Minutes 9th September - Lincolnshire County Council

North Scarle Parish Council Meeting – 9th September
The parish Council met in the Church Hall at 7.30.p.m on 9th
September 2015
Present –
Cllr D Russell – chairman
Cllr L Nearn – vice chairman
Cllr C Dixon
Cllr R Honey
Cllr D Jennings
Mrs B Wells – clerk
Sgt K Whyle – local beat team
4 parishioners
Apologies –
County Councillor R Phillips
Cllr A Walsh
Cllr Mrs B Baker
District Councillor Mrs S Appelby
No declaration of interest.
The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Minutes were read and the chairman asked for any comments or
questions from the members of the public.
Items raised –
a) Mill Dam Dyke. Concern about the state of the dyke, banks
are eroding with a crack in the concrete on Chapel Lane,
dyke needs cleaning out.
The clerk was asked to contact Newark Area Internal
Drainage Board to request that a rep comes out to meet with
the parish council.
Action Mrs Wells
b) The pathway kerbs outside the old Sedan Chair needs
The Police gave their report. There have been two reported
incidents. A beak in at the Village Hall when tuck shop items were
stolen and the pool table damaged.
And a second incident was a burglary on Spalford Lane,
machinery stolen from a shed.
Concern was expressed about the speed of the traffic through the
village, this will be looked into by the Police.
The chairman thanked the Police for coming to the meeting and
Sgt Whyle left the meeting.
The council then moved into formal session/
Minutes were approved and signed as a true record.
Matters arising –
1) No date for Gypsy Site Appeal hearing
2) Caravan still remains in the paddock on Meadow Lane. We
have asked NKDC for a copy of the sale details and are still
waiting for them.
3) We are still having a problem with the Bank about the new
Correspondence and e mails –
a) LALC News and AGM
b) Broxap Play Equipment & Products
c) Clerks & Council Direct, all details of these items were on
d) Letter from Toby Gourley and reply from Highways.
This was discussed in detail. Mr Gourley was asking the
Parish Council to cover him with their insurance for carrying
out the work needed on Folly Lane. The County Council are
providing the stone to fill pot holes. The clerk was asked to
get in touch with the Insurance Company to see if we are
covered for this work. Action Mrs B Wells
e) Focus and Village Halls
f) Health Watch – to be put on notice board
g) Kate Ward has written about the speed of traffic on Eagle
Road/Spalford Road - this has been passed to the police.
h) Bank FSCS Deposit protection limit is changing.
i) Oil club details
j) Village Hall & Playing Field Accounts received
k) First Aid Training
Planning –
Extension to house and alterations have been passed by NKDC
Finance/Pay Accounts
Audit is complete and on the website/
Balance Deposit Account £38.057 Current Account £500
23/7/15 Lincoln Print & Copy £178.50
27/7/15 Ableworld – Batteries £75.98
6/8/15 Litter Picking £51.00
6/8/15 E-on Lighting £195.65
10/8/15 B.T £35.99
19/8/15 P & M Croft Grass cutting cemetery £218.00
19/8/15 Anglian Water £30.84
19/8/15 B Bateman Grass cutting, Church Yard £70.49
19/8/15 Methodist Church Hall £80.00
1/9/15 JK solutions £70.00
1/9/15 E-on Heritage Room £139.27
1/9/15 NKDC Dog Bins £531.50
1/9/15 Grant Thornton (Audit) £120.00
1/9/15 Litter Picking £51.00
17/7/15 Grant – Litter picking £142.17
24/7/15 Sale of Book £15.00
24/7/15 – 10/8/15 Adverts North Scarle Matters £255.00
8/9/15 Burial of Ashes £30.00
8/9/15 Sale of book £15.00
11/9/15 Adverts £30.00
It was proposed and seconded of payment of these accounts
Parish Items
Telephone Box - Cllr Jennings asked what the position of the
telephone box. If we adopt it it will cost about £450.00 to
disconnect the electric, then it would have to be moved and
reconditioned. It was decided to get a quote for this work to see
what the total cost would be.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting
at 8.28.p.m. thanking everyone for attending.