Minutes - Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Joseph


Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Joseph

Ware, Hertfordshire

Minutes of J&P Meeting Friday Oct 26th 2012

1. Present: John Vaughan-Shaw (in the chair), Deacon Adrian Cullen,

Denise Vaughan-Shaw, Montse Casadevall.

NB If your name is in bold it indicates that some action is required

2. Opening prayer : led by John for Christians in the Middle East.

3. Apologies : Fr John Gray,Tony Stavrou, Noreen McAllen, Brian Davies,

Patricia Davies, Mary Hallett, Tim Edwards, Hazel Edwards.

4. Minutes of meeting Friday Sept 14th : these had been emailed and were accepted.

5. Matters arising : the Cafod Harvest collection amounted to £875. The

WOW Bags total sent to the Philippines had not yet appeared in the

Newsletter. Mary would be reminded.

6. WOW bags : Denise confirmed that there would be a stall at Christchurch over the coming weekend.

S talls at St Augustine’s on Dec 1 st – 2 nd : as per the previous minutes

Patricia will arrange prior publicity. The stalls will be manned as follows:

Brian and Patricia 9.15; Tim, Hazel and Michelle(?) 11.15;

NB volunteers still needed for Sat. pm.

Glaxo stall: it was left to Tony to take this forward.


‘Live Simply’:

John referred to details of a Reading parish which had gained the award; its activities were very much in line with ours. However the Live Simply scheme was no longer prominent on the Cafod web site.

Adrian will pursue our Live Simply registration as a matter of urgency.

Pledge List : as previously agreed, this will be reissued on 24/25 th

November as an Advent activity. Suggestions were made to vary some of the ‘pledges’ to make them more relevant to the run-up to Christmas; however, they should not be too prescriptive. Adrian agreed to modify the list and circulate it to the group.

Fairtrade Week, March 2013 : perhaps the Confirmation group could be involved?

8. International Harvest Meal: after discussion it was reluctantly agreed that in the light of other events it would be better after Christmas under another name and would definitely take place in Jan/Feb 2013. A Thursday was thought best. (continued)


9. Christmas Cards: there is no tradition of selling Cafod cards in the

Parish; however Michelle has taken orders for cards and gifts from the


10. Year of Faith and Justice and Peace. The former may sometimes take priority in specific arrangements, but in general should provide impetus for all Parish activities.

11. AOB:

Prisoners of Conscience Christmas cards: following last year’s pattern it was agreed to ask Brian and Patricia if they would furnish the necessary information for signing to take place on Dec 8/9 th . Although late, this proved the only available weekend.

Salvation Army foodbank request: this had come via Tony; the need is proving much greater recently. After discussion it was proposed that : a) a collection box for food could be in place every 4 weeks. b) anyone wishing to contribute on a more regular basis should take it direct to the

Salvation Army. Hazel should be consulted and John would do this.

Adrian referred to the Caritas organisation and its increasing profile in

Britain as an umbrella for social support. However for the present it was agreed to keep to existing arrangements.

Parish Groups: in order to spread ‘Live Simply’ and other initiatives in the

Parish, John felt there was a need for an up to date list of all groups in the

Parish with contact numbers; this could also be useful in attracting new members and be relevant to the ‘Year of Faith’. Adrian recalled a ‘Group

Fair’ in the hall some years ago.

John agreed to approach Tracy as a starting point.

Prisoners Sunday, 18 th November: Fr John would be asked to include this in the bidding prayers.

12. Dates for next meeting: 18 th January 2013. Agenda to include the

International Supper and the best evening for J&P meetings; other items invited.

13. The meeting closed at 9.30pm with the Year of Faith prayer led by Adrian.

Post- meeting info: Food collection: Tim and Hazel have agreed to coordinate this with a box in the porch each month and an alert in the previous NL; anyone wishing to contribute between these times should do so directly to the Salvation Army; Fr John has approved.

Michele Beer i/c WOW Bags is now on the J&P email list.
