Capillary Electrophoresis SOP
P/ACE MDQ Capillary Electrophoresis System
Instrument Prep:
Turn on the instrument
Let it warm up for 30 minutes
Sample Prep:
Prepare chemicals
o Use five 1.5-mL vials
o Add 1.4 mL each of Run Buffer A (x2), Solution A, distilled water, and 1.0 M HCl
 Do not overfill the vials
o Cap these vials using the red caps from the drawer
o Cap 2-3 empty glass vials to be used for waste
o Use a plastic vial for your sample
 Fill with 1mL of Test Mixture B
 Cap using blue cap from the drawer
Load buffer and sample vials according to Dr. Hu’s SOP
Direct Control/Load
Wait until buffer trays are sent to the front, lift the cover, and insert vials as
 BI:A1 – 0.1 M NaOH
 BI:B1 – 1 M HCl
 BI:C1 – distilled water
 BI: D1 – Buffer A
 BO:A1 – Waste
 BO:B1 – Waste
 BO:C1 – Buffer A
 SI:A1 – Test Mix B
 SO:A1 – Waste
Record the position of each vial in your lab notebook
Running the Samples:
Build Method
o Initial Condition: Leave all defaults
o PDA Detector Initial Conditions: Use Channel 1 (check both boxes) at 214 nm, uncheck
Acquisition Enabled (top left quadrant)
o Time Program:
 Rinse 1.0 min (20 psi, forward pressure) from 1.0 M HCl to Waste
 Rinse 1.0 min (20 psi, forward pressure) from distilled water to Waste
 Rinse 2.0 min (20 psi, forward pressure) from 0.1 M NaOH to Waste
 Rinse 1.0 min (20 psi, forward pressure) from distilled water to Waste
 Rinse 2.0 min (20 psi, forward pressure) from Buffer A to Waste
 Inject (0.5 psi pressure, 10 seconds) from sample vial (Test Mixture B) to Waste
 Separate at 0.0 min (Duration: 7 min, Voltage: 25 KV, Ramp: 0.17 min) from Run
Buffer A (BI) to Run Buffer A (BO)
 Autozero at time 1.50 min
 Stop data at 7.0 min
 Rinse 1.0 min at time 8.0 min (20 psi, forward pressure) from distilled water to
o Be sure to use the SO waste for the injection and be sure to use both of the BO waste
vials throughout the time program
Save and Run Method
o Use Dr. Hu’s SOP for more details on how to do this
Save and print electropherogram with report
o If printer is not working, inform lab instructor or assistant
Turning off the Instrument:
If you are the last group, exit the program, remove your vials and turn off the instrument
o Be sure to leave a buffer vial in the buffer inlet and buffer outlet trays
Choose to inject the tray
Allow the tray to inject, and turn off the instrument
This ensures that the capillary will not dry out
CE Risk Assessment Form
P-Precautions needed
R-Response to hazard
Hydrochloric Acid
H1.1 Inhalation
P1.1 Work in fume hood
R1.1 If inhaled, move person to fresh air
H1.2 Corrosive-will burn skin
P1.2 Wear gloves
R1.2 Remove contaminated clothing, wash affected area with water for 15 minutes
Sodium Hydroxide
H2.1 Corrosive-will burn skin
P2.1 Wear gloves
R2.1 Remove contaminated clothing, wash affected area with water for 15 minutes