Climate assembly PowerPoint

Primary assembly
What can we do to help tackle
climate change?
Together we can make a bigger
• Join CAFOD’s One Climate,
One World campaign
– Write your pledge or
message on a heart
– Join the hearts together
to make one giant heart
– Make a display in your
class or school
Let us pray together
Creator God,
Your world is a wonderful and beautiful place,
Full of variety, full of wonder, full of life!
This is God’s world: teach us to love it!
Sometimes we mess things up.
We can be selfish and irresponsible.
This is God’s world: help us to respect it!
Teach us to care for your world.
Help us to build a world that is filled with your goodness.
This is God’s world: help us to grow it!
Through our prayer,
And our learning with our sisters and brothers across the world.
Unite us as we work to build a better world.
This is God’s world: teach us to love it!
Primary assembly
Photo credits: Annie Bungeroth, CAFOD, Claudia Torres,
Caritas Internationalis, Shea Bradley, Barbara Davies
Illustrations: Per José Karlén