Pupil Premium Grant 2014/2015

As part of the Coalition Governments policy to improve the educational
attainment of underperforming pupils, additional funding of £1.300 per
pupil eligible for the FSMs has been allocated to schools through the Pupil
Premium Grant.
This allocation is based on the numbers of pupils in reception to year 6,
who have ever been entitled to Free School Meals since January 2008
(Ever 6 FSM), as recorded on census.
An additional allocation is also made for pupils of service personnel.
"Looked After Children" who meet the LAC criteria also receive an
allocation of £1.900. The allocations shown are only indicative the DfE will
confirm actual allocations in the Spring Term
Indicative Funding received for up to December 2015
How are we going to spend the funding
Enabling Enterprise Education
Booster Groups – Teaching Staff (including Reading
Recovery) 100% of salaries for 2 teachers.(FD/JB)
1 Additional Teaching Assistants (JS)
1 to 1 tuition/small group 2 teachers X 1 hr per week X 39
PATHs Programme + continuing training(3 new members of
staff)and support.
Read, Write Inc Spelling for KS 2 + resources/training
Project X Reading/Big Write Adventures
Maths Mastery (Initial Induction Year)
KS 1 Read Write Inc Resources +resources/training
KS1 English, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling – Rising
PixL (software to highlight gaps in knowledge and
Curriculum opportunities to close those gaps)
Lexia UK (3yrs Paid to 2016)
Early Years/Year 1 development/resources (Additional
Subscription to Sandwell Library Service
ITHardware – 15 iPads/30 laptops
Total Allocated
Total unallocated
The impact on our school will be; ensuring the equality of opportunity for those on the
Free School Meals Register
Posters/Panels – PLTS
3 laptops – SEN pupils Year 6
2 laptops - Reception
S Simple Profile – Reception assessment
Science Bug Curriculum
Busy Ants Maths Curriculum
Total unallocated