* Parish of St - St. Vincent , Connell

╬ Parish of St. Vincent De Paul
220 S Dayton, P.O. Box 1030, Connell, WA. 99326
Father Kevin Oiland, 509-234-2262 cell 496-3608
Bulletin & Office Hours: Contact Jessica Marroquin @ 989-6479
3rd Sunday of Advent
Mass: December 15th
Lector: Regina Grassl
4th Sunday of Advent
Mass: December 22nd
Lector: Marv Grassl
Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist:
Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist
Gary Desmarais
Rita Desmarais
Str. Myrta Iturriaga
Maggie Sanchez
Presentation of Gifts:
Presentation of Gifts:
Leo & Elida Fernandez
Marv Grassl & Gary Walton
8:00 a.m. @ St. Paul’s
10:00 a.m. @ St. Vincent’s
12:00 p.m. @ St. Vincent’s (Spanish)
6:00 p.m. @ San Juan Diego (Spanish)
7:30 a.m. Confessions @ St. Vincent’s
8:30 a.m. Mass @ St. Vincent’s
8:30 a.m. Mass (1st Fridays) @ St. Vincent’s
Confessions also available by appointment
Prayer Chain: Please call Regina Janosky @ 234-2081 or
Janice Erstad @ 234-6961
Bulletin: Please call Jessica Marroquin @ 234-4029 or email
jmarroquin@dioceseofspokane.org by Friday morning.
Register: If you are a new parishioner and would like to
register as a member of St. Vincent’s, please pick up a
registration form in the breezeway of the church and
drop it off in the collection basket.
Please make sure you talk with Fr. Kevin at least one month before the
date of baptism. Sponsors must be active Catholics. Parents and
Sponsors must have Pre-Baptismal Preparation. There is paper work
that needs to be filed before baptism (Birth Certificate, certificate of
marriage for sponsors, etc) make sure you have an application. Parents
need to be register members of the parish at least one month before
baptism. Do not make any plans before talking with the priest from the
Please talk to Fr. Kevin at least 6 months before the date of Marriage.
Please do not make any plans before talking with the priest from the
Special December Birthday
Blessings to the
Following parishioners:
2nd Pete Cisneros
Jason Honeycutt
3rd Gary Desmarais
4th Tristin Fernandez
5th Regina Janosky
7th Ashley Honeycutt
10th Carolyn Nordhus
11th Jennifer Dolezal
Adrian Fernandez
14th Hayleigh Pollock
th Stacey Ferguson
23rd Marie M Campos
29th Erin K Colclasure
31st Sonya
A. Heinen
Ernie Cerna
Thank you for all your wonderful input from the in-pew survey that was
conducted last Sunday. All the information will be compiled and be used for
discovery and dream workshop on Jan 12th. Don’t forget to sign up at the back of
the church if you are planning on attending – the committee is just trying to get
an estimate of how many we will be feeding for dinner that night.
Each of us has his or her own role to play in the coming of the
kingdom of God. John the Baptist was called to be the herald of the
Messiah, preparing the way of the Lord.
To what is the Lord calling me?
Thank you for your generosity/Gracias por su generosidad
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center
“Consider Him” (Heb 12)
Removing Obstacles to God on the Road to Healing & Freedom
Weekend Healing Retreat for Women
Thea Loughery and Sarah Compton
January 10-12 2014 … Friday, Jan. 10, 6:00 pm registration Sunday Jan. 12, depart 1:00 pm
Thea and Sarah are experienced prayer ministers joining us from Transformed Hearts Ministries
for some hands-on, practical, spiritual and emotional healing. Hebrews 12 is the inspiration for
this retreat. “Consider Him who endured such hostility…so that you many not grow weary and
lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:13)
Please register in advance: (509) 448-1224 or visit www.ihrc.net Cost $185 for the weekend,
$100 per commuter includes meals
In keeping with the spirit of giving, we are collecting non-perishable
food items for our local food bank. Please take an ornament card off the Angel
Giving Tree. Bring that food item back to church next Sunday and place it in the
box at the back of church. Make sure the expiration date on the food item has
not expired. We will be collecting non-perishable food items all during the
advent season.
Advent Penance Services
Tuesday, December 17th @ St. Paul/English @ 6 pm
Wednesday, December 18th @ St. Vincent/Bilingual @ 6 pm