9th Grade Mandarin Syllabus Teacher: Ms. Jianlan Zhao Class: 9th Grade Mandarin Room: 333 Email: zhaoj@nestmk12.net Materials: Needed for all ninth grade Mandarin classes: one notebook used for class note, one folder used for all homework, pencil case with 3 pencils and 2 pens. Grade Distribution: Attendance and Participation: 15% Projects: 10% Quizzes: 20% Classwork: 10% Homework: 15% Written Tests: 25% Oral Test: 5% Attendance and Participation: Students are expected to arrive on time to class every day. All absences must be accompanied with an excuse note signed by parents and shown to the teacher. Class participation is required of all students in order to ensure quality education. Classwork: Student Classwork includes the daily “Do Now”, taking of class notes, and other work done in class. If a student is absent, he/she is responsible for copying notes from a classmate. Projects: Approximately two projects will be assigned per semester that will require plenty of time and hard work from each student. These projects will make up 10% of the final grade. Homework: Homework will be assigned and graded daily. Late homework will be accepted with a grade penalty. Homework is graded following the official NEST+m grading policy (See attached). Tests and Quizzes: Tests (Oral & Written) and Quizzes make up 50% of your final grade, so it is very important that everyone comes to school on the day of tests and quizzes. Students may make up a test ONLY if he/she brings an EXCUSED absence note. WRITTEN TEST DAY: Fall Semester: 9/16/2008 10/7/2008 10/21/2008 11/4/2008 Spring Semester: 1/6/2009 1/27/2009 2/10/2009 3/3/2009 5/12/2009 6/2/2009 ORAL TEST DAY: Fall Semester: 12/16/2008 or 12/22/2008 Spring Semester: 6/8/2009 or 6/9/2009 QUIZ DAY: One or two quiz per week During Wednesday to Friday. 11/18/2008 12/9/2008 3/24/2009 4/21/2009 *NOTE: Your 2 lowest homework grades will be dropped, and your 2 lowest quiz grade will be dropped. 1 Classroom Rules: POWER: P-Prepare for class O-On time W-Wait your turn E-Effort R-Respect others Prepare for class: Come to class with all class materials and any homework or projects that may be due. Be ready to learn everyday. On Time: Come to class every day before the bell rings; once the bell rings, you are marked late. Be seated quietly and begin working on the “Do Now.” Wait your turn: Respect your classmates and teacher by raising your hand before speaking and actively listening when someone else is speaking. Effort: Academic excellence is the utmost important in this classroom and in this school. You are responsible for doing your best on all work, completing all assignments to the best of your ability, studying diligently for all tests and quizzes, and asking for help when needed. Respect others: Always consider how your actions affect others. Respect classmates and teachers. Respect your classroom by keeping your table and classroom clean and throwing away garbage at the end of class in the trash can or recycling bin. Respect yourself by doing your best everyday and remembering your personal goals for the year. School Enforced Rules: 1. No food, drinks, or gum in the classroom. Only water is allowed to be consumed in the classroom. 2. Most electronic devices are not allowed. Cell phones, IPod type music players and other distractions should not be brought into the classroom, they will be taken away and given to Upper School AP. Leave them in your locker or don’t even bring them to school. A family member must come to school in order to pick up these items. Consequences of Rule Breaking: When classroom rules are broken, the following progressive consequences will be put into action. If consequences 2-4 are enforced, a written record will be made. Consequences will generally follow this progression, but the teacher has the right to skip a step depending on the severity of the offense. 1. 2. 3. 4. Verbal Warning Parent- Teacher Conference Student Alert sent home and report sent to the Dean Phone Call Home 2 Please detach this page from the syllabus and return to the teacher in your Homework folder. Dear Ms. Zhao, I have read 9th Grade Mandarin Syllabus and understand the expectations that are set for me. My parents have also read and reviewed the Syllabus with me and will ensure that I am in compliance with its requirements. Student Name (Print): Student Signature: Guardian Name (Print): Guardian Signature: Guardian Phone Number (home): Guardian Phone Number (cell): Guardian Phone Number (work): Guardian Email: 3