Chabot College Fall 2007 Course Outline for Digital Media 31A PHOTOSHOP I Catalog Description: 31A - Photoshop I 1.5 units Introduction to the use of Photoshop software for creating and editing digital images. Topics include retouching and restoration of photographs, color management, digital painting, and preparing images for printing. 1 hour lecture, 2 hours laboratory. [Typical contact hours: lecture 17.5, laboratory 35] Prerequisite Skills: None Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. use basic operating system features, including navigation of the desktop, saving and moving files to various storage media, and adjusting system preferences; 2. launch Photoshop, navigate and customize its interface, use the tools available on its toolbars and palettes, and apply commands by means of menus and keyboard shortcuts; 3. create and save a document in a file format appropriate to its intended use; 4. undo moves with the History palette; 5. describe the differences between raster (bitmapped) and vector (object-oriented) images; 6. create and modify a vector path; 7. browse and import selected images into a document; 8. select and edit colors, use various color modes for their appropriate purposes, and manage color channels; 9. apply digital brushes and other painting tools; 10. apply and customize gradients; 11. restore and retouch images using tools such as the clone stamp, healing brush, and patch tool; 12. create patterns and textures; 13. create and modify masks to hide parts of images or protect them from modification; 14. use the Layers palette to create and customize layers. Course Content: 1. Basic operating system features, including navigation of the desktop, saving and moving files to various storage media, and adjusting system preferences 2. Launching Photoshop, navigating and customizing its interface, using the tools available on its toolbars and palettes, and applying commands by means of menus and keyboard shortcuts 3. Creating and saving a document in a file format appropriate to its intended use 4. Undoing moves with the History palette 5. Differences between raster (bitmapped) and vector (object-oriented) images 6. Creating and modifying vector paths 7. Browsing and importing images into a document 8. Selecting and editing colors, using various color modes for their appropriate purposes, and managing color channels 9. Applying digital brushes and other painting tools 10. Applying and customizing gradients Chabot College Course Outline for Digital Media 31A, page 2 Fall 2007 11. Restoring and retouching images using tools such as the clone stamp, healing brush, and patch tool 12. Creating patterns and textures 13. Creating and modifying masks to hide parts of images or protect them from modification 14. Using the Layers palette to create and customize layers Methods of Presentation: 1. Computer demonstrations 2. Lecture with whiteboard Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. Typical Assignments a. Create a digital file with a variety of brushes and colors b. Create a digital file with custom gradients, patterns and textures c. Restore and retouch an imperfect or damaged photograph d. Create a final digital project using a majority of the tools covered in the course. 2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Homework assignments b. Quizzes and exams, including a final exam Textbook(s) (Typical): Adobe Photoshop CS2 Classroom in a Book, Adobe Creative Team, Adobe Press, May 24, 2005 Special Student Materials: Portable file-storage device, such as a USB flash drive