AP Environmental Science 2014-2015 Instructor: Keishar Dewberry E-mail address: KDewb039@dallasisd.org Room Number: 340 Materials: Main textbook – AP* Edition – Environmental Science: A Global Concern by William P. and Mary Ann Cunningham – 12th edition-- 2012 2 inch 3-ring binder package of notebook paper (college-ruled) dividers with 5 tabs (1. notes, 2. quizzes, 3. tests, 4. homework, 5. classwork) blue or black ballpoint ink pens #2 pencils map colors 1-subject composition notebook or a 1-subject college-ruled spiral notebook glue sticks Course Objectives: The AP Environmental Science course is designed to be the equivalent of a one-semester, introductory college course in environmental science. The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. Environmental Science is interdisciplinary; it embraces a wide variety of topics from different areas of study. Yet there are several major unifying themes that cut across the many topics included in the study of environmental science. The following themes provide a foundation for the structure of the AP Environmental Science course: 1. Science is a process. Science is a method of learning more about the world. Science constantly changes the way we understand the world. 2. Energy conversions underlie all ecological processes. Energy cannot be created; it must come from somewhere. As energy flows through systems, at each step more of it becomes unstable. 3. The Earth itself is one interconnected system. Natural systems change over time and space. Biogeochemical systems vary in ability to recover from disturbances. 4. Humans alter natural system. Humans have had an impact on the environment for millions of years. Technology and population growth have enabled humans to increase both the rate and scale of their impact on the environment. 5. Environmental problems have a cultural and social context. Understanding the role of cultural, social, and economic factors is vital to the development of solutions. 6. Human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve sustainable systems. A suitable combination of conservation and development is required. Management of common resources is essential. 1 Behavioral Expectations: 1. Students will adhere to Townview’s dress code policy and wear their ID badges all class period. 2. Students will come to class prepared with the materials (textbook, pen, pencil, notebook, and etc.) ready to work. Students will not be permitted into class without these items. 3. Students must be in their seats when the tardy bell rings. 4. The six pillars of character – trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, fairness, citizenship, and caring – will be emphasized and displayed in class all year. 5. Students are expected to complete their quizzes and tests without assistance from other students or study resources (i.e. textbooks, notes, quizzes, & old tests) 6. Cell phones must be turned off and put away during class time. 7. Students will have to have permission from me to access the computers anytime during class. 8. Students are not allowed to work on assignments from other classes during class time unless given permission from me to do so. 9. Food and drinks are not allowed in the classroom at any time! AP Environmental Science Grading Policy Tests (Practice AP style tests/unit tests) Lab Reports/Projects/Quizzes Classwork/Homework/Case Studies TREK/TAG-IT = = = = 40% 35 % 15% 10% TREK and TAG-IT grades will count 10% of the 2nd and 5th six weeks grades. A final exam will be given at the conclusion of each semester (fall and spring). The final exam will count 15% of the semester grade. Fall semester exams occur Dec. 16th – 19th. 2