Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church English Catechism Class

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
English Sunday School Application Form
Please write in BLOCK letter
Name: ________________________________________ Sex: □ Male □ Female
Date of Birth: _______________________ Nationality: _____________________
Language use at school: ___________________ at home: ___________________
Name of School: _____________________________________________ Grade: ________
Home address: _____________________________________________________________
Phone No.:(Home) _________________ E-mail : _________________________________
Father’s name: _________________________ □ Catholic □ Non-Catholic □ Catechumen
Profession: ____________________________________ Mobile No: __________________
Mother’s name: ________________________ □ Catholic □ Non-Catholic □ Catechumen
Profession: ____________________________________ Mobile No: __________________
Had your child taken catechism class before? If yes:
Where? ________________________________________ Length of time _____________
Sacraments already received by your child: (Please submit certificate)
□ Baptism □ First Reconciliation □ First Holy Communion □ Confirmation
Sacraments you wish your child to receive:
□ Baptism □ First Reconciliation □ First Holy Communion □ Confirmation
Any other information that you would like us to have in order for us to prepare a better class
for your child: _____________________________________________________________
Signature: :_________________________
Registration Date:_________________________
Please provide:
□ Copy of your child’s baptism certificate
□ Copy of parent’s baptism certificate
□ HK$200.00 for administration charge
No. 1 Star Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel : 25277240, Fax.: 25271276, E-mail : mail@olmcchurch.org.hk
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Sept 2015
The mission of our Sunday school ministry is to assist each family, particularly the
children, to grow in Christian faith and love. But education in the Christian faith begins in the
child's earliest years. This already happens when family members help one another to grow in
faith by pious practices such as praying together, at meals, at night, on every possible
occasion, but most importantly in receiving the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and of
Reconciliation. Family catechesis precedes, accompanies, and enriches other forms of
instruction in the faith. Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to
discover their vocation as children of God.
The parish is the Eucharistic community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian
families; it is a privileged place for the catechesis of children and parents. To help you in
family catechesis, the Sunday School of our Parish provides special family programs such as
family field trips, special Children’s Masses, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, family
prayer rallies and family retreats, in accordance with appropriate religious occasions and
liturgical seasons. The English section of the Sunday School ministry of our Parish strives to
provide Catholic formation assistance to as many families as possible whose primary
language at home is not Chinese.
We ask parents to have their children at the school on time and accompany them at the 11:30
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