HEADTEACHER’S WEEKLY NEWS Week ending: Friday 23rd January 2015 SCHOOL CHOIR TO PERFORM AT THE O2 Our school choir will be performing at the O2 next Tuesday evening in a gala with other schools from across the country. It will be a fantastic opportunity for them to perform at such a huge venue and as part of a much larger choir! I would like to wish them good luck and thank them and Miss Pottrill for all their hard work preparing for it. I hope that the parents going to see them perform will have a wonderful time and enjoy the experience as much as the children. SAPPHIRE CLASS TRIP Sapphire class will also be visiting London on February 2nd. They are learning about transport in London as part of their topic and will be experiencing many different modes of transport as part of the trip. As a follow up in school they will be working with an artist from London to produce a piece of collaborative art work based around the buildings they see on the day. We are delighted that so many parents are engaging with the trip and coming along to share the experience with their children. I do appreciate parents’ concerns around safety but Mrs Howard has put a lot of care and consideration into the day. We are trying to give our pupils some different experiences as part of our new curriculum and really value your support in making your children’s learning as exciting as possible for them. MATHS WORKSHOPS Thank you to those parents who attended the Maths workshop on Tuesday – I hope it gave you an insight into how Maths is taught in Ruby and Sapphire classes. Just to remind Emerald and Diamond parents Mrs Hammond will be running your workshop on Wednesday 28th January at 5.00 to 6.00 pm in Emerald Class. No children to attend the workshop please. A copy of the school’s calculation policy is available to you via email only, as this is a large document. Please ask the school office. Thank you to Mrs Hammond for organising both workshops so competently. MRS VISE’S MAGIC MOMENT This week my Magic Moment has been witnessing the growth in confidence of two of our younger pupils. On Wednesday afternoon when I was in Sapphire class Mrs O’Donovan and I were amazed to see how engaged in her learning Lily was! She was answering all the questions with such enthusiasm - it was a joy to see!! Then in Ruby class I couldn’t believe what a chatterbox Leah has become – she didn’t stop talking from the moment I arrived in the classroom about everything that has been going on in Ruby class. It was lovely to see both girls so happy and obviously enjoying their time at school. THIS WEEK’S ATTENDANCE Emerald Class – 99.3% Sapphire Class – 97% Diamond Class – 96.9% Ruby Class – 94.8% Well done to the whole school great attendance this week!! Just to remind all parents our attendance target is set at 96% STAR OF THE WEEK – 23rd JANUARY RUBY CLASS SAPPHIRE CLASS EMERALD CLASS DIAMOND CLASS MRS VISE’S HEADBOY/HEADGIRL’S LEO RONNIE VICTORIA MIA AMELIA(Y1) SYDNEY (Y4) We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday. Gill Vise