July 31, 2013 Stop in to the Connection Center off the Lobby this

July 31, 2013
Stop in to the Connection Center off the Lobby this Sunday and sign up to bring
something for the Picnic after Church on Sunday, August 25. That’s gonna a big day
for us. At the Gathering, we’ll celebrate with those making the commitment of membership
and share the Sacrament of Baptism with Reagan Meredith. Then we eat!! After we’ve fed
you, plan to stay for a meeting where we’ll share our new ByLaws and discuss how our
church will be organized and governed.
Marriage is the topic this week and next in our People’s Choice summer message
series. These two messages will be useful to you whether you are married, single,
divorced, or widowed. These are great weeks to invite your friends to join you.
August 4: Marriage Matters I: “Happily ever after…”
August 11: Marriage Matters II: “Happily ever after…NOT!”
August 18: Why do bad things happen to good people?
Sept. 1: WHEN bad things happen to good people
The next Membership Class will be held Tuesday, August 20 @ 6:30 pm at Church.
This Class explains our vision, mission, values, expectations and how our church is
structured and governed. It is for those who are considering Membership at RiverCross,
OR are just curious about what it means to be a member. Dessert will be served and child
care is available IF you request it in advance. Email me @ kathi@rcfde.com to register or
with questions.
New RiverCross Directories will be available in the Connection Center and Lobby this
Sunday. Pick one up and stay connected!
Wow! Can you believe it’s the end of July already?! Paul and I had a wonderful vacation
with our family but we missed you all. Can’t wait to see you Sunday at the River!
By the way, I love being your pastor!
Pastor Kathi and the Lead Team: Elders Brian & Karen Dallas, Sarah Davies, Dave
Holmes, Shane Howat, Jessica Kushall, Don Martin, and Tom Silkworth.
Together we LOVE and LEARN to LIVE like Jesus.