HEADTEACHER’S WEEKLY NEWS Week ending: Friday 15th January 2016 HAPPY NEW YEAR I know I have probably spoken to the majority of parents already this term but I would just like to wish you all a very Happy New Year. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas with your families. RETURN TO SCHOOL The children seem to have returned to school after the break really well. With the lead up to Christmas the normal routine gets disrupted and it all gets a bit chaotic – I think the children and staff are enjoying getting back to the normal structure of the school day again. So far we have managed to avoid snow (which we were anticipating) but it seems to be rain/flooding that is going to cause disruption. If we have more days like Monday we will try our hardest to open the school but could I ask you to follow the procedures you would for snowy weather. (Please see Severe Weather Warning attached) We will keep the registers open later on the days where traffic is bad so that you can bring your children to school as quickly and safely as you can. KITCHEN REFURBISHMENT The work in the kitchen is progressing on time. There have been a few slight hiccups along the way but due to the effort of school staff and Ms Blackham we have managed to keep to the schedule we have sent out to you. We will be having two more weeks when we will NOT be serving hot meals – except for Thursday 21st January when there will be hot meals cooked and transported from another school. We would really appreciate it if on that day as many children as possible from Ruby and Sapphire classes could have a hot meal because it is census day and take up of school meals in the infants has an impact on future funding for the school. Emerald and Diamond classes will also be provided with a hot meal if they wish. Ms Blackham is aware that the children having a school packed lunch need a bit of variety so will be incorporating other items into the packed lunches next week – on Monday the children will be offered a sausage baguette and on Friday cold pizza. AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS We are very pleased with the number of children attending our after school clubs this term. The majority of clubs are now full. We do still have spaces for speed stacking on Wednesdays or Science club on Thursdays for children in Emerald and Diamond. Please let Ash or the school office know if you would like your child to attend either. Please can we remind parents that there is NO Computing club on Tuesday next week due to staff training. MORNING DROP OFF We have noticed one or two children being driven round the carpark this week without their seat belts on. Whilst we appreciate parents are getting their children ready for drop off we would like to remind you that it is advisable to keep your children fastened in their seats in case you have to stop suddenly THIS WEEK’S ATTENDANCE SAPPHIRE – 98.4% EMERALD – 98.3% DIAMOND – 98.1 % RUBY – 95.3% Great attendance this week. Well done everyone! STAR OF THE WEEK– 15TH JANUARY 2016 RUBY - Jasper SAPPHIRE - Sophie EMERALD - Deanne DIAMOND - Mia HEADBOY/HEADGIRL’S - Inayah MRS VISE’S – Ella R T Have a lovely weekend everyone and keep safe in the icy weather Gill Vise Headteacher