Algebra II/Trig Syllabus

Algebra II/Trig Syllabus
Mrs. Mohandas
Room #228
Phone: (510) 656-5711 Ext. 46428
Course DescriptionThis is a college preparatory course that fulfills one year of the high school mathematics
graduation requirements as well as the UC admission requirements. Topics include the Linear
Functions, Linear Systems, Matrices, Quadratic and Polynomial Functions, Exponential and
Logarithmic Functions, Rational and Radical Functions, Conic Sections, Probability and
Statistics, Sequences and series, and Trigonometric Functions . Students will learn required
state standards for Algebra 2. Please check the state web site for the standards.
Required materials:
The required supplies for the course are a binder with three dividers (warm-up, class work , and
Homework) graph paper, ruler(prefer centimeter and inches),, pencils, colored pencils , eraser
and a graphing calculator (TI-83x, 84x, or 89x). Students should bring these along with the
covered textbook to every class.
Textbook: Algebra 2 by Holt Rinehart, Wilson.
Outcome Alignment
Personal Responsibility: students will demonstrate their success with this outcome by
completing assignments on time, coming to class prepared, and utilizing all available resources
including tutorial time, classmates, and appointments with instructor.
Civic Responsibility: Students will behave appropriately for a serious course in Mathematics.
Students will work with fellow classmates and respect other’s property.
Communication: Students will develop an increasing level of skill at listening, speaking,
reading, and writing to demonstrate understanding of Mathematical ideas.
Critical Thinking: students will demonstrate growth in problem solving using a variety of
II. Homework Requirements and Policies
Homework will be assigned every day. Late work will be accepted only for excused absences.
Students are expected to
 Do homework in a timely manner.
 Present their work in a neat, clear, organized way. Just giving the answer is not
acceptable. For full credit, you need to show all relevant drawings, proof steps,
formulas, algebraic operations, etc. that will demonstrate that you know how to solve
the problem fully.
Class work:
Students are expected to
 Come prepared for each class: bring the textbook, notebook and the required supplies.
 Participate in class by paying attention, taking good notes, asking and answering
questions, volunteering answers, working at the board, and contributing to discussions.
 Work cooperatively in groups.
Quizzes and Tests:
For each chapter, there will be typically a few quizzes as well as one test at the end. All
completed quizzes and tests will be made available for review in class, however the teacher will
retain control of them.
Cheating will result in ‘zero’ credit on the given work, referral to an administrator, and/or
parent contact.
Make-up Work:
Students will be allowed to make up missed assignments only if they had an excused absence. It
is the students’ responsibility to get the missed assignments and to make arrangements to make
up any missed quiz or test.
Available Help:
You can make an appointment with your teacher for additional help.
In addition, the textbook publisher’s web site has several very helpful features:
 the complete text of the book
 a video presentation of each example in the textbook
 hints for solving some problems
 extra examples and problems
 short interactive quizzes for each lesson
 Tutorials –
 Students are encouraged to seek help outside of class. It is helpful to solicit help from
your peers first and foremost. Students who lack understanding, do poorly on a test or
receive an NOF are strongly encouraged to attend tutorials on Wednesday and Thursday.
It is the responsibility of all students to seek help during the tutorial when needed.
III. Class Rules
Aside from all the standard school rules,
 Be in your assigned seat, ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
 Show respect to the instructor and to other students.
 Do not leave or change your assigned seat without permission.
 Remain in your seat until after you are dismissed upon the finishing bell.
 Keep your area clean at all times.
 No personal grooming, chewing gum, eating or drinking. (Bottled water is allowed.)
IV. Grading Standards
Course grades are cumulative through the end of each semester and progress reports are issued
quarterly. Student performance will be assessed in the categories listed below and weighted
scores will determine the letter grade. As there are no finals in the first and third quarters, the
categories are weighted differently for the mid-semester report card than for the semester grade.
Weighted Categories:
Homework/Class work/Projects
Grade Distribution (after rounding)
94 – 100% …… A
80 – 83%
90 – 93% …… A–
77 – 79%
87 – 89% …… B+
74 – 76%
84 – 86% …… B
70 – 73%
1st/3rd Quarter
1st/2nd Semester
60 – 69 % ----- I
0 – 59 % ----- N/C
Contracts: At the end of each semester, contracts will be available to students with a final grade
of 60-69% and completing at least 70% of all homework on time. Students must put contract
requests in writing and the contract itself must be signed by you, your parents, and me.
Strategies for Success
Study every day.
Work on assignments every day.
Review often.
Be active in class.
 Take advantage of the tutorials and your teacher’s assistance.
Parents / Guardians: Your participation in encouraging your child and helping him or her at home is
very important and greatly appreciated. If a question arises, please feel free to call me at school, send a
note with your child, e-mail me or make an appointment to meet with me. If it is convenient, please
provide your daytime phone number so that we can communicate more effectively.
Please complete and sign the attached form to indicate that you read and understand this course syllabus.
The attached response form needs to be turned in as soon as possible.
I have read the class agreement for this course and understand that my education is my responsibility.
Consequently, I will do my best to meet the goal and expectations set for this class.
Student Signature:
Date: ____________
I have read the class agreement for this course and understand that as a parent/guardian it is my
responsibility to assist my student’s efforts in developing his/her education. I will do my best to help my
student in meeting the goals and expectations for this course.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________Date: _________
I understand that as a teacher, it is my responsibility to assist my student’s efforts in developing their
education. I will do my best to help my students meet the goals and expectations for this course.
Teacher Signature: __________________________________Date: ________
Have parent/guardian fill out the following information (Please print):
Name of Parent/Guardian: ______________________________________________
Relationship to student: ________________________________________________
Daytime Phone Number (Specify home or work): ______________________________
Best time to call (before 6 p.m.): __________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________
Questions or comments: