West Walton Parish Council The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting of West Walton Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th August 2015 at 7.15pm in West Walton Village Hall, Mill Road, West Walton, PE14 7EU. Present Chairman Cllr David Cummings, Councillors Amanda Cuthbert, Chris Gray, Christine Holden, Martin Jaggard, Michael Knowles, Richard Mayhew, Bernie Ward and David Ward Clerk – Emma Bateman Members of the Public – John Jewson, Carole Barsby, Annette Williams, Charmaine McKenna, Sonia Coleman, Donna Wood, Monique Harris, Gavin Patrick, Jordan McKenna. 192/15 Apologies - To consider accepting apologies for absence Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Groom and Harrison. 193/15 Public Participation – to receive any public participation Mr John Jewson attended the meeting to advise the Parish Council that a planning application for the land behind The Poplars will be re-submitted to KLWNBC. Councillors were invited to visit the site for 35 houses with 20% social housing. 194/15 Minutes - To approve the minutes of the ordinary parish council meeting on 11th August 2015 Cllr Gray proposed the minutes, having been previously circulated, as a true record of the ordinary council meeting held on Tuesday 11th August 2015, seconded by Cllr B Ward. Agreed. 196/15 Declarations of Interest of any items on the agenda and to consider any requests for dispensations. Cllr Jaggard declared an interest in Marshland High School 197/15 To discuss the temporary closure of the Walton Highway Post Office from 30 th September 2015 A letter has been received from Post Office Ltd advising of the temporary closure of the post office at Walton Highway. Councillors discussed and agreed to invite a representative from Post Office Ltd to a parish council meeting to update the community on progress to find alternative premises/host for a post office service for the village. Proposed by Cllr Cummings, seconded by Cllr Holden. Agreed. 198/15 Planning Matters Applications for parish council consultation a) 15/01313/F – Land South of 164 Salts Road, WW. Proposed 5-bed house with detached garage. Support. b) 15/01345/F – Whinhams Farm, 81 Common Rd South, WH. Prior notification of installation of 15m monopole supporting 3 in No antennas, 2 in No 0.3m dishes, 1 in no Cabinet and electric meter cabinet at ground level within a new compound and ancillary development. Decisions (Borough Council Decisions) a) 15/01009/F - Gaersfield Farm, Harps Hall Rd, WH. Conversion and extension of barn and stables to 3 bedroom dwelling. Application Refused 20th August 2015, Delegated Decision. b) 15/01017/F - Land to the Rear of 109 St Pauls Rd South, WH. Standing mobile home as annexe for parents. Application Permitted 14th August 2015, Delegated Decision. c) 15/01147/F - Pazan, 24 St Pauls Rd North, WH - Single storey sun room extension. Application Permitted 1st September 2015, Delegated Decision. 199/15 Financial Matters – a) To accept the Audit Report from Mazars LLP (External Auditor) The external report was received and accepted, proposed by Cllr Holden, seconded by Cllr D Ward. Agreed. b) To approve payments and to accept receipts Payments Ex VAT VAT Inc VAT 1) Mazars LLP External Audit 200.00 40.00 2) Anglian Water Cemetery Water Rates 14.26 3) E.ON Streetlight repairs 46.94 9.39 4) E.ON Streetlight Maint ¼ly Charge 328.32 65.66 5) Mrs Bateman Clerks salary and expenses 408.02 Cllr Gray proposed all payments be made, seconded by Cllr Jaggard. Agreed. Receipts 6) HMRC VAT Refund 2,191.42 7) Hanchets Memorial application 80.00 c) To look at the Books of Account Cllr Gray looked at the books. 240.00 14.26 56.33 393.98 408.02 2,191.42 80.00 200/15 Correspondence – To receive items for information 1) Tapping House Hospice – invitation to look at new building and request for consideration for a donation 2) Mrs Hayes – request for a volunteering position for son completing Silver Duke of Edinburgh award. Nothing available in Parish Council, suggest Village Hall Committee. 3) Peter Harvey – copy of email regarding fly tipping at St Paul’s Rd South 4) KLWNBC – Parish training session for planning 5) E.ON – School House electricity meter being phased out 6) E.ON – request for School House meter reading 7) Barclays – changes to cheque processing 8) Oil Club – leaflets 9) KLWNBC – Rounders competition 10) Clerks and Council’s Direct newsletter 201/15 To receive an update on the Local Plan Site Allocations Development Management Policies Hearing. The hearing date for West Walton is Thursday 19th November at 2pm. It was agreed to defer discussion to the October meeting. 202/15 To consider an amendment to the proposal for yellow lines on School Road by St Mary’s Road junction Norfolk County Council has submitted an amendment to the initial proposal for yellow lines on School Road opposite St Mary’s Road junction by extending them further along School Road in front of Nos 80 & 82. The Parish Council agrees with the proposal. 203/15 To discuss Marshland High School staff car parking at the Playing Field Councillors would like a meeting between the High School and the Parish council to discuss the proposal to lease the Playing Field Car Park and terms and conditions, a letter has already been sent to the Head Teacher regarding this. In the meantime, the Parish Council has no objections to the staff continuing to use the playing field car park as per the trial period. 204/15 To discuss the Architect’s quinquennial inspection report for St Mary’s Church All councillors had previously received a copy of the report. The clerk will check on the responsibilities of the parish council and report at the next meeting. 205/15 To discuss lack of highway maintenance on Green Lanes and Droves NCC has advised that the green lanes cannot be cut at present due to lack of budgetary funding. Councillors discussed and will check if there are any willing volunteers who can clear the lanes. The clerk will seek advice from NCC on whether this type of volunteering would be supported. 206/15 To discuss cost of a kerbing/pavement extension in front of the Village Hall Carpark Councillors discussed and agreed to apply for funding through the Parish Partnership Scheme for kerbing across the frontage of the Village Hall carpark at a total cost of £2,300. Proposed by Cllr Mayhew, seconded by Cllr Holden. Agreed. 207/15 To discuss the surveyors report for the Old School House Councillors had previously received a copy of the Surveyors Report and agreed for quotes to be sought for taking the building down to ground level and weatherproofing the remaining walls. 208/15 Allotments – to receive any reports 1. Cllr Mayhew reported that the concrete had been removed by but in doing this, soil had been pushed into the dyke. Clerk to write and request removal of the soil. 2. Garden Allotment No14B is overgrown again. Clerk to write and advise the tenant to clear it. 3. Vacant Garden Allotments – no applications have been received to date. Councillors agreed to ask neighbouring parishes if an advert can be placed with them. 209/15 Cemetery – to receive applications for memorials and receive reports of faults Application for memorial for the late Graham Terry Smith is approved. 210/15 Playing Field – to receive any reports of faults 1. The order for the removal of the pixie seat has been placed with Fenland Leisure. 2. Cllr Jaggard advised that the bin is being emptied. 3. Cllr Gray advised Cllr Jaggard of areas of grass that needed strimming. 211/15 Villagers’ concerns – to receive villagers concerns reported to Councillors 1. The hedge on Salts Rd, West Walton needs trimming back cars parked on the opposite side are forcing traffic to mount the verge to get past and scratch cars on the hedge. 2. River Road, West Walton - hedge at Virginia Farm needs trimming back. 3. St Mary’s Rd, West Walton - hedge at 1A needs trimming on School Road side. 4. Hedge at the junction of School Rd and Salts Road, West Walton needs trimming, Cllr Cummings to advise which house it belongs to. 5. St Paul’s Rd North, Walton Highway - Hedge trimmings are being dumped at the path by the dual carriageway on top of a water hydrant. 212/15 Highways – To receive reports of road and footpath faults 1. Pothole between Holly Cottage and Jasmine Nursery on Lynn Road, Walton Highway. 2. Pot hole on West Drove North on the bend opposite Faulkners House. 213/15 Streetlighting Nothing reported. 214/15 Next Agenda – to receive items for the next agenda As per this agenda. 215/15 Date and Time of next meeting –Tuesday 13th October 2015 Ordinary Parish Council meeting at 7.15pm in West Walton Village Hall. Meeting closed at 8.48pm.