AGM MEETING AGENDA Montgomery Middle School PAC May 6, 2015 1. Welcome & Introductions – Irene (2 min) 2. Agenda – Irene (2 min) a) Amendments? b) Motion to Accept the Agenda 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting – Irene (2 min) a) Amendments? b) Motion to Accept the Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4. Committee Reports – Irene (20 min) a) Treasurer’s Report – Bruce Meek (5 min) b) Motion to Accept the Treasurer's Report c) Update on purchases for 2014/2015 Teacher's Wish List - Rob/Dawn (5 min) d) Gaming Grant application (3 min) e) DPAC Constitution Change (1 min) f) Other Committee Reports? (6 min) 5. Old Business – Wendy (20 min) a) Emergency Container Inventory Update – Sandra (3 min) b) Parent Education Event Update – Emotional Intelligence – Irene (2 min) c) Campbell’s Soup Labels Update – Teri (3 min) d) Raffle – Hilary Drexel (6 min) Thank you cards for donors e) Teacher’s luncheon – Deb (6 min) 6. 2014/2015 Budget Presentation – Bruce Meek (10 min) 7. 2015/2015 Executive Elections – See attached Schedule A – Dalene (20 min) 8. Executive Meeting – June 3rd – Wendy (1 min) 9. New Business – Wendy a. Hot Lunch for 2015/16 (3 min) b. September date for 1st PAC meeting (4 min) 10. Administrator’s Report – Rob McFaul/Dawn Holden (15 min) 11. Adjournment – Wendy (1 min) SCHEDULE A 1. Executive Position Duties: a) President shall convene & preside at all executive, general & special mtgs. shall be familiar with & follow the Constitution & Bylaws shall ensure that an agenda is prepared and distributed following the Bylaws shall appoint committees where authorized to do so by the Executive or membership and be an ex-officio member to all committees except the Nominating Committee shall be the official spokesperson and representative for the Council, always acting on behalf of the majority of members and not personally shall be one of the three signing officers shall submit a written annual report to the membership b) Treasurer shall have a demonstrated ability and/or understanding of bookkeeping procedures shall keep an accurate and current record of all receipts and expenditures of the Council. Bank statements must be reconciled monthly shall assess all financial undertakings to ensure they are within the annual budget shall ensure expenditures have the proper authorization and are backed by detailed receipts and invoices shall prepare a written financial report for presentation at each Council mtg. This shall include the total balance on hand in all accounts at the beginning of the period covered by the report and all credits to and disbursements from the accounts; balance of funds on hand and outstanding accounts receivable and payable, and the net surplus or deficit. shall be responsible for issuing receipts and the prompt despotise of all monies paid to the Council. shall be one of the three Council signing officers shall ensure all bills are paid promptly shall draft an annual budget with the assistance of the PAC President shall maintain all financial records in an orderly fashion c) Secretary shall record the minutes of all executive, general and special meetings shall prepare within two weeks of any meeting, complete minutes and pass them to the Parent Communications Coordinator for distribution shall file the original copy of the Minutes in the official Council Record Binder shall issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the Council shall keep a current copy of the Constitution and Bylaws shall ensure safe keeping of all records of the Council shall keep a complete current inventory, including location, of all PAC assets shall ensure the binders are collected at the end of the term and appropriately redistributed by September d) Fundraising Coordinator shall propose fundraising projects to the Executive ensuring that they meet the guidelines established in the Constitution, Bylaws and PAC Policies and Procedures shall coordinate all activities related to a fundraising event and act as liaison between the fundraising committee and the Council Executive shall maintain a record of fundraising projects, suggestions for improvement and future events preferably shall be available during school hours e) Health & Safety Coordinator shall monitor student safety issues such as traffic, emergency preparedness, school ground and play equipment, and the surrounding neighbourhood to identify possible safety improvements and ways to achieve them shall investigate and act on parent concerns regarding health issues establish and coordinate activities of parent safety committees for safety or health enhancement projects liaise with school administration, City of Coquitlam, RCMP, ICBC, DPAC, etc., as necessary preferably shall be available during school hours f) Parent Communications Coordinator shall prepare and distribute newsletters, bulletins to parents as directed by the Executive shall post and distribute meeting agendas and minutes as directed by the Executive shall oversee the Parent Information Centre and Bulletin Boards and post materials as directed g) District Parent Advisory Council Representative shall attend DPAC meetings or designate an alternate to attend shall report to the Council regarding issues discussed shall seek input from the Council for presentation at DPAC meetings shall vote the Council wishes at DPAC meetings shall maintain the Council's information binders with DPAC meeting minutes and materials proved from DPAC, BCCPAC, Ministry of Education and make them readily available to the general membership h) Parent Education Coordinator shall arrange topics and guest speakers for assemblies where a parent education component is wanted by the Executive or the memebership shall maintain a record of speakers and associated costs shall collect available speaker information and maintain a record of this information in the parent library i) Parent Volunteer Coordinator shall coordinate the recruiting of one or more volunteer parents from each class. A list of volunteers shall be provided to the PAC President shall establish communication methods with the assistance of these class volunteer parents, to find volunteers for projects or to relay Council information shall facilitate communication between the Council Executive and the parent body as a whole through these volunteers j) Members At Large No specific job, but taking on responsibilities as they are able k) PAC Representative to School Planning Council (SPC) - Elected by Secret Ballot shall be one of three elected SPC representatives shall represent and speak on behalf of the PAC at SPC meetings shall take direction from the general PAC membership shall report back to the PAC at general meetings l) SPC Representative #2 - Elected by Secret Ballot to attend SPC Meetings and provide input m) SPC Representative #3 - Elected by Secret Ballot to attend SPC Meetings and provide input 2. Some Executive Position Particulars: a) Nominations for the offices of the Executive shall be in writing to, or shall be taken from the floor, at the Annual General Meeting. Any member may nominate a voting member. b) Positions are for a period of one year - July 1 to June 30 of the following year, or until a successor is elected. The new Executive shall attend the June Executive meeting to allow for transition between exiting and incoming officers. c) A parent who accepts a position as a Council Executive Member upholds the Constitution and Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, performs his or her duties with honesty and integrity and meets agreed upon deadlines on projects and; works to ensure that the well-being of students is the primary focus of all decisions. d) No person shall hold more than one position on the Executive. If a volunteer does not come forward for a vacant Executive Position, no other officer shall assume the duties of that position. e) Any position may be co-chaired or shared with the agreement of the two parties and with the understanding that the two people share one consensus vote. f) The composition of the Executive shall be as follow: A. President B. Treasurer C. Secretary and; any three or more, of the above listed positions g) The following are grounds for termination of the office of any Executive member: is absent from three consecutive meeting without a valid reason; failure to observe the Constitution and Bylaws, Purposes and Policies of the Council; failure to abide by the Council Code of Conduct; is convicted of a criminal or other serious offence.