Study Guide - Three Colonial Regions Test

Study Guide
Three Colonial Regions
Test Date: Friday, October 30, 2015
Use your graphic organizer notes (Webs for each region) and readings to
prepare for test. Remember: Mrs. Collier’s graphic organizers are on her
Teacher Page.
Terms to Know:
New England Colonies
Mayflower Compact
Limited Government
Representative Government
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Religious tolerance
Town Meeting
Salem Witch Trials
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Middle Colonies
New Netherlands
Open Door Policy
Holy Experiment
“City of Brotherly Love”
Proprietary Colony
Breadbasket Colonies
People to Know
John Winthrop
Thomas Hooker
Roger Williams
Anne Hutchinson
Duke of York
William Penn
Southern Colonies
Maryland Act of Toleration
House of Burgesses
Cash crop
Bacon’s Rebellion
Slave codes
Mason-Dixon Line
Appalachian Mountains
port city
John Peter Zenger
Big Ideas
New England Colonies, Middle Colonies, Southern Colonies
Who founded colony
Why was colony founded
Government/Leaders of colony
Economy of region
Culture of region
Religious influence in colony
Focus Questions
How did religion influence life in each colonial region? Was religion more influential in
some regions than in other regions ?
Was life more difficult in one region than another?
Was representative government truly “representative” in any region? Why or Why not?
How did geography play a key role in the economies of each region?
Did one colonial region have more social equality than another? Why or Why not?
What democratic principles are evident in each of the three colonial regions?
What major influences did the colonial regions have on America?