6th Grade Math Binder Criteria Sheet There are three reasons every student will organize his or her work from this class as specified here. First, it encourages each student to place all class material into a central repository for easy access and retrieval for study purposes. Secondly, it serves as a clear indication of your standing in the class, containing as it does a list of all graded work. Finally, and most importantly, the main purpose of this binder is to instill in every student the invaluable organizational skills required to successfully prepare for seventh grade and beyond. Each section is outlined here in the order they should appear. Each section also details the necessary documents that should be contained therein. As always, it is important to realize that every student assumes responsibility for the contents of his or her binder. It is up to each individual student to ensure that all the required material is included. Each student is encouraged to frequently check the Model Binder in class to make sure that his or her Binder is complete and up-to-date. Sections: Before the First Section: (as you open your binder) This 6th Grade Math Binder Criteria Sheet should be in this section. You do not need a tab for this section ! Section I: Daily Opener Questions All worksheets handed out in class as the daily opener, should be in this section and completed daily. Section 2: Table of Contents, Handouts, Class Work/Notes and Blank Loose-Leaf Paper At the beginning of this section you will have a running table of contents. This will keep all the papers in this section organized. All notes taken in class, every handout and all completed class work will also be stored in this section. If you were absent, or for any reason did not receive a handout or worksheet, it is your responsibility to get a copy from your teachers at the beginning of the next class. Finally, your blank loose-leaf paper should be placed in this section so that you have a place in which to take notes and complete class work. Section 3: Homework First paper in this sections should be you r homework criteria sheet. All completed homework assignments should also be stored in this section. Section 4: Vocabulary You will be given blank vocabulary sheets for this section. All vocabulary throughout the year should be in this section. Section 5: References Any reference sheet given throughout the year should be put in this section. Binder Evaluation: Binders will be evaluated at designated times during each marking period. Binders will be evaluated based on effort of completeness (contains all required material), and overall neatness and organization. The binder is designed to be an important organizational tool, but it should also be an easy grade! Simply by following directions, keeping the material current, and showing evidence of organization, you can get a very good grade with minimal extra effort! Grades are based on a ten-point scale. ***This is one of the easiest grades you will get in my class because it involves almost no work on your part! Simply put your work where we tell you and leave it there so that it's all together. It is not a coincidence that those who consistently get all their points on a binder check do exceptionally well in Math overall.