Intro Unit Notebook Guide Essential Question: *How can we think and work like scientists and use the scientific method to solve problems? Guiding Question: *What are the components of a well-designed experiment? A/4 = Deep scientific thinking shown in all assignments. Research is thorough and includes additional sources for deep digging, diagrams are colored, labeled and explained, observations and lab write ups are thorough and show a deep understanding of the science concepts behind the lab/demo/activity. B/3.5 = All assignments are complete; more detail could be added to show greater understanding C/3 = Basic foundation, all assignments are included but may be missing parts D/2.5 = Not enough work to show understanding, can’t read/find assignments, missing one or more assignments Unit Assessment: Paper Towel Lab Write Up (Due 9/24) Intro Notebook *Scientific Method NB (Due 9/14) *Graph/Measure NB (Due 9/21) Intro Unit Test: 9/23 Topic: Sci. Method 4 3.5 3 2.5 Basic Assignments (notes, research) Circled are missing; “I” means incomplete #1 Notes: Hypothesis #2 Notes: Scientific Method #3 Practice: Interpreting an Experiment #4 Sci. Method Practice: Experiment #2 Deep Digging Assignments (independent research, diagrams, summaries) Circled assignments need more detail, depth #5 Candle Demo Diagram *Color and label a before and after diagram of the candle demo. *Write your observations of what happened *Explain why using science concepts #6 Design an Experiment Homework *Complete the notebook page for this assignment. *Directions for this assignment are on the notebook page Topic: Graph/Measure 4 3.5 3 2.5 Basic Assignments (notes, research, diagrams) Circled are missing; “I” means incomplete #7 PPT Notes: TAIL and Graph Types #8 Activity: Numbers and Letters Lab data #9 Activity: Measurement Practice Deep Digging Assignments (research) Circled assignments need more detail, depth #10 Individual Graph Summary *After looking at all of the graph samples with your small group, pick 1 graph to analyze 1. What does the graph show? 2. What “stories” does the graph tell? 3. Which are the most important/relevant? Name_________________________Per___ Calendar 9/8 Brain Plan is due Mobius Strip Activity Set Up Sci NB (Hyp Notes #1) 9/9 Demo: CandleTechnical Drawing Notes: Scientific Method Practice: Interpreting an Experiment 9/10 Practice: Exp #1 (sm group discussion) Practice: Experiment #2 (in notebook) Mad Minute Write Up: Procedure Hmwk: Design an Experiment 9/11 Design an Experiment is due Scientific Method Feedback Quiz Mad Minute Write Up: Data Hmwk: Mad Minute Write Up (Due 9/15) 9/14 Scientific Method NB Check today Mad Minute Write Up: Conclusion Hmwk: Mad Minute Write Up (Due 9/15) 9/15 Turn in Mad Minute Write Up PPT Notes: TAIL and Graph Types 9/16 Small Groups: Graph Analysis Graph Summary: Analyze one graph 9/17 Activity: Numbers/Letters data&graph 9/18 Activity: Measurement Practice 9/21 Graph/Measure NB check Measuring Feedback Quiz Unit Assessment: Paper Towel Lab (question, background info, hypothesis, procedure) 9/22 Unit Assessment: Paper Towel Lab (data, graph, conclusion) Due Thurs 9/23 Intro Unit Test 9/24 The Trouble With The Hubble (Day 1) 9/25 The Trouble With The Hubble (Day 2)