Minutes - Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Joseph

Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Joseph
Ware, Hertfordshire
Minutes of J&P Meeting Friday May 11th 2012
Present: Adrian Cullen,Tony Stavrou, John Vaughan-Shaw, Denise VaughanShaw, Tim Edwards, Hazel Edwards, Noreen McAllen, Mary Hallett, Brian Davis,
Patricia Davis, Patrick Milne.
NB If your name is in bold it indicates that some action is required
Opening prayer : led by Tim.
Adrian opened the meeting; after a brief discussion it was agreed that John should
take on the role of Chairman for an initial 3 months.
Apologies: Montse Casadevall
1. Minutes of Friday March 30th : Adrian summarised the meeting : it
focussed on the ‘Live Simply’ action plan and the Cafod ‘Drop’ campaign. In
total Cafod raised £5 million with the Government agreeing to match.
2. Live Simply : the opportunity was taken to take stock.
Adrian agreed to email and gmail the updated action plans.
Actions to date included : Lent lunches, Pledge list, Cafod, Stations of the
Cross, Prisoners of Conscience, Picnic.
Pledge list: about 25 returned; as yet no analysis or feed back. John felt that
to be significant, the list should be repeated. Tony proposed coinciding with
Cafod Harvest Fast for 4 weeks in the Autumn. Patricia felt it needed a higher
profile. This was agreed.
Future actions :
100 Days of Prayer : John reported other Parishes will be saying the Pax
Christi prayer at Masses during this period, starting 50 days before the
Olympics, ie June 8th. Adrian will propose this to Fr John. Noreen will
circulate the prayer and other details.
Peace Icon: this will be in Bishops Stortford from July 6th; John will circulate
details and also dates for other parishes.
Carbon Footprint : Tony suggested repeating the previous initiative and this
was agreed. Tony will revisit.
J&P Newsletter : Brian and Patricia proposed a new issue and this was
welcomed. Contents : the front page should be a brief outline of ‘Live Simply’
with its categories (Adrian). News inside can be related to these. Items news
should be sent to them; deadline: end of May.
Past events : see above ‘actions to date’ (Mary will ask Jean McAleer to
report on Lent Lunches.)
Future events: 100 Days (Noreen), Peace Icon (John), WOW bag stall details
(below), proposed Picnic .
Deadline for info to Brian and Patricia is the end of May; hopefully the
Newsletter will be distributed June 16/17th.
3. WOW Bags: Denise outlined the plans for having stalls as follows : June 23rd
St Thomas of Canterbury School fete, Puckeridge, June 30th Braughing
Wheelbarrow Race, July 7th Ware Carnival; also at St Augustine’s on May
26/27 or 16/17th June or 23/24th June (Michelle). Helpers will be needed;
Michelle has ordered more stock.
4. AOB :
Noreen drew attention to the plight of Christians in Syria; monks in the
traditionally Christian city of Homs are asking for prayers.
Tony spoke about the ‘Progressio’ organisation and the video he had
circulated in anticipation of the Earth Summit in Rio. Adrian had received
cards which can be signed and will be sent to Nick Clegg the UK
representative. It was agreed to insert info in the Parish Newsletter under the
‘Sustainability’ banner (Tony, Adrian) and have cards available in the Hall for
signing on 26/27th May; it is hoped Fr John will mention at Mass (Adrian).
John raised some procedural points: 1) minutes : it would be helpful if
members brought their own minutes to meetings, or at least checked them
beforehand. 2) Parish J&P network: he receives lengthy news from St Albans;
it was agreed that it was not necessary to circulate to all; John will filter it.
All were invited to contribute an opening prayer, but Tim kindly agreed to
stand ready.
Next meetings:
Fri June 8th. To include picnic arrangements, Peace Icon, Newsletter, 100 Days
Fri July 13th. .
John closed the meeting with an Aid to the Church in Need prayer for the Middle