Irvine Elementary PAC November Meeting Agenda November 12th, 2014-7:15 p.m. School Library Welcome: Thank you to all parents who have become involved with the meetings and the activities at the school. A reminder that we are always in need of volunteers for hot Lunches and Popcorn Days. In Attendance: Kerrie Turner, Jen Godin, Lisa Smith, Denise Greekas, Michael Thomas, Colleen Harper, Jessica McMurdo, Tammy Dickieson, Wendy Basler, Lisa Ploss, Tonya Pankratz Principal’s Report: We presently have 446 students in our school. Christmas concert ticket request has been handed out to all divisions. December 15th is the dress rehearsal at 1:00 p.m. (all welcome, time the students see the entire performance, and when preschool siblings are encouraged to attend). Each family is provided with up to two tickets. You must send back the form so you can request tickets for the December 16th matinee @ 1:00 or the December 17th Matinee @ 1:00. Request forms are due before December 5th. If you require extra tickets, please email Mrs. Hartman at Dec. 13th is Santa Breakfast: need tables and custodial support. Carol Spence and her committee will be having an organizational meeting on Thursday November 27th at Starbucks (Oxford and Lougheed) at 8:00. More info to follow on the school Liaison email. Young Actors Workshops are in January and February. Consent Forms have been handed out in each division. $13 for older (3 – 90 minute sessions) $7 for K divisions who will have two shorter sessions. Possible activity being discussed: Martial Arts Demonstration: by local company has had glowing reports by schools who have had them come in. Free for students. Heather Heit a parent from Irivine recommended we have them visit. The kids would do it during their gym time and possibly a performance could be done. Clinical UBC Study: approved by Grade 2- the district boys aged 9-12. Flyers will be distributed. Mr. Barna will be continuing in the Mat leave position for Mme. Baril for the rest of the year! Photo retake day is Thursday November 20th! Mustache day is November 18 and draw, paint or stick on a mustache! November 28th is the first Movie Night: Ilana Hoegler will send out a message through the school liason and will advertise through flyers. Wish List: Was presented by Mme. Proulx and was prioritized and approved by the PAC * means it was approved by the PAC *$100 contribution for field trips for 19 divisions: $1900. Every class used it. Can be used for In school field trips or out of school to cover the cost of the buses, or to help subsidize the fee of the outing. Some teachers share the cost of the bus and have a few classes on it. *$100 FTE for each teacher for stickers, etc. $2400 for all teachers including full time and part time. *Rollerblading concerns: sizes and safety. Dance group interest again this year. African type of dance. $1700 for February. Listening center: cost of $560 For Ms.Thacker and Mme. Gladue *20 at $13 each approved for students who cannot afford young actors workshop cost. $260 Chart stands 2 for $850 *RAZ reading A to Z: available for student services -$100 Mrs. Percivault up to 30 students *French Learning Assistance books for $100 for hard books Trumpour : $311 for a computer cart *Approve $200 to buy granola bars and water *$800 for Saleema Noon Body Scientist: booked March 25th and 26th *$7.50 per student in Grade 5 towards their leaving ceremony 58 grade 5’s. Up to $465 approved. Only $435 needed. Total of $ 7625 approved for the wish list Other Upcoming Spirit Events: Spirit Days: crazy colors, crazy hair, crazy hat, sports wear day Jan. dress like your favourite literary character Emergency Prep: There are 40-50 forms outstanding still. Still a huge improvement from this same time last year. Rodent problem(rats) in the bin. Bin needs to be welded and fixed. Need to find a welder. We need to clean out the bin, take everything out, and reorganize. Water is expired. Three-four pallets of expired water need to be taken or emptied. DPAC: Last month was a DPAC orientation meeting. There are a couple of new schools in the district. They discussed the function and form of the PAC. It was interesting and informative. They highlighted their prerecorded videos that you can watch on You Tube. There is lots of good information on gaming grants, and how to run a successful PAC. CPF: There is a meeting on Monday November 17th. More information to report at the next meeting. Some activities and events put on by the Canadian Parents for French. French film festival. All French immersion students go. It is funded by CPF. Skating Event Babysitting night Book fairs attached to their babysitting night Verbathon Treasure’s Report: -Gaming grant money has arrived. We received $8540 from Gaming Grant Money: RBC account sitting at $7627.47 on Oct 7th. CIBC account is $9111.74 on Oct. 7th Donations for Family Donation Program still to be counted and are still being collected. See approvals above in the principal’s wish list. New Business: Book club: Wendy Basler: three books, three meetings, FVRL, The Candy Shoppe, Discount copy of book $62.92 for 8 books. Only 16 kids can participate. Limit it to 9. $100 for 9 books and prizes for the literary trivia. This is a pilot project. Kids could keep it. Information to be sent out regarding the book club soon. Composting and recycling Initiative: Tonya Pankratz Update on the school wide composting of food scraps and paper towels. Also, 10 divisions are also recycling foils, soft plastics and hard plastics. -Cost of the program: start up cost was$286. Each division to have a compost bin, paper towel bin, three square recycling bins for sorting the three items. - 10 divisions are participating in the recycling of foils, soft plastic, and other recyclables like hard plastics, mild cartons, tin (city blue bin items). Racoons got into it one day. Kids are using the compost bin during recess as it is stored in the cage. WE DAY: Spirit Day. Why do we not bring students? Schools: One Elementary school. Great for Middle school. Exciting. Overwhelming. Sports Ball Bags need upkeep and need to be sorted and maintained. To be put on Volunteer Spot Tether ball schedule. Still need three people to commit to taking them down once a week. Charities: Three groups who have called. Mrs. Bischoff: (coat or sock collection) Blanket collection (used clean blankets for Mme Comartin’s class) We Scare Hunger: Off to Share, Food Bank collections for Jan/Feb Hope for freedom: donated hot dogs and granola bars left over from the first Hot Lunch this year. ADJOURN: