Classroom Policies and Procedures for Driver Education Classes

Classroom Policies for Driver Education Class
Please be respectful of others. Treat others as you would like to be treated. If
you have a question or comment, please raise your hand and wait to be called
on by the teacher.
ABSENT from Class:
Regardless of type of absence (excused/unexcused), students
are only allowed a maximum of 14 absences from class; the
15 absence will result in the student being dropped from the
class with a failing grade.
If you are absent from class for any reason (driving day, sick,
etc.), it is YOUR responsibility to see the teacher for any
possible make-up work. Unexcused absences will not be
given any credit for make-up work, unless absence is
changed to an excused absence.
All assignments, projects, etc. must be turned in by the final day of the term.
Failure to do so will result in the following consequences:
Student will receive an INCOMPLETE on report card for a
Student’s BLUE-SLIP may be held for a minimum of one
month after late work is turned in.
Work that is turned in later than two weeks after term will
not count and grade will be changed from an INCOMPLETE
grade to an “F.”
Cheating/Copying assignments will result in both parties
receiving zeros on the assignment(s).
Any late assignments will result in zero credit, unless due to an absence. If
following an absence, students have a day plus one additional day to get the
make-up work turned in for credit.
The following materials should be brought to class EVERYDAY:
A sign-out sheet will be provided in the room for the washroom/locker pass.
Please only use the pass in emergencies. Remember, the washroom/locker pass
is a privilege and if it is abused, there will be no use of the pass for the
remainder of the term.
Please do not use any offensive language in the classroom.
Please leave your electronic devices in your locker. If one of these devices is
found in class the following will happen:
First offense – A warning will be issued that the item in
question should be put away immediately.
Second offense – The item will be confiscated and turned into
the dean’s office. In certain cases, the dean’s office may turn
the item over to the Police Liaison Officer (pager, phones).
Please dress appropriately for class. The school dress code will be enforced in
Please do not bring food or drink to class or in the Driver Education Room or the
Any disciplinary problems during class or study hall will result in the loss of the
cooperative test as well as possible delays to when you get your license.
Any disciplinary problems/arrests involving drugs or alcohol will result in the
removal of the student from the behind-the-wheel phase of the class.
Student Signature: _______________________________________
Date: _______________
Parent Signature: ________________________________________
Date: _______________