DRAFT MINUTES TO BE VERIFIED AT THE NEXT MEETING NETHERAVON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 17th Oct 2013 at 7.15 pm in the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon. Parish Councillors Present: Cllr Blair-Pilling Cllr Burke Cllr Collison Cllr Covil Cllr Hayward Chairman Vice-Chairman Cllr Mrs Mackie Cllr Mrs Mitchell Cllr Tighe In attendance: Police Wiltshire Councillor Mr G. Dyer Public Police Representative Cllr Howard Clerk of the Council 2 Apologies: Cllr Beecher, Cllr Mrs Harper & Lt Col Linge 132/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS None. 133/13 WELCOME NEW COUNCILLOR The Chairman welcomed new Councillor Mrs Julia Mackie to the Parish Council. Cllr Mrs Mackie signed the Acceptance of Office. 134/13 VERIFY LAST MINUTES It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th Sept 2013 be accepted as correct. 135/13 POLICE REPORT The Police representative reported on recent crime in and around Netheravon. Damage to a vehicle, theft of leaf blower and can of diesel from a lock up, also theft of red diesel from a local farm. The police agreed to pass information on the latest fuel alarm systems to Cllr Hayward. DRAFT MINUTES TO BE VERIFIED AT THE NEXT MEETING 136/13 ARMY MATTERS The Chairman reported that MOD had leased the grounds of Netheravon House on a 999-year lease; therefore there was no public access to the Dovecote without the express permission of Netheravon House Estates Management. MOD had agreed to clean the pavement from Netheravon village to Airfield Camp to expose the full width of the pavement. The Clerk was requested to put the subject the Dovecote and the Plain Rights of Way signs on the next agenda. 137/13 WILTSHIRE COUNCILLOR REPORT Cllr Howard reported that current spending on the road repairs in Wiltshire is £12.6 million per annum. Wiltshire will discuss raising this spend to £21 million per annum for the next six years at a meeting on the 22nd October. This would improve 415 miles of road by the year 2020. Questions on the future of the precept were discussed and agreed. The Clerk was requested to send the resulting answers to Wiltshire Council. Cllrs Hayward and Collison agreed to attend an English Heritage meeting in Durrington to discuss traffic problems on the A303 past Stonehenge. 138/13 PHOENIX HALL IMPROVEMENTS & GRANT The Chairman outlined the plans to improve the Phoenix Hall after a public meeting held by the Phoenix Hall Committee had highlighted the acoustics in the main hall as a major problem. After some discussion it was RESOLVED to grant £2,800 to the Phoenix Hall (under Local Government Act 1976 Sect.19) towards acoustic and lighting improvements to the ceiling of the main room of the hall. This Parish Council grant would contribute 80% of the matched funding required by the hall towards obtain an additional £3,500 matched grant from Tidworth Area Board. 139/13 FINANCE Cheques authorised since the last meeting: Mr Jackson – Cemetery Hedge Cutting Pro-tect Safety Signs Hurdcott Landscape – Grass Cutting Sept ROSPA – Annual Inspection Play Areas Mr Jackson – Grass Cutting Sept £150.00 £112.85 £213.60 £241.20 £60.00 Donations After some discussion it was RESOLVED that a donation of £350 should be given to the Netheravon Day Centre. DRAFT MINUTES TO BE VERIFIED AT THE NEXT MEETING Draft Precept The Clerk presented the draft precept for the financial year 2014–2015 to the Council. After some discussion it was agreed that the members would consider the document and make a final decision on the precept at the November meeting when any grant contribution towards the precept from Wiltshire Council should be known. Current Funds At the end of September the Parish Council Funds stood at £32,979. 140/13 PLANNING New Planning Applications 13/04836/TCA Fell Eucalyptus tree in rear garden of Paddock House, High Street, Netheravon. Pending Planning Applications 13/03089/FUL Installation of air conditioning units onto flat roof above shop at McColl’s Store, Netheravon. 13/01666/FUL Single storey side extension at No.6 Downside Rd, Netheravon. Planning Applications Granted by Wiltshire Council None. New Tree Planning Procedure In future if an application for works on a tree in a Conservation Area is received and the Parish Council does not object, the application is likely to be granted in the majority of cases without further inspection by a Wiltshire Council Arboreal Officer. 141/13 WAR MEMORIAL PREPARATION & CEREMONY The Chairman outlined the Remembrance Day Ceremony for 10th November and asked for a working party to tidy up the War Memorial area on Saturday 9th November starting at 10 am. A free curry lunch would be held for both military and civilians attending the Sunday ceremony in the Working’s Men’s Club afterwards. In addition Cllr Mrs Mitchell agreed to organise a local history display in the club. 142/13 WW1 ACTIVITIES 2014 The Chairman reported on the 2014 WW1 village activities to commemorate the one-hundredth anniversary of the start of the First World War. Full details of the events will be published in the November Parish Newsletter. 143/13 VILLAGE ADVERSE WEATHER & FLOOD PLANS Cllr Burke stated that as Adverse Weather and Flood Co-ordinator for the village he would be having some meetings to flesh out and consolidate the existing plans for any adverse weather and floods in Netheravon. Cllrs Hayward and Covil reported on progress of a draft Adverse Weather Plan and the need for more grit bins within the village. It was agreed that Cllrs Burke, Hayward and Covil would form an Adverse Weather and Flood sub-committee of the Parish Council this would enable the village to obtain free equipment and consumables from Wiltshire Council. Cllr Burke will advertise for more volunteer area wardens in the Parish Newsletter. DRAFT MINUTES TO BE VERIFIED AT THE NEXT MEETING 144/13 COMMITTEE REPORTS Village Recreation & Amenities The Clerk reported that the annual ROSPA inspection of the village play areas had taken place with the following comments of note: BMX Track - New fence section required at hedge gaps along top of Mill Road. Remove loose barbed wire in road hedge near start of track. Clerk to action. Millennium Park - Trim Trail needs repairing by Sovereign Contractors. Clerk to action Village Enhancement & Cemetery Cllr Tighe reported that the Cemetery hedge had been cut back to reduce the width. 145/13 REPORT FROM CLERK The Clerk reported that a temporary 30 mph limit would be imposed on the A345 whilst new water main pipes were installed under the road. The contractor making the Jubilee Logo to be fixed the new gate in the Millennium Park has agreed that this will be provided free of charge later in the year. 146/13 REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES OF OTHER GROUPS Tidworth Community Area Board The Chairman reported on the TCAB meeting he attended on 16th Sept 2013. Wellington Academy is to build a new sixth form college. The TCAB has approved the new draft Community Plan. There is still £44,000 of grants available from the TCAB during this financial year. Tidworth Community Area Partnership Next TCAP meeting is Thursday 28th Nov 2013 at 10 am. Cllr Mrs Harper requested to attend. 147/13 CORRESPONDENCE FOR CIRCULATION BOX a. Draft copy of these minutes. b. Countryside Voice Magazine c. Safety Report on Play Areas 148/13 GENERAL PARISH MATTERS The following points were raised: Heavy Trucks travelling through the village could make use of the tank tracks to and from A345. Clerk to inform Landmarc. Fireworks and Pets notice to be put in the Parish Newsletter – Chairman to action. 149/13 RESIGNATION OF CLERK The Chairman reported the he had received a letter of resignation of the Parish Council Clerk, to be effective from 31st March 2014. This would give a suitable period in which to appoint and train a new Clerk for the Post. Clerk to advertise the post in the Parish Newsletter with a view to interviews of suitable candidates taking place in early December. 150/13 DATE FOR NEXT COUNCIL MEETING The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 21st Nov 2013 commencing at 7.15 pm. Chairman…………………………………………. Date………………………………. DRAFT MINUTES TO BE VERIFIED AT THE NEXT MEETING