Animal Cell Vocab

Animal CellsVocabulary
1. Cell membrane
_____ A. tiny building blocks that form structures for various functions in the animal body
2. Cell theory
_____ B. multi-cellular organisms that have at least one membrane that encloses the nucleus
3. Cell wall
_____ C. manufacture new proteins within the cells
4. Cells
_____ D.all organisms are composed of one or more cells; cell is the smallest unit supporting life
5. Central vacuole
_____ E. single cell organisms that do not have a separate membrane enclosing the DNA
6. Centrosome
_____ F. soft and pliable substance that surrounds the cell and controls the movement of
materials in and out of the cell body
7. Eukaryotic cells
_____ G. internal membrane-bound sacs or compartments that serve one or more functions
8. Prokaryotic cells
_____ H. connecting network of membranes between the cell membrane and the nucleus
9. Chloroplasts
_____ I. firm membranous substance that surrounds plant cells and controls the movement of
materials in and out of cell
10. Cytoplasm
_____ J. jelly-like substance found between the cell membrane and surrounds the nucleus
11. DNA
_____ K.egg shaped organelle that manufactures ATP
12. Genomes
_____ L. round structure that develops inside of the nucleus when cells grow
13. Golgi body
_____ M. round organelles that promote digestion of proteins in the cell
14. Lysomes
_____ N. located at or near the center of the cell and controls all activities of the cell
15. Microfilaments
_____ O. type of processing and packaging center
16. Microtubules
_____ P. increases surface area of plant cells and provides a place for storage of nutrients
17. Mitochondria
_____ Q. inheritable information of animal cells can be found in the DNA
18. Nucleolus
_____ R. protein-like nucleic acid containing genetic codes of information
19. Nucleus
_____ S. makes up the largest part of the cytoskeleton
20. Organelles
_____ T. type of organization center
21. Ribosomes-
_____ U. second part of the cytoskeleton
22. ER
_____ V. organelle in plants not present in animal cells; help make the green color of plants
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