Absentee Homework

Every day that a student is absent they must write one article summary to earn their
points for that day.
*If a student has an excused absence he/she will be required to submit a written summary
of a newspaper or magazine article for each day of absence. The articles are to be on
anything related to sport, health or fitness. Students have up to five days upon returning
from their absence to complete and hand in their assignments to receive make-up points.
A student should write one article summary for every day that they miss (ex. 5 days
missed = 5 article summaries). A good way to space this out would be to write one
article summary every day. Every article must be either included with the summary or
have a written citation on the summary explaining where the article was obtained from.
Summaries should be written on a blank piece of lined paper with the students name and
period as well as the date at the top of the paper.