Cells Review - Northwest ISD Moodle

Cells Review
Produces energy for the cell
Gel-like fluid that surrounds cellular organelles
Stores materials needed by the cell
Cell Membrane
Selectively permeable layer that controls what enters and exits the cell
Transforms sunlight to glucose
Contains cell DNA and directs cell’s activity
Cell Wall
Rigid layer of protection and support providing the cell’s shape
2. Pictured are two organisms with flagella. What is the main function of flagella?
Flagellum whips around causing movement
3. What 2 organelles are present in a plant cell and not in an animal cell? Why are these needed in
a plant cell but not in an animal cell? Cell Wall- uses the strong cell walls to maintain its shape,
animals have their skeleton to hold them up, also nutrients can move from cell to cell through
holes in the cell wall Chloroplast- work to convert light energy of the Sun into sugars that can be
used as food for the cell
Matching: Match the organelle to the appropriate comparison and explain why they are similar.
Word Bank:
Security Guard
Recycle Center
4. The nucleus is like the President/CEO because it controls the function of everything in the
5. The cell wall is like the Fence because it surrounds the cell and gives it shape.
6. The cell membrane is like the Security Guard because it controls what comes in or goes out
of the cell.
7. List the three parts of the Cell Theory.
All living things are composed of one or many cells
The cell is the smallest, most basic unit of life
Cells come from pre-existing cells
8. Define organelle. structures within a living cell
9. List three examples of organelles. nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, mitochondria,
10. The most basic living thing is a cell. Since a cell is a living thing, functions the same as an
organism. List 3 main cellular functions.
1. reproduction- to survive the cell must reproduce to continually replenish those that die
2. conversion of energy- getting energy from food or through photosynthesis
3. transport of molecules- moving nutrients and removing waste
12. What would happen if a cell’s nucleus was damaged or destroyed? WHY? A cell without a
nucleus is like a human or animal without a heart or brain. The nucleus controls what goes on
in the cell. If the nucleus is damaged and cannot repair, the cell would die
13. What cell structure would help a plant maintain homeostasis or balance in the desert? Explain.
Vacuole because they store water
14. Define:
Heterotrophic: cannot make its own food and instead obtains its food and energy by taking in
organic substances, usually plant or animal matter (consumers)
Autotrophic: can make its own food (producer)
Prokaryotic: unicellular (one-celled) organism without nucleus (bacteria)
Eukaryotic: multicellular (many-celled) organism with a nucleus (animals/plants)
15. Which instrument or scientific tool contributed to the formation of the cell theory?