Pupil premium info for parents Sept 13

Pupil premium (PP) report Sept 13
In 2011-12 the government launched its pupil premium funding. The money was allocated to schools on
the basis of the number of children registered as eligible for free school meals (FSM). For 2012-13 this
funding was expanded to include all children eligible during the previous 6 years.
The money is allocated to ensure that children reach their full potential both academically and socially.
For 2012-13 we received £12600 pupil premium in our budget.
For 2013-14 we have received £19800.
The money is being used for:
2012/13 Y6
To enable children to make at least
booster sessions 2 levels progress during KS2 in
writing and maths
2013/14 – Y6 and
Y5 able maths
group with
To enable AA children to achieve
specialist teacher L6 maths
2012/13 Y2 maths To secure L2B for Y2 children
before entering KS2.
2012/13 Read
Write Inc
materials and
small group work
Speech and
language support
Communication in
Print resources
To give children the best possible
grounding in phonics and reading
skills – increasing the % of children
achieving the screening threshold
to 82%
To give children appropriate access
to programmes to develop speech
and language skills
To enable children to gain greater
access to the curriculum
Early Birds Club
To reduce incidents of late arrivals
and allow learning to start on time.
For school trips
To enhance the curriculum and
ensure the children are able to take
For extraTo give children the opportunity to
take part in new and challenging
activities eg music activities.
swimming, after
school clubs
Office – Pupil Premium
Impact on Attainment
2012/13 All children in receipt of Pupil
Premium, who were in our school during both
Y5 and Y6, made at least expected progress
in writing and maths
86% achieved L2B or above – an increase of
13% from 2011/12. All PP children achieved
L2B or above.
Phonics screening increased by 27% - target
All children retested in Y2 reached threshold
Children being enabled to receive support.
S&LT reports recognise progress made
Enables teachers to provide differentiated
resources which match children’s learning
needs and foster independence.
Pupil Premium children attending Early Birds
arrive in school before the start of the day.
Lateness reduced for these children from
28% to 4% .They are settled and ready to
learn joining their Read Write Inc Sessions
along with their class mates resulting in good
Children access learning opportunities
beyond the classroom, widening the scope of
their interests and supporting their learning in
This provides new opportunities for children
whose out of school activities are otherwise
limited. Through this they are able to explore
their strengths and develop to meet new
challenges. Raised self-esteem also impacts
positively on school work.