Library Team Meeting Tuesday, January 10th, 2012 1:30 p.m. Present: McCallister, Bren, Fragola, Knight, Kimball (recorder) Absent: Elsen Items from the AAS meeting held this morning: Judi Trampf in HR states that since there is no longer a union, there has been a change in the way classified staff can transfer to different jobs. There will be no more mandatory transfers. The Discretionary Merit Compensation awards are available for classified employees, effective January 1. Administrators will be discussing whether to close the campus on the Friday after Thanksgiving and the week between Christmas and New Years. (Except for vital departments.) Governor Walker has signed an executive order requiring all UW-System employees to immediately report child abuse or neglect. Training will be available. It has been suggested that the Equity Scorecard be eliminated. A draft of the orientation calendar for next fall has been proposed. It has been officially announced that John Chenoweth is the new Associate Dean of Business and Economics. UW-W alumni have donated $1 million for scholarships for Janesville high school students who plan to attend UW-Whitewater. The search for a replacement for Kim Moistner-Bartlett’s position is still ongoing. On January 24 there will be a joint meeting between AAS and Student Affairs. The deadline is approaching for student tech fee proposals. Construction in the Library is ongoing. Myrna emailed Greg Swanson about purchasing new furniture and additional needed wiring. Mike Flanagan will come over and look at the art work that the Library wishes to discard. Ed will hang other pictures in the conference room. Coordinators or Department Heads in the Library will now be known as Department Heads. Technical Processing Services will now be known as Technical Services. Round Robin: Sharon: Questioned the memo from the police department about emergency tornado testing to be held on Wednesday. Myrna replied that we need to do nothing about this. Sharon and Patty are working on the problem with Web of Science and EZ Proxy. Received email from the rep from Choice Reviews asking if we would be interested in having our library on the cover. Sharon will forward email to Myrna. Patty: Two more scanners will be added to the Library. There will now be 4 scanners on the first floor, 3 scanners on the second floor, and 3 scanners on the third floor. Patty and Carol will be attending a seminar tomorrow at UW-M on how to run Access reports. Thanks to Branden, Xerxes is up and running and functional for the spring semester. Barb: Deronica is looking into pricing a heavy duty shredder. Myrna is looking into funding for this. The library will not be going with the Wisconsin Virtual Reference Consortium at this time. The consortium is going with LibraryH3LP which will be staffed only while the consortium libraries staff it. We are going with the US Cooperative with QuestionPoint to maintain 24/7 chat service. Inquired about the PA system and if FP&M had fixed it. Patty reports that it is working sporadically. Last week an electrician came in to look at it. There will be a meeting next Thursday morning to discuss the Library web page. Myrna met with Whitney Henley, a new employee at the Health Center. Whitney would like to send all of the Health Center’s library materials, DVDs, CDs, and books, to the library in hopes that they would be more accessible to students over here. They also ask for a display case for student awareness that they will change every month. Myrna will have Ellen and Becky discuss the possibility of using one of our display cases. The Search and Screen committee will meet next Thursday the 19th to discuss the System Librarian position. Adjourned at 2:30 p.m.