Quiz #5 World Revolutions Project Presentations

Quiz #5
World Revolutions Project Presentations
1. Which country’s revolt of the British Empire (England), resulted in the beginning of an
independent, democratic nation.
a. The Chinese Revolution
c. The Russian Revolution
b. The Cuban Revolution
d. The American Revolution
2. Causes of this country’s Revolution included high taxes on the 3rd Estate & the rising prices of bread.
a. The Mexican Revolution
c. The French Revolution
b. Modern Revolutions
d. The Cuban Revolution
3. France controlled this island nation in the Caribbean Sea resulting in a slave rebellion in 1791.
a. Haiti
c. England
b. Australia
4. The independence movements (Revolutions) in Mexico &other Latin American countries in the
1900s were influeneced by…
a. The desire for these countries to have monarch.
b. liberation theology.
c. high taxes on the 3rd Estate.
d. The success of the American and the French Revolutions to gain power for the people.
5. The Cuban Revolution led to the beginning of ______________________, and conflict between the
United States.
Russia (the USSR) supported this country and its government.
a. democracy
b. communism
c. a market economy
6. Revolutions today are caused by many of the same factors in history such as…
a. lack of citizen’s rights.
b. high food/goods prices.
c. ineffective leadership/government
d. all of the above.