INTRODUCTION TO MICROCOMPUTERS CS 100 Summer 2015 T/Th 10:00a.m.-11:20a.m. 5 Credits INSTRUCTOR Linda Lane Office Number –124 Office Phone Number—758-1724 E-mail Address— CATALOG DESCRIPTION Introductory hands-on computer course intended for non-majors. Provides the beginning computer user an elementary understanding of computer hardware, the operating system, word processing, spread sheeting, email and correct file management. Recommended: Keyboarding skills. TEXTBOOK Office 2013, Brief Edition by Rutkosky, Sequin, Roggenkamp Rutkosky Other Required Items: Jump drive, notebook to keep track of graded assignments, note cards for instructions, and pens/pencils for note taking. COURSE OBJECTIVES To provide you with the following skills, knowledge & insights: 1. Using Windows and WWCC Email 2. Creating Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Documents 3. Formatting Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Documents 4. Finalizing Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Documents CLASSROOM RULES 1. Please contact Carol Bennett in Student Services if you have a learning disability and need assistance. 2. CHECK YOUR CELL PHONE AT THE DOOR. 3. Cheating will not be tolerated and will be grounds for failing the class or expulsion from the class. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION This is a hybrid class; we will meet on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 10:15a.m. to 12:25p.m. There are an abundance of tutorials for you to follow if need be. This class will consist primarily of hands-on experience, through completing business documents from the textbooks. It is imperative that you complete all the Activity sections in the book prior to doing the graded assignments. All work will be completed through the SNAP program provided with this text. To access this program, you will need to log into Your enrollment code for this account is mouths-cryptographic. By using this program, you can receive immediate feedback on your work and have multiple attempts to receive a perfect score. Make sure that you read all of the chapter and download required documents before attempting any of the assignments. METHODS OF EVALUATION 1. Grade-It—You will complete all Grade-It assignments assigned. These Grade-It Assignments will be worth forty percent (40 percent) of your final grade. 2. Performance Evaluations—You will complete all Performance Evaluations assignments included within your SNAP account. These Performance Evaluations assignments will be worth thirty percent (30 percent) of your final grade. 3. Skills Exam—You will complete all Skills Exam assignments included within your SNAP account. These Skills Exam assignments will be worth thirty percent (30 percent) of your final grade. GRADING 94-100 90-93 87-89 84-86 80-83 77-79 74-76 70-73 67-69 60-67 Below 60 = = = = = = = = = = = A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F TENTATIVE COURSE OUTLINE Week 1—June 22 through June 28 Discuss Syllabi Discuss Assignments Log into SNAP Complete Word Section 1 Graded Assignments: Grade-it: Skills Review 1 Skills Review 2 Skills Exam Section 1 Skill Exam Performance Evaluations: Section 1 Week 2—June 29-July 5 Complete Word Section 2 Graded Assignments: Grade-it: Skills Review 1 Skills Review 2 Skills Review 3 Skills Review 4 Skills Review 5 Skills Exam Section 2Skill Exam Performance Evaluations: Section 2 Week 3—July 6-July 12 Complete Excel Section 1 Graded Assignments: Grade-it: Skills Review 1 Skills Review 2 Skills Exam Section 1 Skill Exam Performance Evaluations: Section 1 Complete Excel Section 2 Graded Assignments: Grade-it: Skills Review 1 Skills Review 2 Skills Review 3 Skills Exam Section 2 Skill Exam Performance Evaluations: Section 2 Week 4—July 13-July 19 Complete Access Section 1 Graded Assignments: Grade-it: Skills Review 1 Skills Review 2 Skills Exam Section 1Skill Exam Performance Evaluations: Section 1 Week 5—July 20-July 26 Complete Access Section 2 Graded Assignments: Grade-it: Skills Review 1 Skills Review 2 Skills Exam Section 2 Skill Exam Performance Evaluations: Section 2 Week 6—July 27-August 2 Complete PowerPoint Section 1 Graded Assignments: Grade-it: Skills Review 1A Skills Review 1B Skills Exam Section 1 Skill Exam Performance Evaluations: Section 1 Complete PowerPoint Section 2 Graded Assignments: Grade-it: Skills Review 1 Skills Review 2 Skills Exam Section 2 Skill Exam Performance Evaluations: Section 2 PowerPoint Sections 1-2