SPPF Investment and Budget Report The investment and budget report for SPPF’s fiscal year July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 encompasses an entire academic year. There are two major funds invested by the Syracuse Pulp and Paper Foundation, the general endowment and the Herman Louis Joachim Fund. The general endowment consists of all of the donated scholarship endowments, along with the income and appreciation that has been generated by prudent investment of the donated funds. Donations to the scholarship endowment make up the principal of the general endowment as the permanently restricted assets. Additional gifts in fiscal 2011-2012 to the existing endowments totaled $7,575. The unrestricted assets are gifts given without restriction such as annual fund donations and corporate memberships. The New York Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act of September 2010, requires that the unspent earnings of the endowment are classified as temporarily restricted until released for expenditure by a vote of the board of directors. When including cash investments and checking accounts the endowment was equal to $4,163,293 on June 31, 2012, up from $4,145,882 the prior year. The Grossman Family Foundation Scholarship Fund, which is part of the general endowment fund, now represents two funds which were known as The Grossman Southern –Container Foundation undergraduate fund and The Grossman SouthernContainer Graduate Fellowship fund. This combined fund value is $363,620 as of June 30, 2012. This fund provides scholarships to students who meet academic requirements and will offset student loans for these scholars. The Herman Louis Joachim Fund was established in the early nineties to provide management education and support to students in the Department of Paper and Bioprocess Engineering. The principle, the appreciation, and the income generated by the Joachim Fund is all classified as temporarily restricted assets, in accordance with the wishes of the donor. The Joachim fund totaled $3,813,199 on June 30, 2012, up from $3,749,996 the previous year. The SPPF Investment Policy applies to all funds managed by SPPF. It dictates that the Foundation may distribute annually up to 4 (Four) percent of a trailing three or five year average of the Endowment’s total asset value to meet the approved expenses. If less than the maximum amount allowed is needed to meet the budget, the remainder is returned to the investment. Budget Results 2011-2012 At the end of fiscal 2011-2012 after all expenses, SPPF returned $62,633 to capital. Corporate contributions were $59,750 which is a significant increase over the last two fiscal years. Contributions continue to be significantly lower than the historical pace of $115,000. We sincerely appreciate all companies who have continued to provide funding. Individual memberships held steady at $14,175, many thanks to all who continue to donate in the annual fund each year. Your annual gifts help to maintain our office operations so we can continue to provide scholarships. The budget is reviewed in detail at each board of directors meeting to identify how we can control spending while keeping our focus on providing the greatest benefits in scholarships. During this fiscal year we had unexpected absence by the office staff that lead to reduced spending in salary, benefits and office operations. Scholarships granted were slightly below the budget estimate due to class size.