Name_____________________________ Pd._____ Latin America

Latin America
Four Distinct Areas: Mexico, Central America, South America, Numerous islands of the Caribbean
Topography: Very diverse landscape
Mountains and Highlands
 Andes Mtns:
 Brazilian Highlands: Guina Highlands:
Rivers – 3 large systems
 Amazon River:
 Orinoco River:
 Rio De La Plata:
Plains and Deserts
 Atacama Desert:
 Pampas:
 Patagonia:
 Near or south of Equator
 Tropical Rain Forests: Deforestation : cutting down of trees in Amazon Rain Forest
 Tropical Savannas:
 Caribbean islands:
 Arid Lands:
For thousands of years (1500 BC – 1530 AD) native people of the Americas developed independently from the
rest of the world.
Mayans – (as early as 2000 BC) flourished 300-900 AD
 Location – Rainforests in Yucatan Peninsula
 Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, El Salvador
 Polytheism – worship many gods
 Religious rituals revolved around agricultural seasons
 Rulers – noble class of warriors and hereditary priests
Toltecs – 750-900 AD
 Central Mexican highlands, invaded Mayan territory and took control of large areas
 Ruled by military and religious leaders jointly
Aztecs: flourished late 1100’s, warlike 1200-1521 AD
 Location – Central and Southern Mexico
 Warrior group with rigid class structure – slaves
 Borrowed ideas from conquered people
 Huge empire – forced conquered people to pay tribute, used prisoners as daily human sacrifices to Gods
Incans:1200-1535 AD – warlike/farming culture
 Peru and parts of Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina
 Extensive empire (Several million people)
 Inca rulers
 Thought to be direct descendant of Sun God
 Controlled people through priests and officials
 Founded Dynasty
 Rigid class system
 Inca owned all land and the people worked it for the ruler
1492-1546: European Exploration and Conquest
 Increased dependence on Europe
 Exploitation of peoples and resources because of __________________________ attitudes
 Conquered: Aztecs-Cortez and Incas–Pizarro
 Guns, cannons, horses, diseases, enslaved survivors, shipped wealth to Europe
 Spain, France, England, Netherlands and Portugal claimed lands
 Most prestige
Criollos: ____________________________________________________________________
 Looked down upon by Spanish officials and barred from highest positions in government
 Educated and wealthy
 Became leaders of revolutions
Mestizos / Mulattoes: _________________________________________________________
 Laborers and townspeople
 Few political rights
 Resentment grew because of low social status
Native Americans / African Slaves: ______________________________________________
 Worked on estates/mines - had little freedoms
Latin American Movements for Independence:
• Unjust conditions stemming from ___________________ rule
• Spread of the democratic ideals of the European Enlightenment
• Successes of American and French Revolution
• Wars fought against French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte; diverted Spanish and Portuguese
attention from Latin America
• _______________ Differences: geographic barriers, border disputes, regional rivalries for power
• Caudillos: leaders backed by military emerged in Latin American nations.
• Economic/Social Inequality: land and wealth in hands of few criollos. With the overthrow of
colonial rule, Mestizos and Mulattos denied equal rights. Indians and Blacks had few rights
• Church Conservatism: powerful but conservative in Latin American society
Economic ________________________ in Latin America
 Foreign Investment: Americans/Europeans invested billions in late 1800’s –Argentina and Brazil
developed prosperous economies
 Foreign Intervention:
• Investor nations sent war ships to collect overdue loan payments/economic concessions
• Instability/ frequent changes in governments were viewed as threats to foreign-owned businesses
and investments
• US and Europe supported caudillos who provided law and order
Since Democracy: Problems Arise
 Democracy in most LA countries has not solved the corruption issue within government systems
 Globalization has not benefitted the majority. Gap between rich and poor is growing
 Ungoverned/poorly governed areas have led to the growth of illegal activities; mainly drug traffikking.