addressing individual student needs. We utilize the Sun West Distance Learning Center to provide additional programming options for our students in addition to the courses we currently provide. We provide support for our English as an Additional Language students and families as well. Beechy School Beechy School is a small, tight-knit school with a cooperative and inviting atmosphere. The connection between students and teachers is great because teachers support our learning and help us on an individual basis. The students at this school are respectful and well-behaved; we stick up for one another and work together as one big unit. Our school supports extra-curricular activities and we have fun opportunities to participate in events such as “We Day”, Ski Trip, and “Stay and Play.” Beechy School likes to showcase and promote student and individual academic, athletic, and artistic achievements. Our bus drivers are dedicated and work hard to get rural-area students to school safely, even on the days y with the worst weather. Beechy School invests in their students and provides adequate materials, equipment and resources to better their learning environment and academic success. Our school ensures the division motto of “Success for All” is followed, which makes Beechy School a perfect place to grow up. (Written by: the 2013 Creative Writing 20 class) August 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31