Report on the use of Pupil Premium Academic Year 2014-15 Annual Income and Expenditure Total income from Pupil Premium for 2014-15 £118,670 Expenditure on children eligible for Pupil Premium in 2014-15 £ cost Interventions Autumn 32561 Interventions Spring 19129 Interventions Summer 35759 Parental Engagement 14841 Managing Interventions for children in receipt of Pupil Premium 25735 Total Expenditure for 2014-15 £128,025 Annual Progress Average Progress for Children Eligible for Pupil Premium Academic Year 2014-15 Term £ Average Cost of intervention per Pupil Premium Child Average of Progress per Pupil Premium Child (APS) £ Average of Cost per Point of progress Autumn 169.40 1.35 246.96 Spring 117.04 1.61 83.41 Summer 244.97 1.42 285.62 2014-15 177.49 1.45 226.04 £ Cost per Point Progress (APS) £ Cost of intervention per Child Eligible for Pupil Premium £ Cost of Intervention for Children Eligible for Pupil Premium Intervention In 2014-15 Halley delivered 208 programmes of 91 different types of intervention details of some of these interventions are listed below. "Think About It" Programme 202.41 202.41 0.67 303.61 1:1 Reading 636.46 636.46 16.3 769.91 1:1 Reading & Maths 230.95 115.48 1.30 0.00 1:1 Speaking and Listening 202.41 202.41 1.33 151.81 1:1 Support 5190.9 5190.9 6.73 6920.9 Building Self Esteem 128.40 128.40 0.00 128.40 Colourful Semantic 124.26 124.26 0.70 177.52 Confidence Building 321.19 184.79 4.70 142.15 Develop Basic Math skills 181.60 90.80 2.80 0.00 Direct Phonics 463.48 154.49 6.10 75.98 Drawing and Talking Therapy 640.62 640.62 0.67 960.93 Early Words 245.67 142.27 8.03 71.49 515.3 515.3 4 257.64 Friendship Group 297.11 99.04 5.40 55.02 Handwriting 386.18 386.18 0.70 551.69 HLP Comprehension 263.04 87.68 12.70 39.26 Homework Club - Reading 122.84 122.84 0.70 175.49 Language for Thinking 236.47 188.67 11.40 134.76 Learning Mentor 233.09 233.09 2.00 116.55 Literacy Booster 463.89 115.97 12.40 110.98 Maths Booster 537.88 179.29 3.30 162.99 Maths Booster (Ooshl) 104.58 104.58 1.00 104.58 85.54 85.54 0.00 85.54 255.12 127.56 8.00 55.46 81.57 81.57 1.40 58.26 Maths Intervention 498.73 301.66 4.3 224.02 Maths Key Skills and Consolidation 148.29 77.51 4.00 77.51 Maths- Number 256.15 128.08 4.70 0.00 First Class @ Numbers Maths Booster Club Maths Catch Up Maths Catch Up – Number writing/recognition £ Cost per Point Progress (APS) £ Cost of intervention per Child Eligible for Pupil Premium £ Cost of Intervention for Children Eligible for Pupil Premium Intervention Mentoring 593.18 593.18 8.60 988.63 PAT 446.35 310.53 4.63 238.87 Peer Relationships 386.18 386.18 0.60 643.64 Phonics 566.36 240.53 12 82.93 Phonics/OT/Friendship 493.48 246.74 3.33 148.04 Pre-teaching Vocabulary 335.45 171.11 24.17 122.90 Read/Write Club 276.42 138.21 3.30 83.76 94.15 94.15 2.00 47.08 Reading Comprehension 470.78 470.78 10.97 784.63 Reading Partner Scheme 49.80 49.80 1.30 38.31 7497.99 499.87 18.30 409.73 Single Word and Spelling 345.21 345.21 3.33 103.56 Single Word Spelling Test 640.62 640.62 2.00 320.31 Social Interaction/Peer Relationship 282.89 141.45 0.70 404.13 Speaking and Listening 287.65 143.82 5.40 53.27 Speech & Language 287.65 143.82 13.40 53.27 Spelling Group 470.63 156.88 3.30 142.61 Talk Boost 133.02 133.02 5.33 49.88 Talk for Writing 168.95 84.48 0.07 2534.25 Talking into Writing 237.07 118.53 0.07 3556.02 Targeted social stories writing 271.04 271.04 1.40 193.60 Targeted Writing 184.79 184.79 3.30 56.00 Toe by Toe 302.20 302.20 10.67 252.12 Toe by toe phonics 255.83 85.28 4.00 63.96 Writing 431.08 215.54 5.40 0.00 Writing and Grammar Development 210.01 70.00 6.70 0.00 Writing Intervention 822.53 274.18 5.37 601.85 Reading School Journey