Boundaries of the Southern Colonies. WHERE WERE THE ORIGINAL BORDERS OF THE SOUTHERN COLONIES? Map of United States Vocabulary Point of Land- land that extends into the ocean Vocabulary Latitude- location north or south of the equator. Measured in degrees. Vocabulary Bay- circular coastal inlet, often with a narrow entrance. The Task 1. Read the southern colony charter in front of you. 2. Highlight any clue words to help find the boundaries of your colony. 3. Write down directional clues on your notes page to help your group discover the original boundaries! -Meet with your group and draw the boundaries of your southern colony! Look for descriptive landmarks! You will have 15- 20 min. How did you do? Colony of Virginia Colony of Maryland Colony of Carolina Colony of Georgia Exit Cards! -Three new things you learned today. -Two questions you still have. -One statement about today’s lesson. Map Websites