Readings Year B, Divine Office Vol 2 Week 2

Paws for thought
I often promise to change and then something distracts me
such as leaves blowing or another dog or some toy or other.
And keeping to my promise to behave and come when I am
told or don’t chew things is difficult.
And I wonder as I see people go through lent are their
promises difficult and also if they are not finding them
difficult are they doing enough
Love and licks.
Genesis 22:1. 9-13. 15-18
I will walk in the presence of the Lord
In the land of the living
St Paul to the Romans 8:31-34
Glory and praise to you, O Christ!
From the bright cloud the Father’s voice was heard;
This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to Him!”
Glory and praise to you, O Christ!
Mark 9:2-10
Church Roof - You may have noticed that scaffolding has now been
erected outside the Church in preparation for roof repairs. This project
may take about 3/4 weeks and
hopefully will be completed prior to our Holy Week Celebrations. Please
be careful when walking near the scaffolding.
Welcome to
St Vincent de Paul’s
East Kilbride
A Parish of the Diocese of Motherwell SCO11041
Tinto Way, G75 9DQ
Tel. 01355 243619
Parish Priest: Fr Ivan Boyle
Sunday Masses: Vigil 6pm (Sat), 10am, 11.30am and 4pm on Sunday
Weekday Mass: 9.30, Exposition: Mon-Sat 8.30-9.30am, Confessions sat 10am & 5.30pm
Breakfast Club: After 10 and 11.30 masses on Sundays in hall (for Mary’s Meals)
Sunday 7.00 pm
Each weekday morning after mass in side chapel
Thursday 7.00 pm
Jive class:
Monday 7.30pm in the hall
Legion of Mary: Wednesday morning after 9.30 am Mass
Tuesday 6pm in the Church House
Computer Club: Tuesday 7 pm
Divine Mercy Gp:
Wednesday 7pm in the side chapel
Irish Dancing: Wednesday 7.00pm in the hall
Youth Drama Gp:
Friday 6.30pm in the hall
Tea n Toast:
Thursday after 9.30 Mass (if hall not in use)
All Hall Bookings:
Call 01355 265395
The Hall is available for Baptisms, Funerals, Weddings, and other
functions at reasonable rates.
For Hall Catering telephone:
Phil Collins: 01355 223653, or Kathleen Duncan 07709 051558
First Collection:
(well short of our target of £1500)
Second Collection:
Thank you for
your Support
Sunday 4th March 2012 - Second Sunday of Lent
Readings Year B, Divine Office Vol 2 Week 2
What prayer, fasting and almsgiving are we
planning to prepare for the Lord’s sacrifice for
Lent is here what are you doing?
Morning Mass will be celebrated during Lent at
8.20 am and 9.30 Monday - Friday.
Lent prepares for Easter, for the Lenten
liturgy disposes both the faithful and
catechumens to celebrate the Paschal
mystery as the centre of the liturgical year and of
the Christian Life.
Stall - Now available, First Communion
Invitations, Missals, Rosaries, cards, gifts
And Easter cards.
Eccumenical Lent Discussion group
Starts again on 27th Feb at 7.00 pm in Greenhills Parish Church see the poster for more
Parish Youth Group
Lorenzo Novani will be taking rehearsals
for our Passion Play. Rehearsals are on a
Wednesday 5 - 6 pm however we need
another 6 or 7 people. If you are interested
please Tel 220873
Race Night PTA of St Vincent Primary School will be holding a Race Night on Friday 23rd
March - Tickets £4.50 (incl snack) TICKETS ON SALE THIS WEEKEND AFTER ALL
MASSES. Fantastic prizes e.g. Spa Days, Meal for Two, and many more Come along and
have a great night out whilst raising funds for our children. A donation will also be made to
the Church building fund.- See notice-board
Stations of the Cross will be prepared and
recited by a different Parish group each Monday
evening at 7.00 pm during Lent
Guitar Club starts Tuesday 5-6 pm
this Monday 5th March - Divine Mercy Group
Lenten Prayer Events:
A day of prayer will be held on the Tuesday of
Holy week with the Church open all day for
quiet prayer
Also on Thurs 22nd March there will be a
special mass and Holy hour led by the Light
Feast Days
Wed: Sts Perpetua and Felicity
St John Ogilvie
Sunday 18th March Special Collection for
Papal and Episcopal Charities
Forthcoming Events:
8th Mar 2012
Ist Confession primary 3 St Vincent PS
12 May 2012 1100
1st Communion primary 4 St Vincent PS
Fundraising for Lourdes
St Patricks’ Ceilidh Saturday 17th March
7.30 -11.30 pm. Tickets on sale this
weekend after all SUNDAY Masses.
Sponsored Walk will take place after 4.00
pm Mass on Sunday 25th March at the
Heritage Park. Sponsor sheet is in the
Porch if you wish to sponsor and support
fundraising for the Youth Group visit to
Baptism Course Next course is on
Monday 5th of March at 1900
Marriage preparation course:
Our own course for couples being married
this year took place in the hall on Saturdaythanks to all who helped and supported it.
13 May 2012 1000
1st Communion primary 4 St Louise PS
Medjugorje 2012
Fr Ivan will lead a pilgrimage to Medjugorje from 14-21st of October (the School week) this
year, Flying from Edinburgh. Cost £539 Half Board.
This is a great opportunity to visit this special shrine of Our Lady which our own bishop has
called that place where heaven and earth meet. It is also where Fr Ivan found his vocation to
the priesthood. Please see Fr Ivan for further details or to put your name down.
Gift Aid Envelopes for 2012 please collect your envelope. If you wish to join the scheme
please see Fr Ivan. Thank you to the great response to our appeal, numbers are increasing
Mary’s Meals Sponsor a school Fundraising amounts so far: £6953.22 Thank you for your
continued support. Sincere thanks from Mary’s Meals fundraising group for
donations received..
We hope to have a launch of our sponsored feeding centre soon
First Eucharist Activity Day
Saturday 28th April from 10.30am till 2pm
Please make note of these dates if you have a child due to receive this Sacrament.
Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine A few places remain for 1st June - 4th June £265 per person
sharing - Contact: Fr E Sweeney St Patrick’s Church, Coatbridge
Motherwell Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 20th-27th July 2012 - if you are interested in
attending please contact Fr Ivan.
Please Pray for
Sick: Sister Elizabeth O’Donnell, Liz Smith, Andy Williamson,
Sharon McHarg, Katherine McKinnon, Jessie Lang, Vera Maguire,
Carol Malyn, Margaret Duffy, Bernard Carty, Carole Palfreyman,
Caitlin Davis, Ernie Jaconelli, Robert Harrold, Cecilia Clark,
Rose McCoach, Kevin Brown, Deborah Gillen, Stewart Smith,
Jim McDermott, Margaret Murtagh, Margaret Coll, Sheila Prentice
Catherine Savage, Irene McGinney, Olive Cowan, Ann McEwan,
Rosheen O’Hanlon, Mary Strang
Recently Dead John Kerr, Mina Murphy, Margaret Wallace,
Helen Etherson, Michael Allan, Cathy McKerrigher, William Docherty,
Joe Thom, James Rafferty
Anniversary Peter & Rose Ann Graham, Frank Brien