Energy Notebook Guide 2015

Topic: Energy Transfer/Forms of Energy
4 3.5 3 2.5
Basic Assignments (notes, research)
Circled are missing; “I” means incomplete
#1 Notes/Demos: LOCE/Energy Transfer
#2 Diagrams: Heating Systems for homes
#3 Research: Forms of Energy
#4 Notes/Diagram: Energy Changes
#5 Activity: Energy Changes Photos
Deep Digging Assignments (independent
research, diagrams, summaries)
Circled assignments need more detail, depth
#6 Dream House directions on notebook page
#7 Energy Changes Object
*Directions are on the notebook pages.
Topic: Chemical/Thermal/Mechanical Energy
4 3.5 3 2.5
Basic Assignments (notes, research, diagrams)
Circled are missing; “I” means incomplete
#8 Diagram: Photosynthesis/Chem Energy
#9 Lab: Energy in Food (Quest, hyp, data)
#10 Notes/Demos: Thermal Energy/Kin. Theory
#11 Review: Chem/Thermal/Mechanical
#12 Diagram/Activity: Mechanical Energy
Deep Digging Assignments (research)
Circled assignments need more detail, depth
#13 Mechanical Energy Video Clip
#14 Food Energy Lab Background/Conclusion
*Directions are on the notebook pages.
Energy Notebook
*Energy Transfer/Energy Forms NB (Due 11/12)
*Chem/Thermal/Mech NB (Due 11/30)
*Nuclear/EM/Sources of Energy NB (Due 12/10)
Energy Unit Test: 12/9
Unit Assessment: Local Energy Plan (Due 12/16)
Energy Unit Notebook Guide
Essential Question:
*How do we use the law of conservation of
energy to meet our energy needs?
Guiding Questions:
*How is energy transferred?
*What are the forms of energy?
A/4 = Deep scientific thinking shown in all
assignments. Research is thorough and includes
additional sources for deep digging, diagrams are
colored, labeled and explained, observations and lab
write ups are thorough and show a deep
understanding of the science concepts behind the
B/3.5 = All assignments are complete; more
detail could be added to show greater understanding
C/3 = Basic foundation, all assignments are
included but may be missing parts
D/2.5 = Not enough work to show
understanding, can’t read/find assignments, missing
one or more assignments
Topic: Nuclear/EM/Sources of Energy
4 3.5 3 2.5
Basic Assignments (notes, research, diagrams)
Circled are missing; “I” means incomplete
#15 Notes/Diagrams: Nuclear Energy
#16 Diagram: Nuclear Power Plant
#17 Activity: Half-Life
#18 Notes/Demo: Waves
#19 Notes/Diagram: Electromagnetic Spectrum
#20 Notes/Diagram: Sound
#21 Chart: Energy Sources
#22 Research: Energy Sources
Deep Digging Assignments (research)
Circled assignments need more detail, depth
#23 Nuclear Energy Additional Research
#24 Sources of Energy Additional Research
*Find, cite and take notes on 2 sources
11/2 Notes/Demo: LOCE/Energy Transfer
Hmwk: Dream House Plan (Due 11/4)
11/3 Diagrams: Heating System for Homes
11/4 Dream House: Add heating systems
11/5 Research: Forms of Energy
Hmwk: Energy Changes Object (Due 11/10)
11/6 Research: Forms of Energy
Hmwk: Energy Changes Object (Due 11/10)
11/9 Diagram: Energy Changes
11/10 Energy Changes Object is due
Activity: Energy Photos
11/12 Energy Transfer/Energy Forms NB Check
Lab: Energy in Food (Calorimeter)
Hmwk: Background Info (Due 11/30)
11/13 Lab: Energy In Food
Hmwk: Lab Conclusion (Due 11/30)
11/16 Notes: Thermal Energy/Kinetic Theory
11/17 Diagram: Mechanical Energy Ski Jump
Hmwk: Chem/Therm/Mech Review(Due 11/18)
11/18 Activity: Mechanical Energy
11/19 Intro Notes/Activity: Nuclear Energy
11/30 Diagram: Nuclear Power Plant
Activity: Half-Life
Hmwk: Nuclear Energy Research (Due 12/10)
12/1 Notes: Waves
Diagram: Electromagnetic Spectrum
12/2 Activity: Optical Illusions
Hmwk: Energy Test Review (Test is 12/9)
12/3 Notes/Diagram: Sound Waves
12/4 Info Chart: Energy Sources
12/7 Research: Energy Sources
12/8 Research: Energy Sources
12/9 Unit Test: Energy (Written&Mult Choice)
12/3-12/18 Unit Assessment: Local Energy Plan
12/19 Demos: Liquid Nitrogen