December 2012 - Aylesbeare Parish Council

MINUTES of the Meeting of Aylesbeare Parish Council held in the Village Hall on
Wednesday 5 December 2012 at 7.30pm.
Cllr K Chun (Chairman)
Cllr J Ayres (Vice-Chairman)
Cllr Mrs G Hichens
Cllr D Timms
Mrs L Parker
Others Present:
PC David Smith and two members of the public
Apologies of Absence
Apologies were received from District Councillors Claire Wright and Tony Howard
and Cllr Alan Ringe.
Declarations of interests in Items on the Agenda
Cllr John Ayres declared a personal interest in Item 11 – his claim for photocopying.
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 13 November 2012 were
confirmed to be correct.
Police Report
PC David Smith said that since the last Parish Council meeting to date there had
been no crimes recorded in Aylesbeare.
Reports of County & District Councillors
No reports were to hand.
Chairman’s Report
The Chairman said that hopefully the Aylesbeare Inn will very soon be open again.
The sale has now been completed so if all goes well ‘normal services will be
resumed as soon as possible’.
Correspondence has been received regarding the ‘Active Devon’ initiative.
Unfortunately it looks as though it will be unlikely that there will be further funding
available in 2013 under this scheme which originated from Sport England. A
selection of equipment is expected to be delivered in the form of various sport balls,
bats, nets etc. Further correspondence is expected from the Senior Development
manager to clarify the situation.
Cllr Ken Chun expressed his regret recently on the death of an elderly parishioner
who lived on her own and wondered whether anything could be done to help such
people in the community. After much debate it was decided to word an article for
Topics together with mention of the Home Safeguard scheme to see whether this
would benefit any residents who live alone particularly in the winter months.
Clerk’s Report
Some properties in the parish have been affected by the recent heavy rains which
has led to the use of most of the sandbags. A further quantity will be requested.
The 3 plots available on the former Bendarroch School site have been allocated
numbers and postcodes in Village Way.
Council Representatives on other Bodies
Exeter Airport Consultative Group – 21 November 2012
No report was available.
Parishes-Together Fund – 21 November 2012
The Chairman and Clerk had attended this meeting at the Town Council Offices in
Ottery St Mary. Barbara Pugh and Roger Chambers from the Ottery St Mary Help
Scheme gave a presentation highlighting the many admirable aspects of the scheme
and how it helps the community. If the Parishes-Together Fund was awarded to the
Help Scheme (to be renamed Ottery Help) the money would be used to make the
scheme more well-known in the form of website, administration and publicity which
would attract more requests and enable more people in the community to be helped.
This, in turn, would require further CRB checks and expenses. Another meeting has
been scheduled for 19 December. The closing date for applications is 1 March 2013.
Parishes in favour of joining together to support the Help Scheme are Ottery St
Mary, Rockbeare, Talaton, Feniton and Aylesbeare and the fund would be in the
region of £11,000.
Planning Applications
Application No:
Mr D Greenway
Brooklands, Sidmouth Road
Change of use from car repair workshop to annex
accommodation including external alterations
Members agreed in principle to the change of use but
questioned whether the proposal contravenes policy as it is a
separate annexe and not an adjoining property. It is in effect a
new dwelling (2 bedroom bungalow) in the countryside and
contrary to sustainable development.
East Devon District Council: Planning Decisions – Approvals
Application No:
Denizen Contracts
Hampton by Hilton, Exeter Airport Industrial Estate
Display of 5 no internally illuminated fascia signs, 2 no
internally illuminated totem signs, 1 no, internally illuminated
direction sign, 1 no externally illuminated restaurant sign and
3 no non illuminated logo signs to restaurant entrance and
signage in association with hotel and restaurant approved
under application ref 10/1523/MRES
Application No:
Mr & Mrs D Andrews
Livermore Barn
Internal alterations to west elevation, involving replacement
door and windows, including new folding doors
Payment of the following invoices was approved:
Cheque No
Mrs L Parker – Parish Clerk
John Ayres – printing of Emergency Plan
surveys and fliers posted in the village
regarding the Village Development Plan
East Devon District Council: East Devon Local Plan 2006 - 2026
It was noted that East Devon District Council is inviting all Parish Councils to submit
representations on the soundness of the proposed plan before 12 noon on Monday
14 January 2013. Cllr John Ayres will be the first to study the plan passing on to all
Councillors before the Parish Council meeting in January 2013 for discussion.
Code of Conduct – Dispensations
The blanket dispensations necessary to allow discussions on the Precept to take
place were agreed. All Councillors present signed the dispensation form which was
countersigned by the Clerk.
Standing Orders
The changes to take into account the subject of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in
the new Code of Conduct were agreed. The Clerk would circulate new pages to
replace those in the Standing Orders which have been affected.
Local Reports
Recreation Area
Mr Griffiths has agreed to look at the wooden bus in the playground which
needs to be mended.
RSPB Reserve
The articles in Topics are now up to date. Flood damage has affected the
tracks and trails which has meant closing a footbridge. Repair work will
commence 10 December. Excess water has also affected the Volunteer
Accommodation at Canterbury Green and the RSPB Centre Workshop.
Correspondence Received
TRIP Community Transport Association: letter of thanks for Parish Council donation
Glasdon UK Ltd: Promotional leaflets
EDDC: Connect magazine – Winter 2012
Date of next meeting
Wednesday 9 January 2013
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25pm.