Diptford Pupil Premium Data 2014.15

Pupil Premium Data 2014 – 2015
Overview for Diptford School
Total number of Pupils on roll :81
Number of pupil benefiting from PPG (Pupil Premium Grant)
Total amount of PPG received (£)
After careful consideration of evidence and or own school priorities, during
2014/15 we spent the money on:
Vulnerable children have received “Thrive” support sessions.
Some children have received additional 1:1, small group teaching sessions.
Training for staff working with pupils who need specialist teaching/support.
Additional classroom support is provided for those pupils with additional
Additional enrichment opportunities including school trips, forest school,
school visitors.
Outcomes to date – Progress of Pupil Premium Pupils 2014/15
Reading: 3.1 points progress on average.
Writing: 3 points progress on average.
Maths: 3.3 points progress on average.
Planned Spending and Actions for 2015/16
Develop extra curricula opportunities.
Source further resources to support pupils in closing the gap.
Fund opportunities for children who are gifted and talented.