Red Scarf Girl Webquest: Revolution, Culture, Communism

Pre-Reading Webquest for Red Scarf
Objective: Upon completion of this
webquest you will be able to answer:
• What is revolution? What is culture? What is a
“cultural revolution”?
• What are different reasons why people join
revolutions and movements for social change?
• How should resources be distributed in a
society? How do societies achieve greater
equality among their citizens? How do you
create a fair society?
• Watch this video
and answer the
questions in the
Revolution section.
• For more information about
revolutions read the
following link.
Cultural Revolution in China
• Read the text at this link
and answer the
questions in the
Cultural Revolution in
China section.
Mao Zedong
• First, watch this
video and answer
the questions in the
Mao Zedong
• Second, read about
Mao Zedong at the
following link.
• First, watch the video
on the right and
answer the questions
in the Communism
•For more information
on communism, read
the following link.