YEAR FOUNDER MASSACHUSETTS (1620) __Pilgrim-William Bradford / Puritans- John Winthrop__ Royal Colony __1691__ Purpose: religious freedom Two major events that occurred in this colony before 1750: CONNECTICUT (1636) __Thomas Purpose: Hooker__ religious and political freedom Two major events that occurred in this colony before 1750: NEW HAMPSHIRE (1623) __John Mason / John Wheelwright___ Royal 1679__ Colony __ Purpose: religious and political freedom / trade Two major events that occurred in this colony before 1750: RHODE ISLAND (1636) __Roger Purpose: Williams_____ religious freedom Two major events that occurred in this colony before 1750: NAME: DATE: CORE: # Describe the geography and climate: Near ocean, Good coastal harbors Poor rocky soil Swift rivers were hard to navigate, Lots of hardwood trees in thick forests Cold winters and short warm, not hot, summers; Short growing season—small gardens not large farms Color the correct region on the map NEW ENGLAND COLONIES Massachusetts Connecticut New Hampshire Rhode Island . Describe their religious and social life: English Very religious— religion influenced every part of life Puritans / Pilgrims More equal social classes How did the colonists make their money? (Economy) Lots of trees for ship building and lumber Lots of fishing and whaling, Shop owners and craftsmen Thick furs Describe how the colony was arranged? (Government and laws) Mayflower Compact- 1st set of written rules (constitution) in the colonies—set up the ideas of self-rule, majority rule, and written rules (these are the foundations of todays USA government) Town Meetings, Led by free, white, landowning males who were members of the church