HEADTEACHER’S WEEKLY NEWS Week ending: Friday 9th October 2015 HARVEST FESTIVAL Thank you to those children in Diamond class who came to church on Sunday 4th October to read their poems or give readings from the bible. Reverend Frances was very impressed with how clearly you read and sends her thanks too. On Wednesday we had our Harvest Festival in school – each class performed a harvest related item and Miss Pottrill led all the children singing harvest songs. It was a lovely assembly and we are just sorry that due to the hall being so small and our numbers of pupils increasing we are no longer able to invite parents to attend. Robert Purcell from the East Herts YMCA has contacted us to say thank you for your very generous food contributions on the day. END OF THE SCHOOL DAY Please can parents remember to avoid getting on to the school site too early at the end of the school day? Children are still using the playground for playtime and PE sessions until 3.00 pm. We are getting parents arriving before then and starting to queue infront of the gates whilst there are still spaces in the carpark. The playground gates are opened by Mrs O’Donovan at 3.05 pm to allow the children time to tidy up the playground after they have finished using it. Parents should NOT start queuing at the playground gates until all the car parking spaces have been filled. Y6 TRANSFER TO SECONDARY SCHOOL Y6 parents are reminded that the deadline for your applications for a secondary school place is October 31st. Please ensure that you have sent off all the necessary paperwork well before that date. TOYS Please can children NOT bring toys into school unless they are specifically asked to by class teachers. We are still getting children coming into school with toys. This can cause upset if they get lost or broken. MRS VISE’S MAGIC MOMENT My Magic Moment this week was when I was in Ruby Class reading a story to the Nursery children. I was very impressed with myself that I knew all the children’s names and asked them if they knew who I was. JJ said “You’re the lady who works in the library.” Celia said “No she isn’t! She’s the lady who we go to if we are put in the Red book.” Hopefully I will get to know the children without having to put them in the Red book!! I had a lovely time reading to them and am sure as the weeks go by they will get to know that I much prefer spending time with children in their classrooms rather than having to have a visit from them when they have got into the Red Book. THIS WEEK’S ATTENDANCE RUBY – 95.9% DIAMOND – 95% SAPPHIRE – 95% EMERALD – 94.7% Every class is below our attendance target of 96% this week. Let’s try for better attendance next week!! STAR OF THE WEEK– 9th OCTOBER RUBY MYA SAPPHIRE AREYA EMERALD LENNY DIAMOND JOSH S MRS VISE’S MARCO HEADBOY/GIRL’S CARYS Sorry this is a little late this week!! Gill Vise