Classroom Policies and Procedures Homework: All assignments for Humanities will be written on the board and on my website each Monday, and they will be reviewed for clarification in class. It is the students’ responsibility to stay up to date with their work. Late homework is not accepted; however, I do give students one homework pass per quarter and semester because life happens. :) It is my hope to get students ready for high school and to encourage them to manage their time well. Absence: It is the students’ responsibility to make-up missed work. If students are absent for one or two days, they will have one to two days to turn in the completed work. Students who are absent for longer than two days must make other arrangements with Ms. Poole. If students miss a quiz or test, students must arrange a time with Ms. Poole to take it. Buddy: It is recommended that all students have a buddy to call/email for missed assignments, for clarification on an assignment, or to study with for a quiz or test. However, assignments should never be copied; plagiarism or consenting to plagiarism will result in a zero. A note will be sent home and the office will be notified in the event of plagiarism. Binder: Students are asked to keep an organized binder or set of folders. From time to time, students will have scheduled and unscheduled binder checks. For English and social studies, students should have separate tabs/folders for quizzes/tests, classwork, and homework/projects. General Classroom Rules: Prompt - Be on time and ready to work. Students should be seated when the bell rings. Polite - Be respectful to teachers, staff, and peers. No profanity, fighting, insults, sexual harassment, ethnic jokes, or disruption of class (ie. outbursts, flipping pens/pencils, throwing objects across the room, or distracting noises). Proud - Students should take pride in their work and perform to the best of their ability. Productive - Come to class ready to learn. Students are expected to stay on task and use their time well without interrupting the learning of others. Prepared - Bring all needed materials to class and be ready to participate. Students should have their completed homework out when due. *No food, drink (water bottle is fine), candy, gum, or phones in class unless allowed for special occasions or instructional purposes. Consequences for Violating Classroom Rules: 1st time - Warning/Reminder 2nd time - Teacher Intervention (Teacher-Student Conference) 3rd time - Email home and/or after school detention 4th time - Call home and counselor-student conference 5th time - Office referral *Depending on the behavior (ie. fighting or yelling), an offense might warrant an office referral immediately. Michael Smith Block 5/6 9/17/15 Poole Requirements for Humanities Assignments: 1) Include a heading like the one above on all assignments, including, homework, essays, and projects, unless otherwise noted. After several warnings, students who turn in an assignment without a name/proper heading will receive a deduction in grade. 2) When turning in group work through Google Classroom, make sure to add the last names of all students to the assignment title to receive proper credit. 3) Use MLA format (New Times Roman, double space, 12pt font, one inch margins, and proper indentation) for final essays and projects. 4) All drafts and editing sheets must be included behind the final draft of an essay. 5) Turn in neatly presented assignments without food stains, ripped margins, wrinkles, or tears. The majority of assignments will be turned in through Google Classroom. 6) Use a pencil or a blue or black pen for handwritten homework assignments. 7) Turn in all homework on time, because it will not be accepted late unless previous arrangements have been made with Ms. Poole or a homework pass is used (only one day late and only on assignments that have not already been discussed in class). ======================================================================== Please print this page and sign your name below in receipt of reading the classroom policies and procedures. I hope to see you at the Meet and Greet and at Curriculum Night! _____________________________Student's Name ___________________________Student Signature _____________________________Parent's Name Signature ___________________________Parent Please feel free to share anything about your child below or via email. Thank you! :) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________