cshaw@psdschools.org – (970) 488 - 6425
Couse Descriptions:
College Algebra is an advanced mathematics class meant to develop advanced algebraic skills necessary in later
mathematical courses.
Class Expectations/Rules:
RESPECT others at all times
You will be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings
At the end of the class period, pick up all trash and leave when dismissed
Always have a good attitude, a strong work ethic, and the motivation to put in your absolute-without-a-doubt best
Participation will be expected at all times
Attendance is key!!!
Grading Policy:
15% - Homework, class participation, and class activities
20% - Graded work and quizzes
45% - Chapter Tests
20% - Semester Final Exam
Expect homework to be assigned and checked on a daily basis in this class. Homework assignments will be worth 5
points. You will receive full credit if the homework assignment shows evidence of quality work and of a reasonable
attempt to try every problem (NO WORK = NO CREDIT!).
Homework Quizzes: Each day there will be a homework quiz made up of 1-2 questions at the beginning of each class
period. These problems will be similar to problems you did in your homework and are designed to check whether or not
you understand your homework assignment. You may use your completed homework to help you on the homework
quizzes. If you are absent, these quizzes cannot be made up. If you have an excused absence, you may drop the 0 for
homework quiz. If you have an unexcused absence, you will receive a 0 for that day’s quiz.
Participation is a HUGE part of math class and you are expected to contribute at all times to the academic classroom
atmosphere. This means taking notes, being on task at all times, coming to class prepared EVERYDAY, and being on
time to class.
Tardies will not be tolerated at Fossil Ridge and in this class. If you are not in your seat and ready to work, that means all
materials out, not socializing, when the bell rings then you are tardy. If you are tardy to class, you will receive a
detention slip. You will serve a 25 minute lunch detention within one week after your tardy. If you fail to do so, you will
be assigned an hour of community service.
Missing Class Procedure:
 Any student who has an excused absence will be allowed to make up missed work for full credit up until the day
of the unit test. If you have an unexcused absence you can make up the assignment for up to 60% of credit until
the day of the unit test. I am not responsible for any lost homework assignments that were not turned into the
correct place, so please make sure that the assignments are handed directly to me, not just put on my desk.
 All assignments given out on the day you missed can be found on blackboard. You are responsible for checking
blackboard on the days you are missed and turning in make-up work with in the appropriate amount of time.
 If you have an excused absence on the day of the test you will be given the make-up test outside of class time for
full credit. If you have an unexcused absence, you will be given the make-up test outside of class time for only
60% of what you earn.
Late Work:
If you are NOT absent and don’t have the assignment on the day it’s due, in order to make-up the assignment you must
make an appointment at lunch to correct the assignment and turn it in.
Cell Pone/iPods:
NO CELL PHONES AT ANYTIME. If you have your cell phone out I will keep it until 3:00 pm that day.
iPods will only be allowed at certain times. If your iPod is out at a time when I did not say they could be out I will keep it
until 3:00 pm that day.
Bathroom/Hall Privileges:
Only one person at a time will be allowed to leave the room. You must ask permission to leave at appropriate times
(during work-time only). If you are gone longer than 10 minutes you will be counted absent.