Unit Study Guide

Digital Design – Mrs. Bette
Photoshop Unit Study Guide
Key Terms:
 Anchor Point - The beginning of a new line segment
 Bevel - Angled sides that give a three-dimensional appearance
 Bitmap - An image that is created and stored using pixel values, loses image quality when
 Blending Modes - A tool that allows layers to interact with each other
 Clone - To copy a range of pixels for placement elsewhere in an image
 Clone Stamp - Duplicates the pixels of a selection and pastes them in another area
 Color Picker - Lets you create a specific color
 Crop - Deletes all of the image except the selected area
 File Name Extension - The letters displayed after a file name used to indicate the
type of file format, such as .jpg, .exe, and .doc
 Filter - A tool that creates distortions, textures, blurs, and more
 Flatten - To merge all layers in Photoshop into a single layer
 GIF - A format for saving a picture file
 Gradient - A gradual transformation from one color to another
 Highlight - A lighter area of an object caused by a light source
 Histogram - A graph that shows the number of pixels for each color in an image
 JPEG - File format that is compatible with many programs and good for general purposes
and can be used on Photoshop and Publisher
 Magic Wand - Tool used to select an object that is one solid color on a solid background or
to select a range of contiguous colors
 Magnetic Lasso - Tool used to select an irregular shaped object that has curves and
straight lines by “snapping” to its edges
 Marquee - A dotted line that shows the specified area that is selected
 Mask - A feature that hides areas of an image and does not delete the data
 Optical Zoom - Uses lenses in a digital camera to magnify an image and create very little
image distortion
 Paint Bucket - Fills an entire enclosed area
 Palette - A floating toolbar with a set of tools related to a particular action, such as adding
color or working with layers
Digital Design – Mrs. Bette
 Pixel - A picture-element, the smallest square of color in an image
 Polygon - An enclosed figure with straight sides
 PSD - Photoshop’s native file format
 Raster Graphic - Graphics made up of tiny colored squares (pixels) that work together to
form an image
 Resolution - The clarity of an image, measured in terms of pixels per inch (ppi) on the
monitor, or dots per inch (dpi) on the printer (Measurement of image quality)
 Retouch - To fix an image
 Saturation - The intensity/purity of the color
 Scalable - Resizable without any loss of image clarity or resolution
 Single Lens Reflex - A feature that allows the photographer to look through the camera’s
viewfinder and actually see the image through the camera lens
 Sponge - Saturates or desaturates a color
 TIFF - Format used most for printing, can be used on Photoshop and Publisher, and has
better quality than a JPEG
 Tile - A printing method for creating oversized documents, must be printed as a Publisher
 Vector - An image that is created and stored using mathematical formulas, can be
photographic quality and resized easily
 Resizing an image – Use the move tool, and click Show Transform Controls
 Undoing previous mistakes – Click an earlier action in the History palette
 Tolerance setting – Makes Selection tool choose wider ranges of image properties
 Images:
When stored at a lower resolution, they can usually be displayed clearer on a
The more ppi it has, the more time it’ll take to download if sent over the internet
Digital images can be obtained through Stock Photography, the Internet, and
 Can be edited independently
 Hide/Show layer(s) - Layers palette, click on the eye icon
to toggle on/off
 Making a layer appear on top of a separate layer - Layers palette, click and drag the layer
toward the top